Inglese - Tedesco


Estremamente Comune
0 - 100
0 - 100
L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000. Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.

Wenn, Ob, Falls, Sofern, Im Falle

Significati di If in tedesco


If it rains, I will bring an umbrella.
Wenn es regnet, werde ich einen Regenschirm mitbringen.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
Wenn du fleißig lernst, wirst du die Prüfung bestehen.
Uso: FormalContesto: Conditional statements
Nota: The most common translation of 'if' in Deutsch when expressing conditions.


I wonder if he will come.
Ich frage mich, ob er kommen wird.
Do you know if the store is open?
Weißt du, ob der Laden geöffnet ist?
Uso: FormalContesto: Questioning uncertainty
Nota: Used to introduce indirect questions or express doubt.


Please call me if you need help.
Bitte ruf mich an, falls du Hilfe brauchst.
You can come with us if you want.
Du kannst mitkommen, falls du möchtest.
Uso: FormalContesto: Offering possibilities
Nota: Equivalent to 'in case' or 'if' when suggesting a potential course of action.


I will attend the event if I finish my work on time.
Ich werde an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen, sofern ich meine Arbeit rechtzeitig beende.
You can borrow my car if you promise to be careful.
Du kannst mein Auto ausleihen, sofern du versprichst, vorsichtig zu sein.
Uso: FormalContesto: Conditional clauses
Nota: Used in more formal or legal contexts to express a condition or requirement.

Im Falle

In case of emergency, call 911.
Im Falle eines Notfalls, rufen Sie die 112 an.
If you are absent, please inform your supervisor.
Im Falle Ihrer Abwesenheit, informieren Sie bitte Ihren Vorgesetzten.
Uso: FormalContesto: Emergency situations
Nota: Commonly used in official or emergency instructions.

Sinonimi di If


The word 'if' is a conjunction used to introduce a condition or supposition.
Esempio: If it rains, we will stay indoors.

In case

'In case' is used to suggest a precaution or possibility of something happening.
Esempio: In case of rain, we will move the party indoors.
Nota: Slightly more formal than 'if'.

Provided that

'Provided that' is used to establish a condition that must be met for something to happen.
Esempio: You can go out, provided that you finish your homework first.
Nota: More formal and emphasizes a condition being fulfilled.


'Assuming' is used to indicate a hypothesis or supposition.
Esempio: Assuming it doesn't rain, we can have a picnic.
Nota: Suggests a hypothetical situation or premise.

On the condition that

'On the condition that' is used to specify a requirement for something to happen.
Esempio: You can borrow my car on the condition that you return it by 5 pm.
Nota: Emphasizes a specific condition that must be met.

Espressioni e frasi comuni di If

If only

This phrase is used to express regret about something that did not happen in the past.
Esempio: If only I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
Nota: The addition of 'only' emphasizes the strong desire or wish for a different outcome.

What if

This phrase is used to pose a hypothetical situation or question about a possible future event.
Esempio: What if it rains tomorrow? Should we bring umbrellas?
Nota: It introduces a speculative scenario for consideration.

If so

This phrase is used to introduce a conditional clause based on a preceding question or statement.
Esempio: Are you attending the meeting tomorrow? If so, I'll see you there.
Nota: It seeks confirmation or affirmation of a specific condition.

If not

This phrase is used to present an alternative or fallback option if the condition is not met.
Esempio: Do you want to go out for dinner? If not, we can order in.
Nota: It implies a choice or decision based on the negation of the initial condition.

If and when

This phrase is used to express a condition that is dependent on another condition happening in the future.
Esempio: I'll buy a new car if and when I get a raise at work.
Nota: It emphasizes the dual nature of the condition, indicating both the possibility and timing of an event.

If anything

This phrase is used to offer assistance or support in case of any unforeseen events or issues.
Esempio: Feel free to call me if anything comes up while I'm away.
Nota: It conveys a general readiness to help without specifying a particular condition.

If need be

This phrase is used to indicate a willingness to do something if it becomes necessary or required.
Esempio: I can stay late at work if need be to finish the project on time.
Nota: It suggests preparedness to act if the situation demands it.

If at all

This phrase is used to express a preference or recommendation for fulfilling a condition, even if it is challenging.
Esempio: Please arrive early if at all possible to secure a good seat.
Nota: It implies a strong desire or preference for the condition to be met, even if only partially.

Espressioni quotidiane (slang) di If

If you know what I mean

This phrase is used to imply that the listener should understand the hidden or implied meaning of what was just said.
Esempio: I'll take care of it, but we need to keep it between us, if you know what I mean.
Nota: It adds a sense of secrecy or understanding to the conversation.

As if

This phrase is used to express doubt or disbelief regarding a statement or situation.
Esempio: She said she wasn't interested in him, but I saw the way she looked at him, as if she was totally smitten.
Nota: It dismisses the preceding statement or action as unrealistic or insincere.

If worst comes to worst

This phrase is used to introduce a potential outcome that is considered the most severe or extreme in a given situation.
Esempio: We can try to fix it ourselves, but if worst comes to worst, we'll have to call a professional.
Nota: It emphasizes preparing for the most undesirable outcome in a scenario.

If push comes to shove

This phrase is used to indicate a point in a situation where decisive action or a difficult choice needs to be made.
Esempio: I prefer not to intervene, but if push comes to shove, I'll have to step in and resolve the issue.
Nota: It implies a situation where a critical decision or action must be taken when circumstances become challenging or pressing.

If all else fails

This phrase is used to introduce a last-resort course of action when all other options have been exhausted.
Esempio: We'll try to negotiate terms, but if all else fails, we'll have to walk away from the deal.
Nota: It highlights that the subsequent action is a final option after exploring various alternatives.

If you must know

This phrase is used to introduce a direct response to a question or inquiry that the speaker perceives as intrusive or unnecessary.
Esempio: If you must know, I didn't attend the party because I was feeling unwell.
Nota: It hints at the speaker's reluctance or slight disapproval of the interrogative nature of the listener.

If - Esempi

If it rains, we will stay at home.
Wenn es regnet, bleiben wir zu Hause.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
Wenn du hart studierst, wirst du die Prüfung bestehen.
If I have time tomorrow, I will go to the gym.
Wenn ich morgen Zeit habe, gehe ich ins Fitnessstudio.
If she calls me back, I will tell her the news.
Wenn sie mich zurückruft, werde ich ihr die Neuigkeiten erzählen.

Grammatica di If

If - Congiunzione subordinante (Subordinating conjunction) / Preposizione o congiunzione subordinante (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
Lemma: if
Sillabe, Separação e Accento
If contiene 1 sillabe: if
Trascrizione fonetica: ˈif
if , ˈif (La sillaba rossa è accentata)

If - Importanza e frequenza di utilizzo

L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000.
If: 0 - 100 (Estremamente Comune).
Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy ti aiuta a scoprire, organizzare e imparare nuove parole e frasi con facilità. Crea collezioni di vocabolario personalizzate e pratica in qualsiasi momento, ovunque.