英語 - スペイン語


500 - 600
500 - 600
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

soltero/a, único/a, simple

Single のスペイン語での意味


She is single and looking for a partner.
Ella está soltera y busca pareja.
Are you single or in a relationship?
¿Estás soltero/a o en una relación?
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Commonly used in dating or relationship contexts.
注記: This is the most common translation of 'single' when referring to marital status.


This is the single most important rule.
Esta es la regla más importante y única.
He is the single best candidate for the job.
Él es el mejor y único candidato para el trabajo.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Used when emphasizing uniqueness or exclusivity.
注記: This translation of 'single' is often used to denote something being the only one of its kind.


It's just a single task to complete.
Es solo una tarea simple por completar.
Let's focus on this single issue first.
Enfoquémonos primero en este problema simple.
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Applied to indicate something straightforward or uncomplicated.
注記: In this context, 'single' can mean something that is not complex or composed of multiple parts.



Individual refers to a single person or thing considered separately from a group.
例: Each individual item is priced separately.
注記: Individual emphasizes the distinctiveness or separateness of each item or person.


Solitary means being alone or without companions.
例: He enjoys solitary walks in the woods.
注記: Solitary implies being alone or isolated, emphasizing the lack of interaction or companionship.


Sole means being the only one of a particular kind.
例: She is the sole owner of the company.
注記: Sole emphasizes exclusivity or uniqueness, often in the context of ownership or possession.


Unmarried means not married or in a marital relationship.
例: She remained unmarried throughout her life.
注記: Unmarried specifically refers to the marital status of a person, indicating that they are not currently married.


Single out

To choose or pick someone or something from a group for special attention or treatment.
例: The teacher singled out Sarah for her exceptional performance in the class.
注記: The phrase 'single out' adds the idea of selecting or highlighting a specific individual or thing from a group.


To do something alone or independently without assistance from others.
例: She single-handedly organized the entire event without any help.
注記: While 'single' refers to one or individual, 'single-handedly' emphasizes doing something alone or solely.

Single file

To walk or move in a line, one person after another.
例: The students walked in single file as they headed towards the classroom.
注記: This phrase specifies the arrangement of individuals in a straight line, following one another in order.


To be focused or determined on achieving a particular goal or purpose.
例: He was single-minded in his determination to succeed in his career.
注記: While 'single' denotes one or individual, 'single-minded' emphasizes a strong focus or determination towards a specific objective.

Single out for

To identify or recognize someone or something for their exceptional qualities or achievements.
例: The team was singled out for their outstanding performance in the tournament.
注記: This phrase emphasizes the act of highlighting or acknowledging someone or something for specific reasons.

Single parent

A person who raises a child or children alone, without a partner or spouse.
例: As a single parent, she had to juggle work and taking care of her children.
注記: While 'single' refers to one or individual, 'single parent' specifically denotes a parent who is raising a child without a partner.

Single digits

Refers to a number less than 10, specifically between 1 and 9.
例: The company's profits were in the single digits for the third consecutive quarter.
注記: While 'single' generally means one or individual, 'single digits' refers to numbers in the range of 1 to 9.



To mix or socialize with others in a casual setting.
例: Let's go to the party and mingle with new people.
注記: Mingle implies interacting with others in a social context, often at events or gatherings, unlike being alone as in the case of 'single.'

Ready to mingle

Being available and interested in meeting new potential romantic partners.
例: After her breakup, she's single and ready to mingle.
注記: This phrase indicates openness to dating or seeking romantic relationships, contrasting with simply being single.


A man who is unmarried or not in a serious relationship.
例: He's enjoying his life as a bachelor for now.
注記: While related to being single, 'bachelor' often connotes a more independent or carefree lifestyle.


Doing something alone or independently.
例: I'm going to the movie solo tonight.
注記: 'Solo' emphasizes the act of being alone or doing things independently, whereas 'single' can refer more generally to one's relationship status.


Not romantically involved or committed to anyone.
例: She's currently unattached and enjoying her freedom.
注記: 'Unattached' specifically refers to the absence of romantic attachments, distinguishing it from the broader term 'single.'

Flying solo

Doing something independently without a companion or partner.
例: She decided to attend the concert flying solo.
注記: Similar to 'solo,' 'flying solo' emphasizes independence and self-reliance, often in social or leisure activities.


Open or free to engage in a romantic relationship.
例: I heard he's single and available, maybe you should ask him out.
注記: 'Available' specifically suggests openness to beginning a romantic relationship, contrasting with just being 'single.'

Single - 例

I am currently single.
Actualmente estoy soltero.
She is the only single person in our group.
Ella es la única persona soltera en nuestro grupo.
He decided to remain single for the rest of his life.
Decidió permanecer soltero por el resto de su vida.


Single - 形容詞 (Adjective) / 形容詞 (Adjective)
見出し語: single
形容詞 (Adjective): single
名詞、複数 (Noun, plural): singles
名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass): single
動詞、過去形 (Verb, past tense): singled
動詞、動名詞または現在分詞 (Verb, gerund or present participle): singling
動詞、三人称単数現在形 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): singles
動詞、原形 (Verb, base form): single
動詞、三人称単数以外の現在形 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): single
single 2 音節を含む: sin • gle
音声表記: ˈsiŋ-gəl
sin gle , ˈsiŋ gəl (赤い音節が強調されています)

Single - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
single: 500 - 600 (非常に一般的).
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