英語 - トルコ語


700 - 800
700 - 800
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

çevre, ortam, şartlar, çevresel faktörler

Environment のトルコ語での意味


The government is taking steps to protect the environment.
Hükümet, çevreyi korumak için adımlar atıyor.
We must do our part to preserve the environment.
Çevreyi korumak için üzerimize düşeni yapmalıyız.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Used in discussions about ecology, conservation, and environmental policy.
注記: This is the most common meaning and is often used in both formal and informal contexts when discussing nature and ecological issues.


The classroom environment is very important for learning.
Sınıf ortamı öğrenme için çok önemlidir.
He prefers a relaxed environment when working.
Çalışırken rahat bir ortamı tercih ediyor.
使用法: informalコンテクスト: Used to describe physical or social settings, such as workplaces, homes, or social gatherings.
注記: This meaning emphasizes the conditions or surroundings in which events occur or people interact.


The economic environment has changed dramatically.
Ekonomik şartlar dramatik bir şekilde değişti.
In this environment, we must adapt to survive.
Bu şartlarda hayatta kalmak için uyum sağlamalıyız.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Used in discussions about economic, political, or social conditions.
注記: This meaning relates to the broader conditions that influence situations, often used in business or academic contexts.

çevresel faktörler

Environmental factors play a crucial role in health.
Çevresel faktörler sağlığa önemli bir rol oynar.
We must consider environmental factors when planning the project.
Projeyi planlarken çevresel faktörleri dikkate almalıyız.
使用法: formalコンテクスト: Used in scientific or technical discussions, particularly in health, biology, or environmental science.
注記: This meaning emphasizes specific elements within the environment that impact outcomes, often used in research contexts.



Surroundings refer to the area or environment around a particular place or thing.
例: The hotel's surroundings were breathtaking, with views of the mountains and the sea.
注記: Surroundings often emphasize the immediate physical space around something, while 'environment' can have a broader connotation.


Setting refers to the place and time in which a story, event, or situation takes place.
例: The movie's setting in a futuristic world captivated the audience.
注記: Setting is more specific and can be used in the context of storytelling or describing a particular scene, while 'environment' is a more general term.


Context refers to the circumstances or conditions that surround a particular event, idea, or statement.
例: To understand the meaning of the word, you need to consider its context within the sentence.
注記: Context focuses on the circumstances or conditions that influence something, while 'environment' is a broader term that encompasses various factors.


Green thumb

This idiom refers to a person who has a natural talent for gardening or growing plants.
例: My neighbor has a green thumb and her garden is always flourishing.
注記: The phrase 'green thumb' is a metaphorical expression and does not directly relate to the environment itself.


Eco-friendly means being environmentally friendly or not harmful to the environment.
例: I try to buy eco-friendly products to reduce my impact on the environment.
注記: While 'environment' is a broader term, 'eco-friendly' specifically refers to actions or products that are beneficial or at least not harmful to the environment.

Carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly by human activities.
例: Flying less frequently can help reduce your carbon footprint.
注記: The term 'carbon footprint' is more specific, focusing on greenhouse gas emissions, while 'environment' encompasses a wider range of factors.

Going green

To 'go green' means to adopt environmentally friendly practices or make choices that are better for the environment.
例: Our company is going green by implementing recycling programs and using energy-efficient appliances.
注記: The phrase 'going green' implies a proactive and deliberate effort to be environmentally conscious, whereas 'environment' is a general term.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
例: The government is promoting sustainable development to balance economic growth with environmental protection.
注記: Unlike 'environment', 'sustainable development' specifically focuses on the balance between economic, social, and environmental factors.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

This phrase promotes the principles of minimizing consumption, reusing items, and recycling materials to lessen environmental impact.
例: Remember the mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle to minimize waste and protect the environment.
注記: While 'environment' is a general term, this phrase provides specific actions that individuals can take to support environmental conservation.

Climate change

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions resulting from human activities.
例: Scientists warn that urgent action is needed to address climate change and its impact on the environment.
注記: While 'environment' encompasses various elements, 'climate change' specifically addresses the impact of human actions on the Earth's climate.


Mother Nature

Refers to the natural world, typically personified as a motherly figure who provides and sustains life.
例: We need to start taking better care of Mother Nature by reducing our plastic waste.
注記: More informal and poetic than the word 'environment.' It implies a sense of caretaking and respect for the Earth.

The great outdoors

Refers to the natural environment outside of urban areas.
例: I love spending weekends in the great outdoors, hiking and camping.
注記: Emphasizes the idea of outdoor recreational activities and enjoying nature rather than just the general environment.

Mother Earth

Similar to 'Mother Nature,' it personifies the Earth as a nurturing entity.
例: Mother Earth has been suffering from the effects of pollution caused by human activity.
注記: Evokes a deeper emotional connection to the Earth as a living being rather than a passive environment.

The great green

An informal way to refer to the natural world, particularly emphasizing its vegetation and greenery.
例: Let's take a walk in the great green and appreciate the beauty of nature.
注記: Highlights the lush and vibrant aspects of the environment rather than focusing on the environmental impact.


Refers to undisturbed natural areas that are unaffected by human development.
例: There's a certain peace I find when I retreat to the wilderness for a few days.
注記: Connotes a sense of untouched beauty and freedom compared to the more general term 'environment.'

The great blue

Slang for the oceans and seas.
例: I feel a sense of calm whenever I gaze at the great blue stretching out above the horizon.
注記: Emphasizes the vast expanses of water and marine life, focusing on a specific aspect of the environment.

The wild

Refers to natural areas, often remote or untouched by human influence.
例: Being out in the wild helps me disconnect from the stresses of city life.
注記: Implies a sense of adventure, freedom, and a return to a more primal state in contrast to the controlled urban environment.

Environment - 例

The environment is very important for our survival.
Çevre, hayatta kalmamız için çok önemlidir.
Environmental pollution is a serious problem in many countries.
Çevre kirliliği, birçok ülkede ciddi bir sorundur.
We should all do our part to protect the environment.
Çevreyi korumak için hepimiz üzerimize düşeni yapmalıyız.


Environment - 名詞 (Noun) / 名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass)
見出し語: environment
名詞、複数 (Noun, plural): environments
名詞、単数または質量 (Noun, singular or mass): environment
environment 4 音節を含む: en • vi • ron • ment
音声表記: in-ˈvī-rə(n)-mənt
en vi ron ment , in ˈvī rə(n) mənt (赤い音節が強調されています)

Environment - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
environment: 700 - 800 (非常に一般的).
Vocafy は、新しい単語やフレーズを簡単に発見、整理、学習するのに役立ちます。パーソナライズされた語彙コレクションを作成し、いつでもどこでも練習できます。