Bahasa Inggris - Prancis


Sangat Umum
600 - 700
600 - 700
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

image, photo, représentation, scène, idée

Makna Picture dalam bahasa Perancis


I took a picture of the sunset.
J'ai pris une image du coucher de soleil.
She showed me a picture of her family.
Elle m'a montré une image de sa famille.
Penggunaan: informalKonteks: General use, discussing photographs or visual representations.
Catatan: The word 'image' is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to refer to photographs, illustrations, or any visual representation.


Can I see your vacation pictures?
Puis-je voir tes photos de vacances ?
He posted a picture from the party on social media.
Il a posté une photo de la fête sur les réseaux sociaux.
Penggunaan: informalKonteks: Casual conversations, social media, and personal sharing.
Catatan: 'Photo' is a borrowed word from English and is widely used in French, especially in the context of social media.


The picture he painted was beautiful.
La représentation qu'il a peinte était belle.
In this picture, the artist captures the essence of nature.
Dans cette représentation, l'artiste capture l'essence de la nature.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Art, literature, and discussions about representations.
Catatan: The term 'représentation' is more abstract and refers to any form of depiction or portrayal, not limited to visuals.


The picture depicted a serene lake scene.
La scène décrite dans l'image montrait un lac serein.
The picture of the city was vibrant and full of life.
La scène de la ville était vibrante et pleine de vie.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Literary contexts, discussions of visual arts.
Catatan: 'Scène' often refers to a scene or setting depicted in theatre, literature, or visual arts.


He painted a picture of despair.
Il a peint une idée de désespoir.
The picture she painted conveyed a sense of hope.
L'idée qu'elle a peinte transmettait un sentiment d'espoir.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Art critique, literary analysis.
Catatan: In some contexts, 'picture' is used metaphorically to refer to an idea or concept that is illustrated or conveyed through art or speech.

Sinonim Picture


An image refers to a visual representation or picture of something.
Contoh: She captured a beautiful image of the sunset.
Catatan: Image is a more formal term compared to picture.


A photo is a shortened form of photograph, which is a picture taken with a camera.
Contoh: I took a photo of the Eiffel Tower during my trip to Paris.
Catatan: Photo specifically refers to a picture taken with a camera.


A snapshot is a quick, informal photograph taken in a spontaneous moment.
Contoh: He took a snapshot of the group at the party.
Catatan: Snapshot implies a quick or candid picture.


A portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually focuses on their face.
Contoh: The artist painted a stunning portrait of the woman.
Catatan: Portrait specifically refers to a picture of a person, often emphasizing their facial features.


An illustration is a drawing, painting, or other artwork used to visually explain, decorate, or accompany a text.
Contoh: The book was filled with beautiful illustrations.
Catatan: Illustration is often used in the context of books or articles to enhance understanding.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Picture

A picture is worth a thousand words

This phrase means that a picture can convey a complex idea more effectively than words alone.
Contoh: I can describe the beauty of this place, but a picture is worth a thousand words.
Catatan: The phrase emphasizes the idea that images can be more powerful and impactful than text.

Paint a picture

To paint a picture means to describe something in a way that creates a clear mental image.
Contoh: The author's vivid descriptions really paint a picture of the setting in the reader's mind.
Catatan: This phrase uses the idea of painting to convey the act of creating a visual representation through words.

In the picture

This phrase means to be involved or included in a situation or plan.
Contoh: She wasn't in the picture when the decision was made.
Catatan: It uses 'picture' metaphorically to refer to a situation or context.

Get the picture

To understand or grasp a situation or concept.
Contoh: I explained it several times, but he still doesn't get the picture.
Catatan: The phrase uses 'picture' to imply a complete understanding or comprehension of a situation.

A picture of health

This phrase refers to someone who looks very healthy and fit.
Contoh: Despite his age, he's still a picture of health.
Catatan: It uses 'picture' to describe someone's physical appearance.


Something that is flawless, ideal, or visually perfect.
Contoh: The newlyweds posed for a picture-perfect moment on the beach.
Catatan: The phrase combines 'picture' with 'perfect' to describe something that looks as perfect as a carefully composed photo.

Painting a false picture

To create a misleading or inaccurate impression of something.
Contoh: The media is painting a false picture of the situation to sensationalize it.
Catatan: This phrase uses 'painting' to suggest the act of creating a false or deceptive representation.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Picture


Shortened form of 'picture'. Commonly used in informal conversations and text messaging.
Contoh: Hey, can you send me that pic we took yesterday?
Catatan: Informal, abbreviated form of 'picture'.


Refers to a visual representation such as a diagram, chart, or image.
Contoh: I need a visual to understand how the system works.
Catatan: Focuses on the visual aspect and representation rather than the word 'picture' itself.


Refers to a specific section or moment captured in a visual medium.
Contoh: Let's take a closer look at that frame from the video.
Catatan: Narrower focus on a section or moment within a picture or video.

Snapshot in time

A moment or event frozen in time, like a photograph.
Contoh: The painting is like a snapshot in time, capturing the essence of the era.
Catatan: Emphasizes the idea of frozen time within a captured image.


A single frame extracted from a moving image, often used in film production.
Contoh: The still from the movie is iconic.
Catatan: Specifically refers to a single frame from a video or movie.

Picture - Contoh

The picture on the wall is beautiful.
La photo sur le mur est belle.
She drew a picture of her dog.
Elle a dessiné une image de son chien.
I need to take a picture of this view.
J'ai besoin de prendre une photo de cette vue.

Tata bahasa Picture

Picture - Kata benda (Noun) / Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: picture
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): pictures
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): picture
Kata kerja, bentuk lampau (Verb, past tense): pictured
Kata kerja, gerund atau partisip kini (Verb, gerund or present participle): picturing
Kata kerja, orang ketiga tunggal kini (Verb, 3rd person singular present): pictures
Kata kerja, bentuk dasar (Verb, base form): picture
Kata kerja, kini bukan orang ketiga tunggal (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): picture
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
picture mengandung 2 suku kata: pic • ture
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈpik-chər
pic ture , ˈpik chər (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Picture - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
picture: 600 - 700 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.