Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
400 - 500
400 - 500
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

bukti, petunjuk, fakta, indikasi

Makna Evidence dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata 'evidence' dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk merujuk pada informasi, fakta, atau bukti yang mendukung suatu klaim atau pernyataan. Penggunaan kata ini sering ditemui dalam konteks hukum, penelitian, dan diskusi ilmiah, tetapi juga dapat digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari untuk menunjukkan dukungan terhadap suatu argumen.

Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:

  1. "The evidence presented in court was decisive." (Bukti yang diajukan di pengadilan sangat menentukan.)
  2. "There is no evidence to support his claims." (Tidak ada bukti untuk mendukung klaimnya.)
  3. "The scientist gathered evidence to prove his theory." (Ilmuwan tersebut mengumpulkan bukti untuk membuktikan teorinya.)

Kata ini biasanya digunakan dalam konteks formal, seperti dalam diskusi akademis, laporan penelitian, atau prosedur hukum. Namun, dapat juga digunakan dalam situasi informal ketika seseorang ingin memberikan alasan atau dukungan untuk pendapat mereka.

Frasa umum yang menggunakan kata 'evidence' termasuk:

  • "Evidence-based" (berdasarkan bukti), sering digunakan dalam konteks medis atau penelitian.
  • "Lack of evidence" (kurangnya bukti), yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada dukungan yang cukup untuk suatu klaim.

Kesalahan umum yang mungkin terjadi adalah penggunaan 'evidence' sebagai kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), sehingga tidak perlu ditambahkan 's' di akhir. Misalnya, "evidences" adalah salah dan seharusnya hanya 'evidence'.

Kata yang berkaitan:

  • Sinonim: proof, indication, testimony (bukti, indikasi, kesaksian).
  • Antonim: doubt, uncertainty (keraguan, ketidakpastian).

Dalam hal pengucapan, 'evidence' diucapkan sebagai /ˈɛvɪdəns/. Penekanan terletak pada suku kata pertama.

Dari segi tata bahasa, 'evidence' adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Etymology-nya berasal dari bahasa Latin 'evidentia', yang berarti 'kejelasan' atau 'ketepatan'.

Makna Evidence dalam bahasa Indonesia


The detective found new evidence at the crime scene.
Detektif menemukan bukti baru di lokasi kejahatan.
We need more evidence to support our claims.
Kita membutuhkan lebih banyak bukti untuk mendukung klaim kita.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Used in legal, scientific, or investigative contexts.
Catatan: This is the most common translation used in formal settings, particularly in law and science.


The clues served as evidence of his guilt.
Petunjuk-petunjuk tersebut berfungsi sebagai bukti dari kesalahannya.
Her testimony is strong evidence of the events that occurred.
Kesaksiannya adalah bukti kuat dari peristiwa yang terjadi.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Can be used in both casual and serious discussions, often related to investigations.
Catatan: This meaning emphasizes hints or indications rather than concrete proof.


The evidence presented was based on solid facts.
Bukti yang disajikan didasarkan pada fakta yang kuat.
He couldn't deny the evidence; the facts were clear.
Dia tidak bisa membantah bukti tersebut; faktanya jelas.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in discussions where factual information is being highlighted.
Catatan: This translation highlights the objective nature of evidence as being factual.


The evidence indicates that the project was successful.
Bukti menunjukkan bahwa proyek tersebut berhasil.
There is evidence to suggest a change in weather patterns.
Ada bukti yang menunjukkan perubahan pola cuaca.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Commonly used in scientific or analytical discussions.
Catatan: This meaning focuses more on the implications or suggestions drawn from the evidence.

Sinonim Evidence


Proof refers to evidence or information that shows something is true or valid.
Contoh: The fingerprints on the weapon were crucial proof in solving the case.
Catatan: Proof is often more concrete and definitive than evidence, suggesting a higher level of certainty.


Confirmation is evidence that supports or verifies a fact or belief.
Contoh: The DNA test provided confirmation of the suspect's identity.
Catatan: Confirmation implies a higher degree of certainty or validation compared to evidence.


Indication refers to a sign or signal that suggests something is true or likely to happen.
Contoh: The sudden drop in temperature was an indication that winter was approaching.
Catatan: Indication is often a subtle or indirect form of evidence, hinting at a possibility rather than proving it outright.


A sign is a visible or noticeable indication of something.
Contoh: The dark clouds were a sign that a storm was approaching.
Catatan: A sign can be more visual or observable compared to evidence, which can encompass a broader range of supporting information.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Evidence

Circumstantial evidence

Circumstantial evidence is evidence that suggests a fact is true but does not prove it directly.
Contoh: The prosecution presented circumstantial evidence linking the suspect to the crime scene.
Catatan: Circumstantial evidence indirectly implies a conclusion rather than directly proving it.

Hard evidence

Hard evidence refers to evidence that is definitive and irrefutable, providing strong support for a claim.
Contoh: The detective needed hard evidence to make an arrest in the case.
Catatan: Hard evidence is solid and undeniable proof, unlike general evidence which may be open to interpretation.

Tangible evidence

Tangible evidence is physical evidence that can be touched or seen.
Contoh: The fingerprints found at the crime scene were tangible evidence of the suspect's presence.
Catatan: Tangible evidence refers to concrete, physical proof, contrasting with abstract or subjective evidence.

Anecdotal evidence

Anecdotal evidence is based on personal accounts or stories rather than scientific analysis or facts.
Contoh: While interesting, anecdotal evidence may not always be reliable in a court of law.
Catatan: Anecdotal evidence relies on personal experiences or observations, which may not be universally applicable or verifiable.

Direct evidence

Direct evidence is evidence that directly proves a fact, without the need for inference or interpretation.
Contoh: The video recording of the incident provided direct evidence of what happened.
Catatan: Direct evidence explicitly and conclusively demonstrates a fact, unlike circumstantial evidence which implies a conclusion.

Incriminating evidence

Incriminating evidence is evidence that suggests a person's guilt or involvement in a crime.
Contoh: The discovery of the murder weapon was crucial incrminating evidence in the trial.
Catatan: Incriminating evidence points towards someone's culpability, unlike neutral evidence that does not indicate guilt or innocence.

Forensic evidence

Forensic evidence is scientific evidence obtained through the application of forensic techniques and analysis.
Contoh: The forensic evidence collected at the scene helped solve the mystery.
Catatan: Forensic evidence involves specialized scientific methods to gather and interpret evidence, particularly in legal or criminal investigations.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Evidence


Clues are pieces of evidence that help solve a mystery or crime.
Contoh: The detectives examined the clues left at the crime scene.
Catatan: Clues are specific pieces of evidence that lead to a conclusion.


Signs are physical evidence or marks that indicate a particular situation.
Contoh: There were signs of a struggle in the room.
Catatan: Signs are more visual or physical manifestations of evidence.


Cues are subtle signals or indications that can be used as evidence.
Contoh: Her nervous demeanor gave off subtle cues that she was not being truthful.
Catatan: Cues are often non-verbal hints or signals rather than direct evidence.


Pointers are indications or clues that suggest a particular direction or conclusion.
Contoh: The report provided several pointers towards the suspect's involvement.
Catatan: Pointers give a sense of direction or guidance in interpreting evidence.


Traces are small amounts or signs of a substance or presence left behind.
Contoh: There were traces of blood on the victim's clothing.
Catatan: Traces are remnants or small amounts of evidence that indicate a past presence.

Evidence - Contoh

Evidence suggests that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
Bukti menunjukkan bahwa tersangka berada di lokasi kejadian.
The DNA sample is a crucial piece of evidence in the investigation.
Sampel DNA adalah bukti penting dalam penyelidikan.
There is no evidence to support the claim that vaccines cause autism.
Tidak ada bukti yang mendukung klaim bahwa vaksin menyebabkan autisme.

Tata bahasa Evidence

Evidence - Kata benda (Noun) / Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: evidence
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): evidences, evidence
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): evidence
Kata kerja, bentuk lampau (Verb, past tense): evidenced
Kata kerja, gerund atau partisip kini (Verb, gerund or present participle): evidencing
Kata kerja, orang ketiga tunggal kini (Verb, 3rd person singular present): evidences
Kata kerja, bentuk dasar (Verb, base form): evidence
Kata kerja, kini bukan orang ketiga tunggal (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): evidence
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
evidence mengandung 3 suku kata: ev • i • dence
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈe-və-dən(t)s
ev i dence , ˈe dən(t)s (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Evidence - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
evidence: 400 - 500 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.