Inglese - Italiano
Estremamente Comune
500 - 600
500 - 600
L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000. Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.

crescere, aumentare, coltivare, far crescere

Significati di Grow in italiano

La parola "grow" è un verbo inglese che significa "crescere" o "svilupparsi". Viene utilizzato in vari contesti quotidiani, sia in senso letterale che figurato.

Uso pratico

  1. Crescita fisica: Si usa frequentemente per descrivere la crescita di piante, animali o persone. Ad esempio:

    • "The flowers grow in the garden." (I fiori crescono nel giardino.)
    • "Children grow quickly." (I bambini crescono rapidamente.)
  2. Sviluppo personale o professionale: Può riferirsi a miglioramenti o progressi in abilità, conoscenze o esperienze. Ad esempio:

    • "She wants to grow her skills in marketing." (Vuole sviluppare le sue competenze nel marketing.)
    • "He hopes to grow as a leader." (Spera di crescere come leader.)
  3. Espansione di idee o emozioni: Utilizzato per descrivere l'aumento di sentimenti o concetti. Ad esempio:

    • "His interest in music grew over the years." (Il suo interesse per la musica è cresciuto nel corso degli anni.)
    • "Their friendship grew stronger." (La loro amicizia è diventata più forte.)

Frasi comuni

  • "Grow up" significa "crescere" in senso di maturazione, spesso riferito ai bambini.
  • "Grow apart" indica la separazione o la distanza che si crea tra persone nel tempo.
  • "Grow on someone" significa che qualcosa o qualcuno diventa gradualmente più apprezzato.

Contesto di utilizzo

La parola "grow" è utilizzata in contesti sia formali che informali. È comune in conversazioni quotidiane, articoli, presentazioni e discorsi.

Errori comuni

Un errore frequente è confondere "grow" con "grow up", che ha un significato specifico di maturazione. Inoltre, non utilizzare correttamente le forme verbali, come "growing" (crescente) e "grew" (cresciuto, passato).

Parole correlate

  • Sinonimi: increase (aumentare), develop (sviluppare), expand (espandere).
  • Antonimi: shrink (ridursi), decline (declinare), diminish (diminire).


La parola "grow" si pronuncia /ɡroʊ/. È importante notare che la "ow" forma un suono lungo, simile a "o" in italiano.

Grammatica ed etimologia

"Grow" è un verbo irregolare. La forma base è "grow", il passato semplice è "grew" e il participio passato è "grown". Deriva dall'inglese antico "growan", che significa "crescere".

Significati di Grow in italiano


Plants need sunlight to grow.
Le piante hanno bisogno di luce solare per crescere.
Children grow quickly during their first years.
I bambini crescono rapidamente durante i primi anni.
Uso: formal/informalContesto: Referring to the physical growth of living organisms or things
Nota: This is the most common translation of 'grow' in Italian, used for plants, people, and objects getting larger in size.


The company aims to grow its market share.
L'azienda mira ad aumentare la sua quota di mercato.
Her interest in art grew over time.
Il suo interesse per l'arte è aumentato col tempo.
Uso: formalContesto: To increase in size, number, or intensity
Nota: This translation is often used in business contexts or when referring to abstract concepts like emotions or ideas.


Farmers grow crops in the fields.
Gli agricoltori coltivano colture nei campi.
She grows herbs in her garden.
Coltiva erbe nel suo giardino.
Uso: formalContesto: To cultivate or produce plants or crops
Nota: This translation is specifically used when referring to the act of planting and nurturing plants for harvest.

far crescere

She wants to grow her business.
Vuole far crescere la sua attività.
Parents help to grow their children's talents.
I genitori aiutano a far crescere i talenti dei loro figli.
Uso: formalContesto: To develop or expand something
Nota: This translation is common when talking about developing businesses, talents, or relationships.

Sinonimi di Grow


To increase means to make or become larger or more extensive.
Esempio: The company aims to increase its market share by 10% this year.
Nota: While 'grow' generally refers to a gradual process of development, 'increase' specifically implies a growth in quantity or size.


To expand means to become or make larger or more extensive.
Esempio: The business decided to expand its operations to reach new markets.
Nota: Expanding often involves broadening the scope or reach of something, whereas growing can refer to overall development.


To develop means to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
Esempio: The child is developing new skills through practice and learning.
Nota: Developing implies progress and advancement in a more intricate or complex manner compared to the general notion of growing.


To mature means to reach an advanced stage of growth and development.
Esempio: With experience and time, her leadership skills began to mature.
Nota: Mature emphasizes reaching a point of full development or ripeness, often associated with wisdom or sophistication.


To prosper means to succeed, thrive, or flourish, especially financially.
Esempio: The small business started to prosper after implementing a new marketing strategy.
Nota: Prosper suggests not just growth but also success and well-being, often in terms of financial or overall prosperity.

Espressioni e frasi comuni di Grow

Grow up

To mature or become more responsible as one gets older.
Esempio: She needs to stop acting like a child and grow up.
Nota: This phrase specifically refers to the process of maturing rather than just physically growing in size.

Grow on

To gradually become more liked or appreciated over time.
Esempio: At first, I didn't like the song, but it started to grow on me after a few listens.
Nota: This phrase implies a change in perception or attitude towards something over a period of time.

Grow into

To reach a size or age that fits or suits something.
Esempio: The shoes were a bit big for her at first, but she eventually grew into them.
Nota: This phrase specifically refers to fitting or adapting to something physically or metaphorically.

Grow out of

To no longer be affected or influenced by something as one matures.
Esempio: She used to be afraid of the dark, but she grew out of that fear as she got older.
Nota: This phrase indicates moving past or overcoming something as one matures.

Grow apart

To become distant or less close over time.
Esempio: As they got older, they grew apart and eventually lost touch.
Nota: This phrase describes a gradual distancing or weakening of a relationship.

Grow weary

To become tired or lose enthusiasm due to continuous stress or difficulty.
Esempio: After hours of waiting, we began to grow weary of the delays.
Nota: This phrase specifically refers to a feeling of exhaustion or lack of interest.

Grow cold

To become distant, unfriendly, or unemotional in a relationship.
Esempio: Their relationship started to grow cold after the argument.
Nota: This phrase indicates a cooling off or deterioration of warmth in a relationship.

Grow on trees

To be very common or easily obtained.
Esempio: Money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work for it.
Nota: This phrase is a figurative expression to emphasize that something is not easily available or abundant.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Children often have similar qualities or characteristics to their parents.
Esempio: She's as ambitious as her mother; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Nota: This idiom emphasizes the idea of similarities or inherited traits rather than actual physical growth.

Espressioni quotidiane (slang) di Grow

Grow a pair

This slang term is often used to encourage someone to show courage, toughness, or assertiveness.
Esempio: Come on, man, grow a pair and stand up for yourself!
Nota: The slang term emphasizes developing bravery or confidence rather than actual physical growth.

Grow some balls

Similar to 'Grow a pair,' this slang is used to tell someone to be more courageous or assertive.
Esempio: Stop being so afraid and grow some balls!
Nota: It implies lacking courage or strength, which one needs to develop rather than actually growing body parts.

Grow a backbone

This phrase means to develop the courage and strength to stand up for oneself.
Esempio: You need to grow a backbone and speak up for yourself.
Nota: It emphasizes developing inner strength and assertiveness, like the spine supporting the body.

Grow cold feet

To suddenly become afraid or hesitant about doing something that was initially planned or intended.
Esempio: I was going to ask her out, but then I grew cold feet.
Nota: This phrase describes a sudden change in attitude or feelings, often leading to withdrawal from an intended action.

Grow up on

To be raised or brought up consuming or experiencing a particular thing regularly or habitually.
Esempio: I grew up on pizza and soda for most of my teenage years.
Nota: It highlights a person's upbringing and the things they were exposed to during their formative years.

Grow apart from

To gradually drift away or become distant from someone over time.
Esempio: As we grew older, we just naturally grew apart from each other.
Nota: It signifies a gradual distancing or divergence in relationships or friendships.

Grow - Esempi

The plant will grow quickly in the sunlight.
La pianta crescerà rapidamente alla luce del sole.
They grow vegetables in their garden.
Coltivano verdure nel loro giardino.
He wants to grow his own business.
Vuole far crescere la sua attività.

Grammatica di Grow

Grow - Verbo (Verb) / Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form)
Lemma: grow
Verbo, tempo passato (Verb, past tense): grew
Verbo, participio passato (Verb, past participle): grown
Verbo, gerundio o participio presente (Verb, gerund or present participle): growing
Verbo, terza persona singolare presente (Verb, 3rd person singular present): grows
Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form): grow
Verbo, presente non alla terza persona singolare (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): grow
Sillabe, Separação e Accento
grow contiene 1 sillabe: grow
Trascrizione fonetica: ˈgrō
grow , ˈgrō (La sillaba rossa è accentata)

Grow - Importanza e frequenza di utilizzo

L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000.
grow: 500 - 600 (Estremamente Comune).
Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy ti aiuta a scoprire, organizzare e imparare nuove parole e frasi con facilità. Crea collezioni di vocabolario personalizzate e pratica in qualsiasi momento, ovunque.