Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
500 - 600
500 - 600
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

kuat, tegas, kuat (infeksi, penyakit), pedas, berpengaruh, keras

Makna Strong dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata 'strong' dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menggambarkan kekuatan fisik, emosional, atau karakteristik yang menunjukkan ketahanan. Kata ini sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks sehari-hari, baik dalam situasi formal maupun informal.

Contoh penggunaan kata 'strong':

  1. Kekuatan Fisik:

    • "He is a strong man." (Dia adalah pria yang kuat.)
    • Dalam konteks ini, 'strong' menggambarkan kekuatan fisik seseorang, sering digunakan dalam pembicaraan tentang olahraga atau pekerjaan yang memerlukan tenaga.
  2. Kekuatan Emosional:

    • "She has a strong personality." (Dia memiliki kepribadian yang kuat.)
    • Di sini, 'strong' menunjukkan karakter seseorang yang tegas atau berani, sering digunakan dalam diskusi tentang sifat atau karakter individu.
  3. Kualitas atau Karakteristik:

    • "This coffee has a strong flavor." (Kopi ini memiliki rasa yang kuat.)
    • Dalam konteks ini, 'strong' digunakan untuk menggambarkan intensitas rasa, sering digunakan dalam percakapan tentang makanan dan minuman.
  4. Dukungan atau Pengaruh:

    • "He has strong support from his family." (Dia mendapatkan dukungan yang kuat dari keluarganya.)
    • 'Strong' di sini menunjukkan tingkat dukungan yang signifikan, sering digunakan dalam konteks sosial atau politik.

Frasa umum yang menggunakan 'strong':

  • "strong argument" (argumen yang kuat) - digunakan dalam diskusi atau debat.
  • "strong relationship" (hubungan yang kuat) - menggambarkan kedekatan antara orang-orang.
  • "strong evidence" (bukti yang kuat) - sering digunakan dalam konteks hukum atau penelitian.

Kesalahan umum:

  • Menggunakan 'strong' untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang tidak relevan dengan kekuatan. Misalnya, tidak tepat mengatakan "strong idea" (ide yang kuat) tanpa konteks yang jelas, lebih baik menggunakan 'good' atau 'solid' dalam konteks ide.

Kata terkait:

  • Sinonim: powerful, sturdy, robust, tough.
  • Antonim: weak, fragile, feeble.

Nuansa pengucapan:

  • 'Strong' diucapkan /strɔːŋ/ dalam bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan bahwa bunyi 'str' di awal kata memerlukan pengucapan yang jelas, dan bunyi 'ng' di akhir kata harus diucapkan dengan tegas.

Kata 'strong' berasal dari bahasa Inggris Kuno 'strang', yang berarti kekuatan atau ketahanan. Kata ini telah digunakan dalam berbagai konteks sepanjang sejarah bahasa Inggris, menunjukkan sifat yang kokoh dan dapat diandalkan.

Makna Strong dalam bahasa Indonesia


She is a strong athlete.
Dia adalah seorang atlet yang kuat.
The material is very strong.
Bahan ini sangat kuat.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used to describe physical strength or durability of objects.
Catatan: Can refer to both human strength and the strength of materials.


He has a strong personality.
Dia memiliki kepribadian yang tegas.
She made a strong argument during the debate.
Dia membuat argumen yang tegas selama debat.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used to describe someone who is assertive or confident.
Catatan: Often relates to someone’s character or opinions.

kuat (infeksi, penyakit)

He has a strong infection.
Dia memiliki infeksi yang kuat.
The flu virus is strong this year.
Virus flu sangat kuat tahun ini.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Used in medical or health-related discussions.
Catatan: Indicates virulence or potency of diseases or infections.


This curry is very strong in flavor.
Kari ini sangat pedas rasanya.
I prefer strong coffee in the morning.
Saya lebih suka kopi yang kuat di pagi hari.
Penggunaan: informalKonteks: Used to describe taste, especially in food and drinks.
Catatan: Can refer to both flavor intensity and spiciness.


She has a strong influence in the industry.
Dia memiliki pengaruh yang kuat di industri.
The organization plays a strong role in community development.
Organisasi tersebut memainkan peran yang kuat dalam pengembangan masyarakat.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Used in discussions about influence or power in social, political, or economic contexts.
Catatan: Refers to the ability to affect change or decisions.


He has a strong will.
Dia memiliki kemauan yang keras.
She is a strong leader.
Dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang keras.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used to describe determination or resilience.
Catatan: Often used to compliment someone's dedication or resolve.

Sinonim Strong


Powerful suggests great strength or force, often in a physical or metaphorical sense.
Contoh: She is a powerful leader who inspires others.
Catatan: While 'strong' can refer to physical strength as well as other forms of strength, 'powerful' specifically emphasizes a great amount of strength or force.


Robust indicates strong and healthy growth or performance.
Contoh: The robust economy has led to increased job opportunities.
Catatan: Robust often implies a sturdy and resilient strength, especially in the context of growth or performance.


Sturdy describes something that is strong and well-built, able to withstand pressure or rough conditions.
Contoh: The sturdy bridge withstood the heavy storm.
Catatan: While 'strong' can be a general term for strength, 'sturdy' specifically emphasizes durability and the ability to endure adverse conditions.


Mighty conveys a sense of great power, strength, or size.
Contoh: The mighty oak tree stood tall in the forest.
Catatan: Similar to 'strong,' 'mighty' suggests a high degree of strength, often with a sense of awe or admiration for the power displayed.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Strong

Strong as an ox

This idiom means to be exceptionally physically strong or robust.
Contoh: Despite her age, Grandma is still as strong as an ox.
Catatan: The phrase emphasizes extraordinary strength beyond just being 'strong.'

Strong suit

Refers to a person's area of strength or expertise.
Contoh: His strong suit is his ability to communicate effectively.
Catatan: It highlights a particular strength or skill rather than just general strength.

Go from strength to strength

To make progress and become increasingly successful.
Contoh: After his promotion, he has been going from strength to strength in his career.
Catatan: It signifies continuous improvement and success rather than just being strong.


Describes someone who is determined and resolute in their decisions or actions.
Contoh: She is a strong-willed individual who never gives up on her goals.
Catatan: Focuses on being determined and resolute rather than physical strength.

Strong-arm tactics

Refers to aggressive or forceful methods used to achieve a goal.
Contoh: The company used strong-arm tactics to intimidate its competitors.
Catatan: It relates to forceful actions or coercion rather than inherent strength.

In the strongest terms

Expressing something with the utmost emphasis or severity.
Contoh: I condemn his actions in the strongest terms possible.
Catatan: Emphasizes the intensity or severity of expression rather than physical strength.

Strong contender

Refers to someone who has a good chance of winning or being successful.
Contoh: She is considered a strong contender for the title due to her impressive performance.
Catatan: Highlights a high likelihood of success rather than just strength.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Strong

Beefed up

Used to describe someone or something that has become stronger or more muscular.
Contoh: He beefed up his muscles by working out at the gym.
Catatan: The term 'beefed up' is more casual and colloquial than simply saying 'stronger.'


Refers to someone who is physically fit and muscular.
Contoh: She's been hitting the gym, and now she's looking pretty buff.
Catatan: Buff specifically emphasizes a muscular or toned physique rather than overall strength.


Slang for being very muscular or exceptionally strong.
Contoh: Have you seen his arms? He's totally jacked!
Catatan: Jacked typically conveys a sense of being heavily built or robust rather than just strong.


Describing someone with extremely defined muscles and low body fat.
Contoh: That athlete is ripped – you can see his muscles even when he's not flexing.
Catatan: The term 'ripped' focuses more on the visibility and definition of muscles rather than pure strength.


Typically used to describe someone who is physically strong and sturdy.
Contoh: She's been lifting weights, and now she's solid as a rock.
Catatan: Solid implies a sense of reliability and firmness in addition to physical strength.


British slang for being extremely strong or powerful.
Contoh: After months of training, he's absolutely tonked – no one can beat him.
Catatan: Tonked is a more informal and vivid way of expressing great strength.


Refers to something that is extremely strong, secure, or solid.
Contoh: Her argument was ironclad – no one could refute it.
Catatan: Ironclad often describes something that is not only strong but also impenetrable or unbreakable.

Strong - Contoh

Strong winds knocked down trees in the park.
Angin kencang menjatuhkan pohon-pohon di taman.
She has a strong personality and is not easily influenced.
Dia memiliki kepribadian yang kuat dan tidak mudah dipengaruhi.
The athlete showed a strong performance in the competition.
Atlet tersebut menunjukkan penampilan yang kuat dalam kompetisi.

Tata bahasa Strong

Strong - Kata sifat (Adjective) / Kata sifat (Adjective)
Lema: strong
Kata sifat, komparatif (Adjective, comparative): stronger
Kata sifat, superlatif (Adjective, superlative): strongest
Kata sifat (Adjective): strong
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
strong mengandung 1 suku kata: strong
Transkripsi fonetik: ˈstrȯŋ
strong , ˈstrȯŋ (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Strong - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
strong: 500 - 600 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.