英語 - ノルウェー語


400 - 500
400 - 500
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

grunn, grunnlag, bunn, grunn (as in reason), grunn (as in to ground something)

Ground のノルウェー語での意味


The ground is wet after the rain.
Grunnen er våt etter regnet.
We need to prepare the ground for planting.
Vi må forberede grunnen for planting.
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Used in both everyday conversation and formal writing, especially in contexts related to nature or construction.
注記: This meaning refers to the surface of the earth or soil.


This theory has a solid ground.
Denne teorien har et solid grunnlag.
We need a strong ground for our argument.
Vi trenger et sterkt grunnlag for vårt argument.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Commonly used in academic or professional contexts, referring to the basis or foundation of an idea or argument.
注記: This meaning emphasizes the conceptual or theoretical basis rather than physical ground.


The glass is on the ground of the table.
Glasset står på bunnen av bordet.
He found a penny on the ground.
Han fant en krone på bunnen.
使用法: informalコンテクスト: Used in everyday conversation, often referring to the bottom part of something.
注記: This meaning can refer to the bottom of a physical object or surface.

grunn (as in reason)

She has a good ground for her decision.
Hun har et godt grunnlag for sin beslutning.
What is the ground for your complaint?
Hva er grunnen til klagen din?
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Used in both casual and formal discussions to refer to reasons or justifications.
注記: This meaning relates to the justification or reasoning behind an action or belief.

grunn (as in to ground something)

The electrician needs to ground the circuit.
Elektrikeren må jorde kretsen.
Make sure to ground the equipment properly.
Sørg for å jorde utstyret riktig.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Commonly used in technical or engineering contexts, especially related to electrical systems.
注記: This meaning refers to connecting electrical equipment to the earth for safety.



Earth refers to the solid surface of the planet as distinct from the sky or sea.
例: The earth beneath our feet felt cool and damp.
注記: Earth is often used in a more poetic or descriptive sense compared to 'ground.'


Soil is the top layer of the earth's surface in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic substances, clay, and rock particles.
例: The soil in this area is very fertile for farming.
注記: Soil specifically refers to the top layer of the earth's surface where plants grow, whereas 'ground' can have a broader meaning.


Terrain refers to a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.
例: The hikers struggled to traverse the rough terrain.
注記: Terrain emphasizes the physical characteristics and features of the land, whereas 'ground' is a more general term.


common ground

A shared understanding or interest upon which people can agree.
例: We were able to find common ground on the budget proposal.
注記: The term 'ground' in 'common ground' refers to an agreement or shared perspective rather than physical land.

stand your ground

To maintain one's position or opinion firmly, especially in the face of opposition.
例: She stood her ground during the negotiation and didn't back down.
注記: In this idiom, 'ground' refers to holding one's position or stance rather than physical land.

break new ground

To pioneer or make a significant innovation or discovery.
例: The research team broke new ground with their innovative approach to the problem.
注記: Here, 'ground' signifies new territory or achievements rather than literal land.

get off the ground

To start or begin successfully.
例: The project struggled to get off the ground due to funding issues.
注記: In this idiom, 'ground' represents the initial stages or starting point rather than physical surface.

hit the ground running

To start something quickly and with great energy to achieve immediate success.
例: She joined the company and hit the ground running, completing her first project in record time.
注記: Here, 'ground' implies starting a task or project swiftly rather than physical land.

lose ground

To fall behind or lose advantage in a competition or situation.
例: The company began to lose ground to its competitors due to lack of innovation.
注記: In this context, 'ground' refers to losing a competitive position rather than physical land.

solid ground

A stable or secure basis or foundation.
例: After weeks of uncertainty, they finally found themselves on solid ground with the new contract.
注記: In this idiom, 'ground' represents a secure and stable foundation rather than actual ground.

break the ground

To ceremonially begin the construction of a new building or project.
例: The mayor will break the ground for the new community center next week.
注記: Here, 'ground' symbolizes the start of a construction project rather than the physical earth.

get in on the ground floor

To become involved in something at an early stage when it has the potential for future success.
例: Investors who got in on the ground floor of the startup reaped significant profits.
注記: In this idiom, 'ground floor' refers to the initial stage of a venture rather than the actual first level of a building.


back to the drawing board

This phrase is used when a plan or idea has failed, and you need to start over and come up with a new one.
例: Our original plan didn't work out, so it's back to the drawing board for us.
注記: The slang term implies starting from the initial planning stage, while 'ground' refers more specifically to a foundation or basis.

hit the ground

To start something quickly and energetically, especially a new project or task.
例: Our team needs to hit the ground running to meet the project deadline.
注記: While 'ground' typically refers to a surface or foundation, 'hit the ground' emphasizes starting swiftly or effectively.

on the ground

Being present at a particular location or situation, especially to gather firsthand information or provide direct assistance.
例: Our reporter is on the ground to cover the breaking news story.
注記: The slang term emphasizes physical presence or direct involvement compared to the more general concept of 'ground.'

break the ice

To do something to make people feel more relaxed in a social situation, especially at the beginning of a meeting or gathering.
例: I told a joke to break the ice at the meeting and lighten the mood.
注記: The slang term is used to describe initiating social interaction, contrasting with the literal meaning of 'ground.'

from the ground up

Starting from the very beginning or the most basic level, without any prior infrastructure or resources.
例: He built his business from the ground up, starting with just a small loan.
注記: While 'ground' typically refers to a surface or foundation, 'from the ground up' emphasizes building or creating something entirely from scratch.

make up ground

To regain lost progress, especially in a competitive or challenging situation.
例: We need to work extra hard to make up ground after falling behind the competition.
注記: While 'ground' relates to a physical surface, 'make up ground' refers to advancing or catching up in a metaphorical sense.

Ground - 例

The ground is wet after the rain.
Jorden er våt etter regnet.
The building has a strong foundation in the ground.
Bygningen har et solid fundament i jorden.
The plane is about to touch the ground.
Flyet er i ferd med å berøre jorden.


Ground - 名詞 (Noun) / 名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass)
見出し語: ground
名詞、複数 (Noun, plural): grounds, ground
名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass): ground
動詞、過去形 (Verb, past tense): grounded
動詞、動名詞または現在分詞 (Verb, gerund or present participle): grounding
動詞、三人称単数現在形 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): grounds
動詞、原形 (Verb, base form): ground
動詞、三人称単数以外の現在形 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): ground
ground 1 音節を含む: ground
音声表記: ˈgrau̇nd
ground , ˈgrau̇nd (赤い音節が強調されています)

Ground - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
ground: 400 - 500 (非常に一般的).
Vocafy は、新しい単語やフレーズを簡単に発見、整理、学習するのに役立ちます。パーソナライズされた語彙コレクションを作成し、いつでもどこでも練習できます。