Értelmező szótár


Rendkívül gyakori
100 - 200
100 - 200
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.

Another -

Referring to an additional person or thing of the same type

Példa: I already have one book; I need another.
Használat: formalKontextus: academic or professional settings
Megjegyzés: Used to indicate a different or additional item of the same kind

Referring to a different person or thing

Példa: I don't want this shirt; show me another one.
Használat: informalKontextus: shopping or everyday conversations
Megjegyzés: Used when requesting a different item or option

Referring to one more person or thing

Példa: I'll have another cup of coffee, please.
Használat: informalKontextus: social gatherings or restaurants
Megjegyzés: Commonly used to ask for an additional serving or portion

Another szinonimái


Different means not the same as something or someone else. It implies a distinction or variation.
Példa: I would like to try a different approach to solving this problem.
Megjegyzés: Different emphasizes a contrast or variation, while 'another' suggests an additional or alternative option.


Additional means extra or more of something. It indicates something that is added to what already exists.
Példa: Do you have any additional information about the project?
Megjegyzés: Additional focuses on the concept of more or extra, whereas 'another' implies a separate or distinct item.


Alternate suggests a choice or option that is different from the original or usual one.
Példa: Let's consider an alternate route to avoid the traffic.
Megjegyzés: Alternate implies a different choice or option, while 'another' simply means one more of the same kind.

Another kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai

one after another

This phrase means in succession or consecutively, with each item or person following the previous one.
Példa: The students lined up to hand in their assignments one after another.
Megjegyzés: It emphasizes the sequential order of items or actions.

another day, another dollar

This is a saying that means each day brings new opportunities or challenges, especially in terms of work or routine tasks.
Példa: I may not love my job, but hey, another day, another dollar.
Megjegyzés: It suggests a resigned acceptance of the daily grind or routine.

another nail in the coffin

This idiom refers to something that contributes to the demise or failure of a situation or event.
Példa: The company's decision to downsize was another nail in the coffin for its struggling reputation.
Megjegyzés: It implies a negative impact or consequence.

another string to one's bow

This expression means acquiring an additional skill or ability that can be used to one's advantage.
Példa: Learning to play the piano gave her another string to her bow when applying for jobs.
Megjegyzés: It emphasizes the versatility or resourcefulness of a person.

another kettle of fish

This phrase denotes a situation or matter that is entirely different from the one being discussed or compared.
Példa: Fixing a car engine is one thing, but repairing a boat engine is another kettle of fish.
Megjegyzés: It highlights a significant contrast or distinction between two things.

another feather in one's cap

This idiom refers to an additional achievement or success that adds to one's accomplishments or reputation.
Példa: Winning the chess tournament was another feather in his cap, showcasing his strategic skills.
Megjegyzés: It emphasizes the positive impact or benefit of the achievement.

another day in paradise

This saying is used sarcastically to describe a situation that may seem far from ideal but is accepted as part of everyday life.
Példa: Despite the challenges, she smiled and said, 'Just another day in paradise.'
Megjegyzés: It humorously contrasts the reality of a situation with the notion of paradise.

Another hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései

Anotha one

A casual and colloquial way of saying 'another one'.
Példa: DJ Khaled's signature phrase is 'Anotha one!' when referring to wanting another one of something.
Megjegyzés: Informal and typically used in a more relaxed or playful context.


Jiffy is used informally to refer to a short amount of time or moment.
Példa: I'll be back in a jiffy to pick up another batch of cookies.
Megjegyzés: Informal and commonly used in everyday conversation.

Round two

Refers to the second iteration or another stage of an activity.
Példa: After finishing the first round of drinks, let's go for round two!
Megjegyzés: Casual and often used in reference to continuing an enjoyable or competitive event.

One more

A simple way of expressing the desire for an additional instance of something.
Példa: Can I have just one more piece of cake?
Megjegyzés: Direct and commonly used in informal settings.

A different one

Suggests a desire for an alternative or another option.
Példa: I don't like this book, can I borrow a different one?
Megjegyzés: Indicates a preference for an alternative without specific details.

Another - Példák

I need another pen.
Can I have another piece of cake?
He bought another book from the store.
She wants to try another flavor of ice cream.

Another nyelvtana

Another - Névmás (Pronoun) / Határozó (Determiner)
Szótári alak: another
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
Another 3 szótagot tartalmaz: an • oth • er
Fonetikus írás: ə-ˈnə-t͟hər
an oth er , ə ˈnə t͟hər (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)

Another - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság

A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
Another: 100 - 200 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
A Vocafy segít felfedezni, rendszerezni és könnyedén megtanulni új szavakat és kifejezéseket. Építs személyre szabott szókincs gyűjteményeket, és gyakorolj bármikor, bárhol.