Koleksi \ Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris (Inggris) - Hongaria

Passive Voice

Melinda 2024-04-15 voca
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Passive Voice

Grammatical construction used to emphasize the action or the receiver of the action rather than the doer. Formed by using a form of the verb "to be" (such as **"is", "am", "are", "was", "were", "has been", "have been", "had been"**) followed by the past participle form of the main verb.

Active Voice: Subject + V + Object
Passive Voice: Object + form of TO BE + V3 + (by + Subject)

For example:
Active: The cat chased the mouse.
Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.

Active: The chef bakes the cake.
Passive: The cake is baked by the chef.


Tense "To be" Passive Voice
Present Simple am, is, are is (are) + V3
Present Continuous am being, is being, are being is (are) being + V3
Present Perfect have been, has been has (have) been + V3
Past Simple was, were was (were) + V3
Past Continuous was being, were being was (were) being + V3
Past Perfect had been had been + V3
Future Simple will be will be + V3
Future Perfect will have been will have been + V3
Conditional I would be would be + V3
Conditional II would have been would have been + V3


Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple The chef bakes the cake. The cake is baked by the chef.
Present Continuous The chef is baking the cake. The cake is being baked by the chef.
Present Perfect The chef has baked the cake. The cake has been baked by the chef.
Past Simple The chef baked the cake. The cake was baked by the chef.
Past Continuous The chef was baking the cake. The cake was being baked by the chef.
Past Perfect The chef had baked the cake. The cake had been baked by the chef.
Future Simple The chef will bake the cake. The cake will be baked by the chef.
Future Perfect The chef will have baked the cake. The cake will have been baked by the chef.
Conditional I The chef would bake the cake. The cake would be baked by the chef.
Conditional II The chef would have baked the cake. The cake would have been baked by the chef.
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