Anglų - Vokiečių


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Žodžių dažnumo ir svarbos indeksas rodo, kaip dažnai žodis pasirodo tam tikroje kalboje. Kuo mažesnis skaičius, tuo dažniau žodis vartojamas. Dažniausiai vartojami žodžiai paprastai svyruoja nuo 1 iki 4000. Šis svarbos indeksas padeda jums susitelkti į naudingiausius žodžius jūsų kalbos mokymosi proceso metu.

Der, die, das, Dieser, diese, dieses, Jener, jene, jenes

Žodžio The reikšmės vokiškai kalba

Der, die, das

The book is on the table.
Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch.
The sun is shining.
Die Sonne scheint.
Naudojimas: FormalKontekstas: General usage
Pastaba: In German, the definite article 'the' has different forms depending on the gender of the noun it precedes: 'der' for masculine nouns, 'die' for feminine nouns, and 'das' for neuter nouns.

Dieser, diese, dieses

The red car is fast.
Dieses rote Auto ist schnell.
The beautiful flowers are in the garden.
Diese schönen Blumen sind im Garten.
Naudojimas: FormalKontekstas: Specific or demonstrative usage
Pastaba: In German, 'dieser' is used as a demonstrative pronoun to point out specific objects in a sentence. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.

Jener, jene, jenes

The blue house is old.
Jenes blaue Haus ist alt.
The man you met yesterday is my friend.
Der Mann, den du gestern getroffen hast, ist mein Freund.
Naudojimas: FormalKontekstas: Remote or distant usage
Pastaba: In German, 'jener' is used to refer to something more distant or remote in space or time. It also agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.

The sinonimai


The most common definite article in English, used to specify a noun.
Pavyzdys: The dog barked loudly.
Pastaba: None


Used to indicate a specific person or thing close to the speaker.
Pavyzdys: This dog barked loudly.
Pastaba: Specifies proximity


Used to indicate a specific person or thing at a distance from the speaker.
Pavyzdys: That dog barked loudly.
Pastaba: Specifies distance


Used to indicate specific people or things at a distance from the speaker.
Pavyzdys: Those dogs barked loudly.
Pastaba: Plural form of 'that'

This particular

Used to emphasize a specific individual or thing.
Pavyzdys: This particular dog barked loudly.
Pastaba: Emphasizes specificity

The posakiai ir dažni junginiai

The icing on the cake

This idiom means something that makes a good situation even better or perfect.
Pavyzdys: Winning the championship was great, but getting a scholarship was the icing on the cake.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' signifies a specific article, but in this idiom, it is used figuratively to emphasize an added bonus.

The ball is in your court

This phrase means it is now someone else's turn to make a decision or take action.
Pavyzdys: I've made my offer, so now the ball is in your court to decide.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used here to emphasize a specific situation where responsibility or action lies with someone else.

The early bird catches the worm

This saying means that those who act early or arrive first have the best chance of success.
Pavyzdys: I always arrive at work before anyone else - the early bird catches the worm!
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is part of the saying to emphasize the importance of being early to achieve success.

The grass is always greener on the other side

This idiom means people often think others' situations are better than their own.
Pavyzdys: She thought a new job would make her happier, but now she realizes the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to create a comparison between one's situation and that of others.

The whole nine yards

This phrase means doing everything possible or going all the way in a particular situation.
Pavyzdys: She went all out for the party - decorations, food, music, the whole nine yards.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to emphasize completeness or thoroughness in a given context.

The pot calling the kettle black

This phrase refers to someone criticizing another for a fault they share themselves.
Pavyzdys: He criticized her for being late, but it's the pot calling the kettle black since he is always late too.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to highlight the irony in the situation, where both parties have the same fault.

The apple of my eye

This expression means someone or something that is treasured above all others.
Pavyzdys: My daughter is the apple of my eye - I cherish her above all else.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to emphasize the importance of the person or thing being cherished or loved.

The bottom line

This phrase refers to the most important or crucial factor in a situation.
Pavyzdys: We need to increase sales - that's the bottom line for our company's survival.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to highlight the key point or outcome that matters the most.

The devil is in the details

This saying means that mistakes or problems are often found in the small details of a plan or project.
Pavyzdys: Designing the project seemed easy, but the devil is in the details - there are many small, crucial elements to consider.
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used to emphasize the importance of paying attention to the finer points or specifics of a task.

The kasdienės (slengo) išraiškos

The skinny

Refers to information or the latest details on a particular topic.
Pavyzdys: Hey, what's the skinny on that new restaurant downtown?
Pastaba: The original word 'the' is used in standard English to indicate a specific noun.

The scoop

Means the inside or exclusive information about something.
Pavyzdys: I'll give you the scoop on what happened at the meeting.
Pastaba: While 'the' is a definite article, 'the scoop' is slang for exclusive information.

The lowdown

Refers to the essential or crucial details about a situation.
Pavyzdys: Can you give me the lowdown on why the party got canceled?
Pastaba: In colloquial use, 'the lowdown' means insider details, unlike the general article 'the'.

The deal

Asks for an explanation or status update on a particular matter.
Pavyzdys: So, what's the deal with the project deadline?
Pastaba: While 'the' is a definite article, 'the deal' is used informally to inquire about a situation.

The word

Refers to rumors or news circulating about something.
Pavyzdys: The word on the street is that they're getting back together.
Pastaba: In slang usage, 'the word' conveys hearsay or information shared informally compared to the standard article 'the'.

The deets

Short for 'details', asking for specific information or particulars about an event.
Pavyzdys: Can you give me the deets on the party this weekend?
Pastaba: This slang term abbreviates 'details' and is used informally compared to the regular usage of 'the'.

The 411

Comes from the notion of 'information', asking for the latest news or updates.
Pavyzdys: Do you have the 411 on what's going on with the faculty meeting?
Pastaba: 'The 411' is slang for information or news, whereas 'the' is a standard article in English.

The - Pavyzdžiai

The sun is shining brightly today.
Die Sonne scheint heute hell.
The cat is sitting on the fence.
Die Katze sitzt auf dem Zaun.
The book on the table is mine.
Das Buch auf dem Tisch gehört mir.
The restaurant serves delicious food.
Das Restaurant serviert köstliches Essen.

The gramatika

The - Įvardis (Pronoun) / Nustatymo žodis (Determiner)
Antraštinis žodis: the
Skiemenys, Skyrimas ir Kirtis
The turi 1 skiemenų: the
Fonetinis transkripcija: t͟hə
the , t͟hə (Raudonas skiemuo yra kirčiuotas)

The - Svarbumas ir naudojimo dažnumas

Žodžių dažnumo ir svarbos indeksas rodo, kaip dažnai žodis pasirodo tam tikroje kalboje. Kuo mažesnis skaičius, tuo dažniau žodis vartojamas. Dažniausiai vartojami žodžiai paprastai svyruoja nuo 1 iki 4000.
The: 0 - 100 (Ypač Dažnas).
Šis svarbos indeksas padeda jums susitelkti į naudingiausius žodžius jūsų kalbos mokymosi proceso metu.
Vocafy, efektyvus kalbų mokymasis
Vocafy, efektyvus kalbų mokymasis
Vocafy padeda lengvai atrasti, tvarkyti ir išmokti naujus žodžius ir frazes. Kurkite suasmenintas žodyno kolekcijas ir praktikuokitės bet kada ir bet kur.