Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
500 - 600
500 - 600
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

Lulus, Mengalir (melalui), Memberikan (izin), Mengizinkan (masuk), Lewati, Bergulir

Makna Pass dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata "pass" dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki berbagai penggunaan dalam konteks sehari-hari. Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai penggunaannya.

  1. Makna Umum:

    • "Pass" dapat berarti melewati sesuatu, baik secara fisik maupun dalam konteks lain. Contoh: "Please pass the salt" (Tolong berikan garamnya).
    • Dalam konteks waktu, "pass" dapat berarti berlalu. Contoh: "Time passes quickly" (Waktu berlalu dengan cepat).
  2. Penggunaan dalam Konteks:

    • Melewati: Digunakan ketika seseorang ingin meminta atau memberi sesuatu. Contoh: "Can you pass me the book?" (Bisakah kamu berikan buku itu padaku?).
    • Lulus: Dalam konteks pendidikan, "pass" berarti lulus dalam ujian. Contoh: "I hope I pass the exam" (Saya berharap saya lulus ujian).
    • Memberikan izin: "Pass" juga dapat berarti memberikan izin atau otorisasi. Contoh: "He passed the information to his team" (Dia memberikan informasi kepada timnya).
  3. Frasa Umum:

    • "Pass by": Melewati tanpa berhenti. Contoh: "I saw her pass by" (Saya melihat dia lewat).
    • "Pass out": Pingsan atau kehilangan kesadaran. Contoh: "He passed out from exhaustion" (Dia pingsan karena kelelahan).
    • "Pass the time": Menghabiskan waktu. Contoh: "We passed the time by playing games" (Kami menghabiskan waktu dengan bermain game).
  4. Konteks Formal dan Informal:

    • Penggunaan "pass" dapat terjadi dalam situasi formal dan informal. Dalam konteks formal, seperti dalam rapat atau presentasi, "pass" bisa digunakan untuk mendiskusikan persetujuan atau izin. Dalam konteks informal, seperti percakapan sehari-hari, "pass" lebih sering digunakan untuk meminta atau memberikan sesuatu.
  5. Kesalahan Umum:

    • Penggunaan yang salah sering terjadi ketika "pass" digunakan dalam konteks yang tidak tepat, seperti menggunakan "pass" untuk menyatakan "menolak" sesuatu, yang seharusnya menggunakan kata lain seperti "decline".
  6. Kata Terkait:

    • Sinonim: "give", "transfer", "hand over".
    • Antonim: "stop", "stay", "hold".
  7. Nuansa Pengucapan:

    • Kata "pass" diucapkan dengan bunyi /pæs/. Perhatikan bahwa pengucapan harus jelas, terutama dalam konteks formal.
  8. Etymologi:

    • Kata "pass" berasal dari bahasa Latin "passare", yang berarti "melewati" atau "mengizinkan".

Penggunaan kata "pass" dalam bahasa Inggris sangat beragam dan dapat ditemukan dalam banyak konteks sehari-hari.

Makna Pass dalam bahasa Indonesia


I hope to pass the exam next week.
Saya berharap bisa lulus ujian minggu depan.
She passed her driving test on the first try.
Dia lulus ujian mengemudi pada percobaan pertama.
Penggunaan: FormalKonteks: Educational or testing situations.
Catatan: Used to indicate successfully completing a test or requirement.

Mengalir (melalui)

The river passes through the city.
Sungai itu mengalir melalui kota.
The train passes by the station every hour.
Kereta melintas di stasiun setiap jam.
Penggunaan: Formal/InformalKonteks: Geographical or movement contexts.
Catatan: Can refer to physical movement or flow through a space.

Memberikan (izin)

He passed the message to his friend.
Dia memberikan pesan itu kepada temannya.
Please pass me the salt.
Tolong berikan saya garam itu.
Penggunaan: InformalKonteks: Everyday communication.
Catatan: Commonly used in requests to hand over something.

Mengizinkan (masuk)

They will not pass you into the club without a membership.
Mereka tidak akan mengizinkan Anda masuk ke klub tanpa keanggotaan.
The guard passed the visitors after checking their IDs.
Penjaga mengizinkan pengunjung masuk setelah memeriksa identitas mereka.
Penggunaan: FormalKonteks: Security or access situations.
Catatan: Used when referring to granting permission to enter a place.


I decided to pass on the dessert.
Saya memutuskan untuk melewati makanan penutup.
Let's pass this round and go to the next one.
Mari kita lewati putaran ini dan lanjut ke putaran berikutnya.
Penggunaan: InformalKonteks: Social or casual situations.
Catatan: Often used to indicate skipping something, like food or an opportunity.


Time passed slowly during the lecture.
Waktu berlalu lambat selama kuliah.
The years passed quickly after graduation.
Tahun-tahun berlalu dengan cepat setelah kelulusan.
Penggunaan: Formal/InformalKonteks: Temporal situations.
Catatan: Describes the flow of time or events.

Sinonim Pass


To achieve a desired outcome or goal.
Contoh: She worked hard to succeed in her exams.
Catatan: While 'pass' generally refers to achieving a minimum standard or level, 'succeed' implies achieving a positive outcome or reaching a goal.


To pass through a test or examination successfully.
Contoh: He cleared the test with flying colors.
Catatan: Similar to 'pass,' but 'clear' often implies passing with distinction or ease.


To move forward or progress, especially after meeting a requirement.
Contoh: She advanced to the next level of the competition.
Catatan: While 'pass' focuses on meeting a standard, 'advance' emphasizes moving forward or progressing to the next stage.


To meet the necessary requirements or standards.
Contoh: He qualified for the final round of the competition.
Catatan: Similar to 'pass,' but 'qualify' often implies meeting specific criteria or standards.

Sail through

To pass easily or comfortably without difficulty.
Contoh: She sailed through the interview effortlessly.
Catatan: This phrase emphasizes passing with ease or minimal effort.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Pass

Pass away

To die or to stop living.
Contoh: My grandfather passed away last week.
Catatan: Pass away specifically refers to the act of dying.

Pass out

To lose consciousness; to faint.
Contoh: She passed out from exhaustion during the marathon.
Catatan: Pass out is used to describe a sudden loss of consciousness.

Pass by

To go past something or someone without stopping.
Contoh: I saw the bus pass by without stopping.
Catatan: Pass by indicates movement past a point without interacting or stopping.

Pass off

To present or represent something as genuine or real when it is not.
Contoh: He tried to pass off the fake painting as an original.
Catatan: Pass off involves deceiving or pretending something is different than it actually is.

Pass on

To choose not to accept or do something; to decline or reject.
Contoh: I will pass on dessert tonight; I'm too full.
Catatan: Pass on involves refusing or opting out of something.

Pass up

To miss or let go of an opportunity; to not take advantage of something.
Contoh: Don't pass up the opportunity to study abroad; it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance.
Catatan: Pass up implies a missed chance or opportunity.

Pass the buck

To shift responsibility or blame to someone else.
Contoh: The manager always passes the buck when there's a problem, never taking responsibility.
Catatan: Pass the buck involves avoiding responsibility by passing it to another person.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Pass

Pass the torch

To transfer responsibility or authority to someone else, typically to a successor or a younger person.
Contoh: It's time for me to retire and pass the torch to the younger generation.
Catatan: This slang term implies a symbolic act of passing on leadership or responsibility, often from an older person to a younger one.

Pass the vibe

To share or spread a positive atmosphere, energy, or vibe.
Contoh: Let's pass the good vibes around and make this party amazing!
Catatan: In this context, 'pass' is used to indicate transmitting or circulating positive vibes among a group of people.

Pass for

To be accepted or mistaken as something or someone else.
Contoh: With those new glasses, you could easily pass for a movie star.
Catatan: This phrase suggests that someone is able to be perceived or mistaken as something they are not, often used in terms of appearance or identity.

Pass as

Similar to 'pass for,' to be seen or accepted as something or someone else.
Contoh: His fake ID was so good that he could easily pass as 21 years old.
Catatan: This term is used when someone's appearance or behavior allows them to be seen or accepted as a different identity, often in situations like age verification or impersonation.

Pass muster

To meet the required standard or level of acceptability.
Contoh: I hope this report will pass muster with the boss; I worked really hard on it.
Catatan: This slang term refers to meeting specific criteria or standards, often in terms of approval or assessment.

Take a pass at

To decline or reject the opportunity or offer.
Contoh: I think I'll take a pass at the job offer; it just doesn't feel right for me.
Catatan: In this context, 'take a pass at' indicates choosing not to accept or pursue something, often due to personal preference or lack of interest.

Pass the hat

To ask for contributions or donations from a group of people.
Contoh: Let's pass the hat around to collect some money for our colleague's birthday gift.
Catatan: This slang term involves physically passing around a hat or container to collect money or donations for a specific purpose, often used in informal fundraising situations.

Pass - Contoh

The teacher passed the papers back to the students.
Guru mengembalikan kertas kepada siswa.
The storm will pass by tomorrow.
Badai akan berlalu besok.
He don't studied hard but still passed the exam.
Dia tidak belajar dengan keras tetapi tetap lulus ujian.

Tata bahasa Pass

Pass - Kata kerja (Verb) / Kata kerja, bentuk dasar (Verb, base form)
Lema: pass
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): passes
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): pass
Kata kerja, bentuk lampau (Verb, past tense): passed
Kata kerja, gerund atau partisip kini (Verb, gerund or present participle): passing
Kata kerja, orang ketiga tunggal kini (Verb, 3rd person singular present): passes
Kata kerja, bentuk dasar (Verb, base form): pass
Kata kerja, kini bukan orang ketiga tunggal (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): pass
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
Pass mengandung 1 suku kata: pass
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈpas
pass , ˈpas (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Pass - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
Pass: 500 - 600 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.