Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
500 - 600
500 - 600
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

alam, sifat, karakter, keadaan

Makna Nature dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata "nature" dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk merujuk pada lingkungan alami, termasuk flora, fauna, dan pemandangan alam. Dalam konteks sehari-hari, kata ini sering digunakan dalam berbagai situasi, baik formal maupun informal.

Contoh penggunaan:

  1. "I love spending time in nature." (Saya suka menghabiskan waktu di alam.)
  2. "The nature of the problem is complex." (Sifat dari masalah ini adalah kompleks.)
  3. "We should protect nature for future generations." (Kita harus melindungi alam untuk generasi mendatang.)

Kata "nature" juga muncul dalam ungkapan umum seperti:

  • "Mother Nature" (Ibu Alam): merujuk pada kekuatan alam.
  • "In nature" (Di alam): merujuk pada sesuatu yang terjadi secara alami.
  • "Human nature" (Sifat manusia): merujuk pada karakteristik dan perilaku manusia.

Konteks penggunaan kata ini bervariasi. Dalam konteks formal, "nature" sering digunakan dalam diskusi akademis atau lingkungan, seperti dalam laporan ilmiah atau presentasi. Dalam konteks informal, kata ini dapat digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari tentang hobi atau kegiatan luar ruangan.

Kesalahan umum dalam penggunaan kata ini termasuk:

  • Menggunakan "nature" untuk merujuk pada hal-hal yang tidak berhubungan dengan lingkungan alami. Misalnya, mengatakan "the nature of my job" (sifat pekerjaan saya) tidak salah, tetapi bisa membingungkan bagi yang tidak terbiasa dengan konteks tersebut.

Kata-kata terkait:

  • Sinonim: "environment" (lingkungan), "wildlife" (satwa liar).
  • Antonim: "artificial" (buatan), "man-made" (diciptakan manusia).

Nuansa pengucapan: Kata "nature" diucapkan /ˈneɪ.tʃər/ dengan penekanan pada suku kata pertama.

Etymologi: Kata "nature" berasal dari bahasa Latin "natura," yang berarti "kelahiran" atau "karakter." Ini menunjukkan hubungan antara kata ini dan konsep yang lebih luas tentang asal-usul dan karakteristik sesuatu.

Makna Nature dalam bahasa Indonesia


We should protect nature for future generations.
Kita harus melindungi alam untuk generasi mendatang.
The beauty of nature is breathtaking.
Keindahan alam sangat memukau.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in discussions about the environment, conservation, and outdoor activities.
Catatan: Commonly used to refer to the physical world and its phenomena, including plants, animals, and landscapes.


It is in her nature to be kind to others.
Adalah sifatnya untuk bersikap baik kepada orang lain.
His nature is to be curious and adventurous.
Sifatnya adalah ingin tahu dan suka petualangan.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in discussions about personality traits or inherent characteristics of individuals or groups.
Catatan: Often used in psychological or philosophical contexts to describe inherent qualities or dispositions.


The nature of the problem is quite complex.
Karakter masalahnya cukup kompleks.
Understanding the nature of the relationship is important.
Memahami karakter hubungan itu penting.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in discussions about the essence or character of situations, problems, or relationships.
Catatan: This meaning emphasizes the fundamental qualities or characteristics of something.


The nature of the economy has changed significantly.
Keadaan ekonomi telah berubah secara signifikan.
The nature of their disagreement was unclear.
Keadaan perselisihan mereka tidak jelas.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in discussions about the state or condition of things, often in academic or analytical contexts.
Catatan: This usage refers to the overall situation or condition rather than specific traits.

Sinonim Nature


Environment refers to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. It can encompass both natural and man-made elements.
Contoh: The environment plays a crucial role in shaping the behavior of living organisms.
Catatan: Nature specifically refers to the natural world, while environment has a broader scope that includes both natural and man-made surroundings.


Character can refer to the distinctive qualities or features of something, such as a place or a person. It can also denote the inherent nature or essence of something.
Contoh: The character of the landscape changed as we moved from the mountains to the coast.
Catatan: Character is more focused on the distinctive qualities or inherent traits of something, whereas nature has a broader meaning encompassing the natural world as a whole.


Essence refers to the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something. It encapsulates the fundamental nature or most important aspect of a thing.
Contoh: The essence of a forest is its abundance of diverse plant and animal life.
Catatan: Essence emphasizes the fundamental or intrinsic quality of something, while nature can refer to the physical world, natural phenomena, or inherent characteristics.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Nature

force of nature

Someone who has a powerful and unstoppable presence or personality.
Contoh: She's a force of nature in the business world, always leading with confidence and determination.
Catatan: This phrase refers to a person's characteristics rather than the natural world.

back to nature

Returning to a simpler way of living, often in a natural environment.
Contoh: After a stressful week, I love to go camping and get back to nature to relax.
Catatan: This phrase implies a return to a more basic or primal state, away from modern conveniences.

call of nature

Politely referring to the need to urinate or defecate.
Contoh: Excuse me, I need to answer the call of nature, I'll be right back.
Catatan: This phrase is a euphemism for a bodily function rather than a literal call from nature.

force of habit

Doing something automatically or unconsciously due to long-standing practice.
Contoh: Even though he knew it was unhealthy, he continued to eat junk food out of force of habit.
Catatan: This phrase refers to behavior patterns rather than natural occurrences.

in the nature of

Characteristic or typical of something.
Contoh: It's in the nature of cats to be curious and independent animals.
Catatan: This phrase describes inherent qualities or characteristics rather than the physical world.

second nature

Something that is so familiar that it is done without much thought or effort.
Contoh: After years of practice, playing the piano became second nature to her.
Catatan: This phrase refers to learned behavior that becomes automatic rather than being innate like nature.

against your nature

Contrary to one's natural disposition or instincts.
Contoh: Forcing himself to be dishonest was against his nature, so he decided to come clean.
Catatan: This phrase highlights actions or behaviors that go against personal tendencies rather than natural phenomena.

law of nature

Fundamental principles that govern the natural world.
Contoh: The law of nature dictates that what goes up must come down due to gravity.
Catatan: This phrase refers to scientific principles rather than the broader concept of nature itself.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Nature

Mother Nature

Refers to nature personified as a motherly figure that controls the natural world.
Contoh: Mother Nature can be unpredictable, so always be prepared for changes in the weather.
Catatan: Mother Nature is used to emphasize the nurturing, life-giving aspects of nature.

Get back to nature

Means to return to a natural environment or way of living to connect with nature.
Contoh: I need to get back to nature and spend some time in the wilderness to recharge my energy.
Catatan: It suggests a deliberate choice to reconnect with the natural world for mental or physical rejuvenation.

Nature lover

Describes someone who has a deep appreciation and affection for the natural world.
Contoh: She's a true nature lover and spends most of her free time hiking in the mountains.
Catatan: Unlike 'nature' which refers to the physical world, 'nature lover' highlights an individual's emotional connection to nature.

Nature trail

A designated path or trail in a natural setting for hiking or leisurely walks.
Contoh: Let's take a walk along the nature trail and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery.
Catatan: The term 'nature trail' focuses on a specific man-made path in a natural environment, differentiating it from the broader concept of 'nature'.

Nature - Contoh

Nature is beautiful in the fall.
Alam itu indah di musim gugur.
The nature of the problem is complex.
Sifat dari masalah ini kompleks.
Her natural talent for music is impressive.
Bakat alaminya dalam musik sangat mengesankan.

Tata bahasa Nature

Nature - Kata benda (Noun) / Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: nature
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): natures, nature
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): nature
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
nature mengandung 2 suku kata: na • ture
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈnā-chər
na ture , ˈnā chər (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Nature - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
nature: 500 - 600 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.