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Question Tags for Children

Melinda 2024-04-15 13 voca
0 Atsiliepimas
Please pass the salt.
Kérlek, add ide a sót.
1 / 40
This book is mine, not yours.
Ez a könyv az enyém, nem a tiéd.
Is this pen hers?
Ez a toll az övé?
The house is theirs.
A ház az övék.
His car is parked outside.
Az ő autója kint parkol.
The cat licked its paw.
A macska megnyalta a mancsát.
This house is ours.
Ez a ház a miénk.
Is this coat yours?
Ez a kabát a tiéd?
The decision is ours to make.
A döntés a miénk.
This is my sister's car, but she lets me borrow it.
Ez a húgom autója, de megengedi, hogy kölcsönvegyem.
His parents are renovating their house, so they're staying with us until it's finished.
A szülei felújítják a házukat, így nálunk laknak, amíg be nem fejezik.
Our friends invited us to their wedding.
A barátaink meghívtak minket az esküvőjükre.
Is this her brother's dog? Yes, he often brings it to the park for walks.
Ez az ő bátyjának a kutyája? Igen, gyakran elhozza a parkba sétálni.
Their children's school is organizing a charity event, and they're volunteering to help with the organization.
A gyerekeik iskolája jótékonysági eseményt szervez, és ők önkéntesként segítenek a szervezésben.

Question Tag

A question tag is a short question added at the end of a statement to confirm or check information.

For example:
You are coming, aren’t you?
It’s cold today, isn’t it?


Positive Statement, Negative Tag
If the statement is positive, the tag is negative.
Example: You are a student, aren’t you?

Negative Statement, Positive Tag
If the statement is negative, the tag is positive.
Example: You aren’t tired, are you?

The Most Common Structures:

With 'be' Verbs - am, is, are, was, were:
Example: She is a teacher, isn’t she?
Example: They were here, weren’t they?

With Auxiliary Verbs - have, will, can, must:
Example: You can swim, can’t you?
Example: He will come, won’t he?

Simple Present and Past Tense
Simple Present (do/does): You like coffee, don’t you?
Simple Past (did): She went home, didn’t she?

Common Examples:

He is happy, isn’t he?
They are playing, aren’t they?
She doesn’t like apples, does she?
We didn’t see the movie, did we?
You will help me, won’t you?
They can’t swim, can they?

There is one weird exception: the question tag after I am is aren't I.


Agreement: The question tag matches the tense and form of the statement.
Polarity: The tag is always the opposite of the statement (positive statement, negative tag and vice versa).

Išmokite šiuos žodžius ir frazes: Party, Playing, Picnic, Watch, Firefighter, kad pagerintumėte savo Anglų įgūdžius ir praplėstumėte žodyną.
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