英語 - ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)


500 - 600
500 - 600
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

parent, parent (in a biological or legal context), parent (in a relational context), parent (in a computing context)

Parent のポルトガル語での意味


My parent is coming to visit this weekend.
Mon parent vient me rendre visite ce week-end.
Parents often worry about their children's education.
Les parents s'inquiètent souvent de l'éducation de leurs enfants.
使用法: formal/informalコンテクスト: Used to refer to a mother or father, or more generally to a guardian of a child.
注記: The word 'parent' can refer to either mother or father but is typically used in a general sense.

parent (in a biological or legal context)

The child's parent must sign the permission slip.
Le parent de l'enfant doit signer le formulaire de permission.
Both parents are responsible for their child's upbringing.
Les deux parents sont responsables de l'éducation de leur enfant.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Commonly used in legal and educational contexts.
注記: In legal contexts, 'parent' refers to the rights and responsibilities of biological or adoptive parents.

parent (in a relational context)

He treats his friends like his parents treat him.
Il traite ses amis comme ses parents le traitent.
She is very similar to her parent in personality.
Elle est très similaire à son parent en personnalité.
使用法: informalコンテクスト: Used when discussing relationships and traits passed down from parents to children.
注記: The term can sometimes imply a deeper emotional connection or resemblance beyond biological ties.

parent (in a computing context)

The parent directory contains all the subfolders.
Le répertoire parent contient tous les sous-dossiers.
In object-oriented programming, the parent class can be inherited by child classes.
En programmation orientée objet, la classe parent peut être héritée par des classes enfants.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Commonly used in technical or software development contexts.
注記: In computing, 'parent' refers to a higher level in a hierarchy, such as files or classes.



A mother is a female parent who gives birth to or raises a child.
例: My mother always supports me in everything I do.
注記: The term 'mother' specifically refers to a female parent, whereas 'parent' can refer to either a mother or a father.


A father is a male parent who contributes to the conception or raising of a child.
例: My father teaches me how to ride a bike.
注記: Similar to 'mother,' 'father' specifically refers to a male parent, unlike the more general 'parent.'


A guardian is a person who has the legal responsibility for protecting and caring for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, such as a child.
例: The guardian of the child was appointed by the court.
注記: While a parent is a biological relation, a guardian can be a legal or appointed caregiver responsible for a child's well-being.


A caretaker is someone who takes care of a person or property, often in a professional capacity.
例: The caretaker of the orphanage looks after the children with love and care.
注記: A caretaker may have a more formal or professional role in looking after someone, whereas a parent typically has a personal and familial relationship with their child.


Like father, like son

This phrase means that a child's behavior or characteristics are similar to those of their parent, especially the father.
例: John is a talented musician, just like his father. Like father, like son!
注記: This phrase focuses on the similarity in behavior or characteristics between a parent and their child.

Blood is thicker than water

This phrase emphasizes that family relations are more important and stronger than other relationships.
例: Even though they had disagreements, in times of need, family sticks together. Blood is thicker than water.
注記: The phrase shifts the focus from the specific relationship of being a parent to the broader concept of family relationships.

To have a chip off the old block

This idiom means that a child has inherited similar qualities or characteristics from their parent.
例: Sarah is a great artist, just like her mother. She's a chip off the old block.
注記: It highlights the idea of inheritance of qualities or characteristics from a parent, particularly from the same gender parent.

To be a mother hen

This phrase refers to someone, usually a woman, who is overprotective and caring towards others.
例: Anna always looks after her friends and makes sure everyone is safe. She's a real mother hen.
注記: It uses the concept of a mother hen, an animal known for being protective of its chicks, to describe a person's behavior.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

This expression means that a child's behavior or characteristics are similar to those of their parent.
例: Mark became a doctor, just like his father. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
注記: It uses the imagery of an apple falling near a tree to illustrate the idea of similarity between a parent and child.

To be a daddy's girl/momma's boy

This idiom refers to a child, usually an adult, who has a close and special bond with their father or mother.
例: Even though she's an adult, Jane still seeks her father's approval in everything. She's a daddy's girl.
注記: It emphasizes the strong emotional connection and dependency of a child on their parent, particularly based on gender.

To bring up (a child)

This phrase means to raise or care for a child from infancy to adulthood.
例: It's not easy to bring up a child in today's world with so many challenges.
注記: It shifts the focus from the general concept of being a parent to the specific action of raising and nurturing a child.



Informal slang term used to refer collectively to one's parents.
例: My parentals are going out for dinner tonight.
注記: It is a casual and convenient way to refer to both parents without specifying each one individually.

Moms and pops

A colloquial way of referring to one's mother and father collectively.
例: I learned baking from my moms and pops.
注記: This slang term adds a sense of familiarity and warmth to the reference of parents.


Shortened slang term for 'parent' used in casual conversation.
例: I'm heading over to my friend's par for a BBQ.
注記: It is a more informal and efficient way to refer to one's parent without using the full word.

Old lady

Slang term, often humorous or affectionate, used to refer to one's mother.
例: My old lady always knows how to cheer me up.
注記: This slang term can be seen as endearing or playful when used to refer to one's mother.

Old man

Informal slang term used to refer to one's father.
例: My old man is the best at fixing things around the house.
注記: Similar to 'old lady,' this term can convey a sense of affection or familiarity towards one's father.

Sperm donor

Informal and sometimes derogatory term used to refer to one's biological father.
例: I never really knew my sperm donor, so I don't have much to say about him.
注記: This term can carry negative connotations, implying a lack of emotional connection or involvement from the father figure.

The 'rents

Casual and abbreviated slang term for 'parents' often used in a light-hearted or informal context.
例: I'm going on a trip with the 'rents next weekend.
注記: It adds a sense of informality and closeness when referring to one's parents.

Parent - 例

My parents are coming to visit me next week.
Mes parents viennent me rendre visite la semaine prochaine.
She is a single parent raising two children.
Elle est une mère célibataire élevant deux enfants.
His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.
Son père est médecin et sa mère est enseignante.


Parent - 名詞 (Noun) / 名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass)
見出し語: parent
名詞、複数 (Noun, plural): parents
名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass): parent
parent 2 音節を含む: par • ent
音声表記: ˈper-ənt
par ent , ˈper ənt (赤い音節が強調されています)

Parent - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
parent: 500 - 600 (非常に一般的).
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