Anglų - Turkų


Ypač Dažnas
500 - 600
500 - 600
Žodžių dažnumo ir svarbos indeksas rodo, kaip dažnai žodis pasirodo tam tikroje kalboje. Kuo mažesnis skaičius, tuo dažniau žodis vartojamas. Dažniausiai vartojami žodžiai paprastai svyruoja nuo 1 iki 4000. Šis svarbos indeksas padeda jums susitelkti į naudingiausius žodžius jūsų kalbos mokymosi proceso metu.

Dik bakış, Bakış, İlgiyle bakmak, Uzun süre bakmak

Žodžio Gaze reikšmės turkiškai kalba

Dik bakış

She had a gentle gaze that made everyone feel comfortable.
Herkesi rahat hissettiren nazik bir dik bakışı vardı.
His gaze was fixed on the horizon, lost in thought.
Dik bakışı ufka sabitlenmişti, düşüncelere dalmıştı.
Naudojimas: formalKontekstas: Describing someone's way of looking at something, often with intensity or focus.
Pastaba: Used to convey depth of emotion or contemplation.


The artist's gaze seemed to follow me around the room.
Sanatçının bakışı odanın etrafında beni takip ediyormuş gibi görünüyordu.
He caught her gaze and smiled.
Onun bakışını yakaladı ve gülümsedi.
Naudojimas: informalKontekstas: Everyday interactions, often in social situations.
Pastaba: Can be used in a more casual context, indicating a fleeting look.

İlgiyle bakmak

Children often gaze at the stars in wonder.
Çocuklar genellikle yıldızlara hayranlıkla bakar.
She gazed at the painting, lost in its beauty.
Tabloya hayranlıkla baktı, güzelliğine kapıldı.
Naudojimas: informalKontekstas: Describing admiration or fascination with something beautiful.
Pastaba: Implies a sense of wonder or admiration.

Uzun süre bakmak

He couldn't help but gaze at her for a long time.
Ona uzun süre bakmaktan kendini alamadı.
They gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the moment.
Birbirlerinin gözlerinin içine bakarak anın tadını çıkardılar.
Naudojimas: informalKontekstas: Romantic or intimate situations, often implying a strong emotional connection.
Pastaba: Can indicate longing or deep affection.

Gaze sinonimai


To look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something.
Pavyzdys: She stared out of the window, lost in thought.
Pastaba: Stare implies a more intense and prolonged look compared to gaze.


To look keenly or with difficulty at someone or something.
Pavyzdys: He peered into the darkness, trying to make out shapes.
Pastaba: Peering involves looking closely or intently, often with an effort to see something clearly.


To take a brief or hurried look at someone or something.
Pavyzdys: She glanced briefly at her watch before continuing her work.
Pastaba: Glancing is a quick and often casual look, in contrast to the more focused gaze.


To look at someone or something for a period of time, usually attentively.
Pavyzdys: He watched the birds flying overhead with fascination.
Pastaba: Watching involves observing with interest or intent, which may differ from a passive gaze.

Gaze posakiai ir dažni junginiai

Gaze into

To look steadily or intently into something or someone.
Pavyzdys: She gazed into his eyes lovingly.
Pastaba: The addition of 'into' specifies the direction of the gaze towards something specific.

Gaze at

To look at something steadily or intently.
Pavyzdys: He gazed at the stars in wonder.
Pastaba: Similar to 'gaze into,' this phrase also emphasizes looking at something specific.

Gaze upon

To look at something with admiration or awe.
Pavyzdys: The travelers gazed upon the majestic mountain peak.
Pastaba: This phrase conveys a sense of reverence or admiration for what is being looked at.

Gaze out

To look outward, often into the distance or beyond.
Pavyzdys: She gazed out of the window, lost in thought.
Pastaba: The use of 'out' suggests looking outside or beyond a specific boundary or area.

Gaze around

To look in all directions, typically to observe or survey a space.
Pavyzdys: They gazed around the room, taking in its beauty.
Pastaba: This phrase implies a more comprehensive observation of the surroundings rather than focusing on a single point.

Gaze off into the distance

To look far away with a thoughtful or absent-minded expression.
Pavyzdys: He often gazes off into the distance, lost in thought.
Pastaba: This phrase emphasizes looking at a distant point, often while being deep in thought.

Gaze up at

To look upwards towards something above oneself.
Pavyzdys: The child gazed up at the towering oak tree.
Pastaba: The addition of 'up' indicates the direction of the gaze towards something higher or elevated.

Gaze kasdienės (slengo) išraiškos

Stare down

To look at someone or something intensely, often with an aggressive or confrontational attitude.
Pavyzdys: She gave him a fierce stare down across the room.
Pastaba: While 'gaze' implies a more neutral or peaceful observation, 'stare down' carries a stronger and potentially hostile connotation.


To glance quickly or furtively, usually to see something not meant to be seen or to satisfy curiosity.
Pavyzdys: I caught him trying to peek into my notebook during the exam.
Pastaba: Unlike 'gaze' which suggests a more prolonged and intentional act of looking, 'peek' is brief and often sneaky.

Eye up

To look at something with keen interest or desire, often related to food, objects, or people.
Pavyzdys: She was eyeing up the cupcakes on the counter with hunger in her eyes.
Pastaba: Unlike 'gaze' which implies a general observation, 'eye up' suggests a more focused and potentially covetous attention.


To look at someone with obvious sexual or romantic interest, often in a way that is considered inappropriate or overly intense.
Pavyzdys: The man couldn't stop ogling the actress as she passed by.
Pastaba: Unlike 'gaze' which is a neutral term, 'ogle' carries a more intense and often objectifying meaning.

Size up

To look at or evaluate someone or something in order to form an opinion or make a decision.
Pavyzdys: The bouncer sized up the rowdy group of young men before letting them into the club.
Pastaba: Unlike 'gaze' which suggests a passive act of looking, 'size up' involves a more active assessment or judgment.

Side eye

A sidelong glance expressing disapproval, skepticism, or contempt.
Pavyzdys: She gave him a side eye when he made a sarcastic comment during the meeting.
Pastaba: Unlike 'gaze' which is a direct and straightforward look, 'side eye' is more subtle and often carries negative or judgmental undertones.

Gaze - Pavyzdžiai

His gaze lingered on her for a moment.
Onun bakışı bir an için onda kaldı.
She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his intense gaze.
Onun yoğun bakışları altında rahatsız hissetmemek elde değildi.
The child's gaze was fixed on the colorful balloons.
Çocuğun bakışı renkli balonlara sabitlenmişti.

Gaze gramatika

Gaze - Veiksmažodis (Verb) / Veiksmažodis, pagrindinis veiksmažodis (Verb, base form)
Antraštinis žodis: gaze
Daiktavardis, daugiskaita (Noun, plural): gazes
Daiktavardis, vienaskaita arba masė (Noun, singular or mass): gaze
Veiksmažodis, būtasis laikas (Verb, past tense): gazed
Veiksmažodis, padalyvis arba esamojo laiko dalyvis (Verb, gerund or present participle): gazing
Veiksmažodis, esamasis laikas trečiasis asmuo vienaskaita (Verb, 3rd person singular present): gazes
Veiksmažodis, pagrindinis veiksmažodis (Verb, base form): gaze
Veiksmažodis, esamasis laikas ne trečiasis asmuo vienaskaita (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): gaze
Skiemenys, Skyrimas ir Kirtis
Gaze turi 1 skiemenų: gaze
Fonetinis transkripcija: ˈgāz
gaze , ˈgāz (Raudonas skiemuo yra kirčiuotas)

Gaze - Svarbumas ir naudojimo dažnumas

Žodžių dažnumo ir svarbos indeksas rodo, kaip dažnai žodis pasirodo tam tikroje kalboje. Kuo mažesnis skaičius, tuo dažniau žodis vartojamas. Dažniausiai vartojami žodžiai paprastai svyruoja nuo 1 iki 4000.
Gaze: 500 - 600 (Ypač Dažnas).
Šis svarbos indeksas padeda jums susitelkti į naudingiausius žodžius jūsų kalbos mokymosi proceso metu.
Vocafy, efektyvus kalbų mokymasis
Vocafy, efektyvus kalbų mokymasis
Vocafy padeda lengvai atrasti, tvarkyti ir išmokti naujus žodžius ir frazes. Kurkite suasmenintas žodyno kolekcijas ir praktikuokitės bet kada ir bet kur.