Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
400 - 500
400 - 500
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

peran, fungsi, tugas, karakter, posisi

Makna Role dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata 'role' dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menggambarkan fungsi, posisi, atau tanggung jawab seseorang dalam suatu situasi, organisasi, atau konteks tertentu. Kata ini sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, baik formal maupun informal.

Contoh penggunaan 'role':

  1. Dalam lingkungan kerja: "Her role as a manager requires strong leadership skills." (Perannya sebagai manajer membutuhkan keterampilan kepemimpinan yang kuat.)
  2. Dalam konteks sosial: "He plays the role of a mediator in family disputes." (Dia berperan sebagai mediator dalam perselisihan keluarga.)
  3. Dalam seni dan hiburan: "She was cast in the role of the lead actress in the play." (Dia dipilih untuk peran sebagai aktris utama dalam pertunjukan.)

Kata 'role' biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat yang berbicara tentang tanggung jawab atau identitas seseorang dalam konteks tertentu. Kata ini dapat digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan, mulai dari profesional di tempat kerja hingga individu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Frasa umum yang menggunakan kata 'role':

  • "Take on a role" (Mengambil peran)
  • "Play a role" (Memainkan peran)
  • "Fulfill a role" (Memenuhi peran)

Dalam konteks formal, 'role' sering digunakan dalam dokumen resmi, laporan, dan presentasi. Dalam konteks informal, kata ini bisa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

Kesalahan umum yang terkait dengan penggunaan 'role':

  • Menggunakan 'roll' (yang berarti menggulung) sebagai pengganti 'role'. Ini adalah kesalahan ejaan yang umum.

Kata yang berhubungan:

  • Sinonim: function, position, duty
  • Antonim: bystander, observer

Nuansa pengucapan:
Kata 'role' diucapkan /roʊl/, dengan bunyi 'o' yang panjang. Pastikan untuk tidak mengucapkannya seperti 'roll'.

Kata 'role' berasal dari bahasa Prancis 'rôle', yang berarti "peran" atau "fungsi", dan dipinjam ke dalam bahasa Inggris pada awal abad ke-20.

Makna Role dalam bahasa Indonesia


He played the role of a hero in the movie.
Dia memainkan peran sebagai pahlawan dalam film.
Her role in the project was crucial.
Perannya dalam proyek tersebut sangat penting.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Used in theater, film, and professional settings to describe a character or function.
Catatan: The term 'peran' can refer to roles in various contexts, including acting, business, or social functions.


The role of technology in education is significant.
Fungsi teknologi dalam pendidikan sangat penting.
What role does this machine serve?
Fungsi apa yang dimiliki mesin ini?
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Commonly used in discussions about systems, functions, and responsibilities.
Catatan: In this context, 'fungsi' emphasizes the operational aspect of 'role'.


His role as a leader includes many responsibilities.
Tugasnya sebagai pemimpin mencakup banyak tanggung jawab.
Every team member has a specific role to contribute.
Setiap anggota tim memiliki tugas spesifik untuk disumbangkan.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in workplace or team settings to define duties or assignments.
Catatan: 'Tugas' is often used when referring to specific responsibilities assigned to individuals.


She is known for her role as a villain in the series.
Dia dikenal karena perannya sebagai penjahat dalam serial tersebut.
The character he portrayed was very complex.
Karakter yang dia perankan sangat kompleks.
Penggunaan: informalKonteks: Used in discussions about storytelling, acting, or literature.
Catatan: 'Karakter' is closely related to 'peran' but is more about the nature of the character itself.


Her role in the company is very influential.
Posisinya di perusahaan sangat berpengaruh.
What role do you want to take in this project?
Posisi apa yang ingin kamu ambil dalam proyek ini?
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in professional environments to describe someone's status or position in an organization.
Catatan: 'Posisi' can refer to both physical and abstract roles in various contexts.

Sinonim Role


A part refers to a portion or division of a whole, similar to a role in a situation or activity.
Contoh: She played a crucial part in the success of the project.
Catatan: Part can be used more broadly to refer to a section or component of something, while role often specifically denotes a character or function in a particular context.


Function emphasizes the purpose or duty performed by someone in a specific capacity or position.
Contoh: Her function in the company is to oversee marketing strategies.
Catatan: Function is more focused on the purpose or task performed, whereas role can encompass a broader set of responsibilities and behaviors.


Position refers to a person's rank, status, or job within a group or organization.
Contoh: He holds a high-ranking position in the organization.
Catatan: Position often implies a formal title or standing within a hierarchy, while role can be more fluid and adaptable to different situations.


Character can refer to the personality, traits, or role assumed by a person in a specific context.
Contoh: In the play, she portrayed the character of a wise grandmother.
Catatan: Character is often associated with acting or fictional roles, while role can extend to real-life functions and responsibilities.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Role

play a role

To have an influence or effect on a situation or outcome.
Contoh: Her experience played a key role in the success of the project.
Catatan: The phrase 'play a role' implies active involvement or contribution, while 'role' alone refers to a character or position.

take on a role

To accept or begin to perform a particular function or position.
Contoh: She took on a leadership role in the new team.
Catatan: While 'role' represents a position or character, 'take on a role' emphasizes the action of assuming that position.

step into a role

To start performing the duties and responsibilities of a particular position, often unexpectedly or temporarily.
Contoh: After the manager left, she had to step into the role temporarily.
Catatan: Similar to 'take on a role,' 'step into a role' emphasizes the action of assuming a position rather than just the position itself.

define one's role

To establish or clarify the responsibilities and expectations associated with a particular position or function.
Contoh: It's important to define your role within the team to avoid conflicts.
Catatan: While 'role' refers to a position or function, 'define one's role' focuses on setting boundaries and expectations for that position.

supporting role

A position or function that provides assistance or backup to the main or lead role.
Contoh: She played a supporting role in the play, but her performance was outstanding.
Catatan: Unlike 'role' alone, 'supporting role' specifies a secondary or assisting function in relation to a primary role.

lead role

The main or principal position in a performance or project, often with significant responsibilities and prominence.
Contoh: He was thrilled to be offered the lead role in the upcoming movie.
Catatan: Contrary to 'role' which is a general term, 'lead role' specifies the primary and central position in a particular context.

fit the role

To be suitable or appropriate for a particular position or function.
Contoh: She didn't initially seem like a good fit for the role, but she surprised everyone with her performance.
Catatan: While 'role' denotes a position or function, 'fit the role' emphasizes the compatibility or suitability of a person for that position.

cast in a role

To assign or select someone for a particular character or position in a performance or production.
Contoh: She was cast in the role of the villain, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
Catatan: 'Cast in a role' involves the specific action of assigning a person to a role, whereas 'role' itself refers to the position or character.

redefine one's role

To reassess, adjust, or change the responsibilities and functions associated with a particular position or function.
Contoh: After the restructuring, she had to redefine her role within the company.
Catatan: While 'role' represents a position or function, 'redefine one's role' focuses on the action of modifying or clarifying that position.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Role

Fill a role

To substitute or temporarily take on a specific position or responsibility within a group or organization.
Contoh: I need someone to fill the role of team leader while I'm away.
Catatan: The slang term 'fill a role' implies a more temporary or interim nature compared to 'role'.

Fit the bill

To be suitable or appropriate for a particular role or situation.
Contoh: Sarah really fits the bill for the new project manager role.
Catatan: This phrase indicates more of a match or suitability rather than a general concept of 'role'.

Wear multiple hats

To take on multiple roles or responsibilities, typically within the same job or organization.
Contoh: In a start-up, you often have to wear multiple hats, from marketing to project management.
Catatan: This slang implies versatility and flexibility in handling different roles compared to a single 'role'.

Juggle roles

To manage or handle multiple roles and responsibilities, often at the same time.
Contoh: As a working parent, she constantly juggles roles between her career and family life.
Catatan: This term emphasizes the act of balancing and managing different roles simultaneously.

Wear the pants

To be the dominant or authoritative figure in a particular role or relationship.
Contoh: In this household, my wife wears the pants - she's the decision-maker!
Catatan: This phrase focuses on authority rather than a generic 'role' in a situation.

Hat you wear

Refers to the different roles or responsibilities a person may take on within a specific context or profession.
Contoh: As a teacher, one hat you wear is that of a counselor, listening to students' problems.
Catatan: This slang highlights the idea of varying responsibilities within a role rather than a singular definition of 'role'.

Don different hats

To assume different roles or functions as needed in varying situations or contexts.
Contoh: Working in a startup often requires you to don different hats, from sales to customer service.
Catatan: Similar to 'wear multiple hats', this emphasizes the adaptability and versatility in handling various roles.

Role - Contoh

His role in the company is to manage the finances.
Perannya di perusahaan adalah mengelola keuangan.
The teacher's role is to educate and guide the students.
Peran guru adalah mendidik dan membimbing siswa.
The rules clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
Aturan dengan jelas mendefinisikan peran dan tanggung jawab masing-masing anggota tim.

Tata bahasa Role

Role - Kata benda (Noun) / Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: role
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): roles
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): role
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
role mengandung 1 suku kata: role
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈrōl
role , ˈrōl (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Role - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
role: 400 - 500 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.