英語 - ノルウェー語


500 - 600
500 - 600
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

sikkert, absolutt, selvfølgelig, uten tvil

Certainly のノルウェー語での意味


I will certainly help you with your project.
Jeg vil sikkert hjelpe deg med prosjektet ditt.
She will certainly pass the exam.
Hun vil sikkert bestå eksamen.
使用法: informalコンテクスト: Used to express confidence or assurance about something.
注記: This is the most common translation of 'certainly' and is often used in everyday conversation.


You can certainly count on me.
Du kan absolutt stole på meg.
I certainly agree with your opinion.
Jeg er absolutt enig med deg.
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Used to emphasize agreement or certainty.
注記: This translation conveys a stronger sense of affirmation compared to 'sikkert'.


Certainly, I will be there on time.
Selvfølgelig, jeg vil være der i tide.
Can you help me? Certainly!
Kan du hjelpe meg? Selvfølgelig!
使用法: informalコンテクスト: Used to indicate that something is obvious or expected.
注記: This word is often used in casual conversations, similar to saying 'of course'.

uten tvil

He is certainly the best candidate for the job, without a doubt.
Han er uten tvil den beste kandidaten til jobben.
They will certainly win the match, no doubt about it.
De vil uten tvil vinne kampen.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Used to express strong certainty or conviction.
注記: This phrase is more emphatic and is often used in formal writing or speech.



Definitely means without a doubt or certainly. It emphasizes a strong affirmation or assurance.
例: I will definitely attend the meeting tomorrow.
注記: Definitely is often used to express a high level of certainty or confidence in a statement.


Absolutely means completely or totally. It is used to express strong agreement or affirmation.
例: I absolutely agree with your proposal.
注記: Absolutely can convey a sense of complete agreement or certainty, similar to certainly.


Indeed is used to confirm or emphasize a statement. It can also mean 'in truth' or 'in fact'.
例: Indeed, it was a challenging task, but we managed to complete it.
注記: Indeed is often used to add emphasis or to confirm a previous statement, similar to certainly.


Undoubtedly means without a doubt or unquestionably. It emphasizes a high level of certainty.
例: She is undoubtedly the best candidate for the job.
注記: Undoubtedly conveys a strong sense of confidence or certainty, similar to certainly.


Certainly not

This phrase is used to strongly assert a negative response or refusal to something.
例: I will certainly not be attending the party tonight.
注記: Adding 'not' changes the meaning to a strong negative response, contrary to the affirmative nature of 'certainly.'


This phrase is used to express a strong affirmation or agreement.
例: Certainly, I can help you with that assignment.
注記: It retains the affirmative nature of 'certainly' but emphasizes agreement or willingness to help.

Most certainly

This phrase is used for added emphasis on the certainty or conviction of a belief or statement.
例: I most certainly believe in the power of positive thinking.
注記: The addition of 'most' intensifies the certainty or conviction expressed by 'certainly.'

Almost certainly

This phrase indicates a high degree of likelihood or probability, close to being certain.
例: Based on the evidence, she will almost certainly win the competition.
注記: The addition of 'almost' suggests a high probability but stops short of absolute certainty.

Certainly enough

This phrase means there is definitely a sufficient amount of something.
例: We have certainly enough food for the party.
注記: The addition of 'enough' specifies that there is an adequate or satisfactory quantity of something.

Certainly so

This phrase is used to affirm that something is true or accurate in accordance with expectations.
例: The results of the experiment were certainly so, as predicted.
注記: It reaffirms the accuracy or truthfulness of a statement or prediction.


For sure

This term is often used informally to express certainty or agreement.
例: A: Are you coming to the party tonight? B: For sure!
注記: It is a more casual and relaxed way of saying 'certainly.'

You bet

It means 'definitely' or 'of course.'
例: A: Can you help me with this project? B: You bet!
注記: It has a more enthusiastic tone compared to 'certainly.'

Hell yeah

An emphatic way of expressing strong agreement or certainty.
例: A: Do you want to go see a movie tonight? B: Hell yeah!
注記: It is much more informal and expressive than 'certainly.'

No doubt

It conveys strong confidence or certainty.
例: A: Are you going to pass the exam? B: No doubt about it!
注記: It emphasizes a lack of uncertainty or hesitation.

Without a doubt

This phrase means 'certainly' or 'definitely.'
例: A: Did he do a great job on the project? B: Without a doubt.
注記: It emphasizes complete certainty or confidence.


Informally means 'completely' or 'absolutely.'
例: A: Are you on board with the plan? B: Totally.
注記: It is a more casual and emphatic way of agreeing or confirming.

Certainly - 例

Certainly, I will be there on time.
Selvfølgelig vil jeg være der i tide.
I certainly hope that the weather will be good tomorrow.
Jeg håper absolutt at været blir bra i morgen.
He certainly knows how to cook a delicious meal.
Han vet absolutt hvordan man lager et deilig måltid.


Certainly - 副詞 (Adverb) / 副詞 (Adverb)
見出し語: certainly
副詞 (Adverb): certainly
certainly 3 音節を含む: cer • tain • ly
音声表記: ˈsər-tᵊn-lē
cer tain ly , ˈsər tᵊn (赤い音節が強調されています)

Certainly - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
certainly: 500 - 600 (非常に一般的).
Vocafy は、新しい単語やフレーズを簡単に発見、整理、学習するのに役立ちます。パーソナライズされた語彙コレクションを作成し、いつでもどこでも練習できます。