Inglese - Giapponese


Estremamente Comune
800 - 900
800 - 900
L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000. Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.

避ける (さける, sakeru), 逃れる (のがれる, nogareru), 回避する (かいひする, kaihi suru), 避けるべき (さけるべき, sakeru beki)

Significati di Avoid in giapponese

避ける (さける, sakeru)

I try to avoid conflicts.
He avoids eating sweets.
Uso: formal/informalContesto: Used in various situations, both formal and informal, when talking about steering clear of something undesirable.
Nota: This is the most common translation for 'avoid' and can be used in both literal and figurative contexts.

逃れる (のがれる, nogareru)

She managed to avoid the trap.
They tried to avoid detection.
Uso: formal/informalContesto: Used in contexts where one is trying to escape or evade something, often with a sense of urgency.
Nota: This term can imply a more active effort to evade something, such as danger or capture.

回避する (かいひする, kaihi suru)

We need to avoid this issue in the meeting.
He is trying to avoid responsibility.
Uso: formalContesto: Commonly used in formal discussions, particularly in business or legal contexts.
Nota: This term often relates to avoiding obligations or responsibilities and is used in more formal language.

避けるべき (さけるべき, sakeru beki)

This is a situation to avoid.
These are the mistakes to avoid.
Uso: formal/informalContesto: Used to express recommendations for avoiding certain actions or situations.
Nota: This phrase emphasizes the necessity of avoidance, often suggesting that something is strongly advised against.

Sinonimi di Avoid

Espressioni e frasi comuni di Avoid

Steer clear of

To avoid someone or something, especially because it could be dangerous or harmful.
Esempio: I always steer clear of that neighborhood at night.
Nota: This phrase emphasizes actively avoiding a specific person or place.

Keep away from

To stay at a distance from someone or something in order to avoid problems or trouble.
Esempio: She tries to keep away from negative people.
Nota: This phrase implies maintaining a physical distance to prevent involvement.


To avoid something skillfully, especially something that is coming towards you or that you are supposed to deal with.
Esempio: He managed to dodge the question about his past.
Nota: This term often implies a quick and skillful evasion of something.


To avoid dealing with or discussing something directly.
Esempio: She sidestepped the issue by changing the topic.
Nota: This phrase suggests avoiding a situation or topic by addressing it indirectly.


To avoid doing or answering something directly, usually because it is difficult or unpleasant.
Esempio: He tried to evade paying his taxes for years.
Nota: This term often implies escaping or eluding something deliberately.


To avoid something by going around it.
Esempio: We can bypass the traffic by taking the side roads.
Nota: This phrase specifically refers to finding an alternate route or method to avoid something.


To deliberately avoid someone or something because you dislike or disapprove of them.
Esempio: She shunned social gatherings after the incident.
Nota: This term conveys a strong sense of rejection or avoidance due to dislike or disapproval.

Espressioni quotidiane (slang) di Avoid


To ditch means to intentionally leave or abandon something or someone in order to avoid it.
Esempio: I had to ditch the party because I wasn't feeling well.

Blow off

To blow off means to ignore or skip something in order to avoid it or not do it.
Esempio: He decided to blow off the meeting and go for a walk instead.

Brush off

To brush off means to ignore or dismiss something, often to avoid dealing with it.
Esempio: She does her best to brush off negative comments and focus on the positive.


To shake off means to get rid of or detach oneself from something unwanted or negative.
Esempio: I need to shake off this bad mood before I go to the party.

Cut out

To cut out means to eliminate or remove something from one's life or routine to avoid negative consequences.
Esempio: I had to cut out sugar from my diet to avoid health problems.


To juke means to dodge or maneuver around something in a clever or deceptive way to avoid it.
Esempio: He tried to juke his way out of the awkward conversation.


To ghost means to suddenly cut off all communication with someone in order to avoid confrontation or an undesired situation.
Esempio: She decided to ghost him instead of having a difficult conversation.

Avoid - Esempi

Avoid the traffic by taking the back roads.
I try to avoid eating too much sugar.
He avoided answering the question directly.

Grammatica di Avoid

Avoid - Verbo (Verb) / Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form)
Lemma: avoid
Verbo, tempo passato (Verb, past tense): avoided
Verbo, gerundio o participio presente (Verb, gerund or present participle): avoiding
Verbo, terza persona singolare presente (Verb, 3rd person singular present): avoids
Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form): avoid
Verbo, presente non alla terza persona singolare (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): avoid
Sillabe, Separação e Accento
avoid contiene 1 sillabe: avoid
Trascrizione fonetica: ə-ˈvȯid
avoid , ə ˈvȯid (La sillaba rossa è accentata)

Avoid - Importanza e frequenza di utilizzo

L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000.
avoid: 800 - 900 (Estremamente Comune).
Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy ti aiuta a scoprire, organizzare e imparare nuove parole e frasi con facilità. Crea collezioni di vocabolario personalizzate e pratica in qualsiasi momento, ovunque.