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Articles - Indefinite Articles (a/an)

Melinda 2024-04-16 40 voca
0 Recensione
If you heat ice, it melts.
Ha felmelegíted a jeget, elolvad.
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I wish I had studied harder for the test.
Bárcsak keményebben tanultam volna a dolgozatra.
I wish I had listened to my parents' advice.
Bárcsak meghallgattam volna a szüleim tanácsát.
I wish I had been nicer to my friend.
Bárcsak kedvesebb lettem volna a barátomhoz.
I wish I had finished my homework earlier.
Bárcsak előbb befejeztem volna a házi feladatomat.
I wish I hadn't forgotten my lunch at home.
Bárcsak ne felejtettem volna otthon a tízóraimat.
I wish I had told the truth.
Bárcsak igazat mondtam volna.
I wish I had practiced more before the performance.
Bárcsak többet gyakoroltam volna az előadás előtt.
I wish I hadn't lost my favorite toy.
Bárcsak ne veszítettem volna el a kedvenc játékomat.
I wish I had listened to the teacher in class.
Bárcsak meghallgattam volna a tanárt az órán.
I wish I had been more careful with my belongings.
Bárcsak óvatosabb lettem volna a holmijaimmal.
I wish I had been kinder to my sibling.
Bárcsak kedvesebb lettem volna a testvéremhez.
I wish I hadn't eaten all the cookies.
Bárcsak ne ettem volna meg az összes sütit.
I wish I had chosen a different gift.
Bárcsak más ajándékot választottam volna.
I wish I had practiced my instrument more diligently.
Bárcsak keményebben gyakoroltam volna a hangszeremmel.
I wish I had paid attention during the movie.
Bárcsak odafigyeltem volna a film alatt.
I wish I hadn't broken my favorite mug.
Bárcsak ne törtem volna el a kedvenc bögrémet.
I wish I had apologized sooner.
Bárcsak hamarabb bocsánatot kértem volna.
I wish I hadn't wasted so much time playing video games.
Bárcsak ne pazaroltam volna annyi időt videojátékokkal játszva.
I wish I had been more patient with my friend.
Bárcsak türelmesebb lettem volna a barátommal.
I wish I had studied more about the topic.
Bárcsak többet tanultam volna a témáról.
I wish I hadn't ignored my responsibilities.
Bárcsak ne hanyagoltam volna el a felelősségeimet.
I wish I had tried harder to solve the problem.
Bárcsak keményebben próbáltam volna megoldani a problémát.
I wish I had been more organized with my schoolwork.
Bárcsak jobban szerveztem volna az iskolai munkámat.
I wish I hadn't been so careless with my belongings.
Bárcsak ne lettem volna ilyen hanyag a holmijaimmal.
I wish I had asked for help when I needed it.
Bárcsak segítséget kértem volna, amikor szükségem volt rá.
I wish I had been more considerate of others' feelings.
Bárcsak jobban tekintettel lettem volna mások érzéseire.
I wish I hadn't spent all my allowance on candy.
Bárcsak ne költöttem volna el az összes zsebpénzemet édességre.
I wish I had practiced my lines for the play.
Bárcsak gyakoroltam volna a szövegemet a darabhoz.
I wish I hadn't been so stubborn.
Bárcsak ne lettem volna olyan makacs.
I wish I had listened to my friend's warning.
Bárcsak meghallgattam volna a barátom figyelmeztetését.
I wish I hadn't stayed up so late last night.
Bárcsak ne maradtam volna fent olyan későig tegnap este.
I wish I had been more honest about my mistake.
Bárcsak őszintébb lettem volna a hibámmal kapcsolatban.
I wish I hadn't missed the bus.
Bárcsak ne késtem volna le a buszt.
I wish I had spent more time with my family.
Bárcsak több időt töltöttem volna a családommal.
I wish I hadn't forgotten my lines during the play.
Bárcsak ne felejtettem volna el a szövegemet a darab alatt.
I wish I had been more helpful to my classmates.
Bárcsak segítőkészebb lettem volna az osztálytársaimmal.
I wish I hadn't wasted so much paper on doodling.
Bárcsak ne pazaroltam volna annyi papírt rajzolgatásra.
I wish I had listened to my intuition.
Bárcsak hallgattam volna az ösztöneimre.
I wish I hadn't been so careless with my chores.
Bárcsak ne lettem volna ilyen hanyag a feladataimmal.
I wish I had made more effort to get along with my classmates.
Bárcsak több erőfeszítést tettem volna az osztálytársaimmal való kijövetelért.


Articles are words used before nouns to indicate whether the noun is specific or nonspecific. In English, there are two main types of articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" and "an").

Definite Article ("the"):

The definite article "the" is used before singular or plural nouns when the speaker assumes that the listener knows which specific thing or things they are referring to. It indicates that the noun is particular or specific.
Example: The cat is sleeping on the mat.

Use "the" when referring to:

Specific nouns that are known to both the speaker and the listener.
Singular or plural nouns that are unique or specific within a particular context.
Superlative adjectives, indicating the highest degree.
Nouns that have already been mentioned in the conversation.

Indefinite Articles ("a" and "an"):

The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to indicate that the noun is nonspecific or generic. "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: A cat is an independent animal.
Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Use "a" or "an" when referring to:

Nonspecific or unspecified nouns that do not refer to any particular one of its kind.
Singular countable nouns when introducing something for the first time in a conversation or text.
Nouns that represent a member of a group or category.

When to Use "A" or "An":

Use "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound.
Example: A book, a dog, a university.

Use "an" before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: An apple, an umbrella, an hour.

Zero Article:

Some nouns do not require an article. These include:

Plural nouns used in a general sense.
Example: Cats are independent animals.

Uncountable nouns when used in a general sense.
Example: Water is essential for life.

Amplia il tuo vocabolario in Inglese e impara queste parole e frasi: Restaurant, Going, Developer, Wants, Working.
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