英語 - ハンガリー語


600 - 700
600 - 700
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

művelet, működés, hadművelet, operáció, üzlet

Operation のハンガリー語での意味


The operation was complex, requiring several steps.
A művelet összetett volt, több lépést igényelt.
He performed a mathematical operation to solve the problem.
Matematikai műveletet hajtott végre a probléma megoldásához.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Mathematics, computer science, or technical fields.
注記: The term 'művelet' can refer to operations in mathematics or actions in programming.


The operation of the machine is smooth.
A gép működése zökkenőmentes.
We need to ensure the proper operation of the system.
Biztosítanunk kell a rendszer megfelelő működését.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Engineering, mechanics, or system analysis.
注記: This meaning often refers to the functioning or performance of devices or systems.


The military operation was executed flawlessly.
A hadművelet hibátlanul zajlott le.
The operation involved multiple units working together.
A hadművelet több egység együttműködését igényelte.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Military or strategic contexts.
注記: Used primarily in military terminology to describe planned actions or missions.


He is recovering from a surgical operation.
Felépül egy sebészeti operációból.
The operation took several hours to complete.
Az operáció teljesítése több órát igényelt.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Medical contexts, particularly in surgery.
注記: This term is often used interchangeably with 'sebészeti beavatkozás' (surgical intervention).


The company is expanding its operations overseas.
A cég bővíti üzleti tevékenységét külföldön.
His operations in the market are quite successful.
A piacon folytatott üzletei nagyon sikeresek.
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Business and commerce.
注記: Refers to the activities or functions of a business or organization.



A series of actions conducted in a certain order to achieve a specific result.
例: The surgical procedure was successful.
注記: Procedure often implies a systematic series of steps to accomplish a task, while operation can refer to a broader range of activities.


A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.
例: The manufacturing process requires precision and attention to detail.
注記: Process typically emphasizes the ongoing nature of the actions involved, whereas operation can refer to a single action or a specific instance of a process.


The purpose or role that something has in a particular situation.
例: The function of this machine is to mix ingredients.
注記: Function highlights the intended purpose or role of something, whereas operation focuses more on the action or process of functioning.


A piece of work to be done or undertaken.
例: Completing this task requires attention to detail and accuracy.
注記: Task refers to a specific job or assignment to be completed, while operation is a broader term that can encompass multiple tasks or activities.


Surgical operation

A medical procedure involving incision or manipulation of body tissues.
例: The patient underwent a surgical operation to remove the tumor.
注記: Specifically refers to a medical procedure, different from the general term 'operation.'

Smooth operation

Indicates that something is functioning well without issues or disruptions.
例: The new system is now in place and running with smooth operation.
注記: Emphasizes the efficiency and effectiveness of a process or system.

Operations manager

A person responsible for managing the functioning of an organization or business.
例: As the operations manager, she oversees the daily activities of the company.
注記: Refers to a specific role in managing activities, distinct from the general meaning of 'operation.'

Covert operation

A secret or undercover mission or activity, often in a military or intelligence context.
例: The intelligence agency carried out a covert operation to gather information.
注記: Implies secrecy and hidden nature, distinguishing it from regular operations.

Operation room

A specially equipped room in a hospital or clinic for performing surgical procedures.
例: The surgeons prepared in the operation room before the procedure.
注記: Refers to a specific room for surgeries, different from the broader term 'operation.'

Operation cost

The expenses incurred in running a business or carrying out a particular activity.
例: The company needs to carefully manage its operation costs to remain profitable.
注記: Focuses on the financial aspect of running operations, distinct from the general concept of 'operation.'

Operational efficiency

The ability to maximize output with minimum input, often related to productivity and effectiveness.
例: Improving operational efficiency is crucial for the company's growth.
注記: Highlights the effectiveness and productivity of operations, contrasting with the general term 'operation.'



Shortened form of 'operations', commonly used informally in a casual setting.
例: Let's meet after the ops are done.
注記: Informal and colloquial compared to 'operation'.


Abbreviation for 'operation', often used in medical or military contexts.
例: I have an op scheduled for next week.
注記: Informal abbreviation for 'operation'.


A playful and endearing term referring to an operation or surgery.
例: Opie went well, she's recovering smoothly.
注記: Slang term with a lighter and more personalized tone compared to 'operation'.

Opportunity Knocks

A phrase implying that one should be prepared to take advantage of favorable circumstances.
例: When opportunity knocks, you have to be ready to seize it.
注記: Metaphorical use of 'operation' to convey a seizing of chances or circumstances.

Op Shop

A slang term for an opportunity or a place where good bargains or deals can be found.
例: Let's head to the op shop and see what we can find.
注記: Utilizes 'op' as a prefix to describe a shop providing chances for good finds.

Op It

A directive urging someone to move quickly or leave, similar to saying 'Hurry up'.
例: Op it, we need to get this done.
注記: Uses 'op' to convey a sense of urgency or immediate action.

Operation - 例

Operation successful.
A műtét sikeres volt.
The operation of the machine is simple.
A gép működése egyszerű.
The operation of the company is expanding.
A cég működése bővül.


Operation - 名詞 (Noun) / 名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass)
見出し語: operation
名詞、複数 (Noun, plural): operations, operation
名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass): operation
operation 4 音節を含む: op • er • a • tion
音声表記: ˌä-pə-ˈrā-shən
op er a tion , ˌä ˈrā shən (赤い音節が強調されています)

Operation - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
operation: 600 - 700 (非常に一般的).
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