Engelsk - Japansk


Veldig Vanlig
~ 2000
~ 2000
Ordets frekvens- og betydningsindeks indikerer hvor ofte et ord dukker opp i et gitt språk. Jo mindre tallet er, desto oftere brukes ordet. De mest brukte ordene varierer vanligvis fra omtrent 1 til 4000. Denne viktighetsindeksen hjelper deg med å fokusere på de mest nyttige ordene under språklæringsprosessen din.

未知 (みち), 不明 (ふめい), 不詳 (ふしょう), 無名 (むめい), 知られていない (しられていない)

Betydninger av Unknown på japansk

未知 (みち)

The origins of the universe remain unknown.
The unknown can be frightening.
Bruk: FormalKontekst: Used in discussions about science, philosophy, or situations involving uncertainty.
Merk: Used in both formal and informal contexts, especially in discussions about knowledge or existence.

不明 (ふめい)

The cause of the accident is still unknown.
His whereabouts are unknown.
Bruk: FormalKontekst: Commonly used in legal or official documents, reports, and news articles.
Merk: Often used in contexts where information is missing or unclear.

不詳 (ふしょう)

The author of this book is unknown.
Many details about the case remain unknown.
Bruk: FormalKontekst: Used in academic or literary contexts to refer to information that is not disclosed.
Merk: More formal and less commonly used than '不明'.

無名 (むめい)

He was a once-unknown artist who became famous.
The poem was written by an unknown author.
Bruk: InformalKontekst: Used to describe individuals or works that do not have a known name or identity.
Merk: This term is often used in cultural contexts, especially regarding artists or historical figures.

知られていない (しられていない)

That fact is still unknown to many people.
There are unknown factors in this equation.
Bruk: InformalKontekst: Used in everyday conversation about things that are not widely recognized or understood.
Merk: This is a more descriptive phrase and can be used in various contexts.

Synonymer for Unknown


Unidentified refers to something that has not been recognized or established.
Eksempel: The police found an unidentified object in the park.
Merk: Unidentified specifically suggests that the identity of the object is not known.


Anonymous means having an unknown or unacknowledged name.
Eksempel: The donation was made by an anonymous benefactor.
Merk: Anonymous often refers to a person whose identity is concealed or kept secret.


Mysterious describes something that is difficult to understand or explain.
Eksempel: The house on the hill had a mysterious past.
Merk: Mysterious implies a sense of intrigue or puzzlement, often associated with the unknown.


Obscure means not well-known or not clearly understood.
Eksempel: The book was written by an obscure author.
Merk: Obscure can refer to something that is not widely recognized or known.


Undisclosed means not revealed or made known to others.
Eksempel: The company's financial information remains undisclosed.
Merk: Undisclosed indicates that information has not been shared or disclosed.

Unknowns uttrykk og vanlige setninger

In the dark

To be uninformed or unaware of something.
Eksempel: I'm completely in the dark about the details of the project.
Merk: This phrase implies a lack of knowledge or information, similar to 'unknown,' but with a focus on being unaware rather than the lack of knowledge itself.

Out of the blue

Something unexpected or surprising that happens without warning.
Eksempel: She received an out-of-the-blue job offer from a company she had never heard of.
Merk: While 'unknown' refers to something not recognized or familiar, 'out of the blue' emphasizes the sudden and unexpected nature of the event.

A shot in the dark

An attempt to guess something with very little or no information to go on.
Eksempel: I took a shot in the dark and guessed the answer to the riddle, and surprisingly, I was right.
Merk: Unlike 'unknown,' which simply means not known or identified, 'a shot in the dark' specifically refers to a speculative or risky guess.

Up in the air

Something that is uncertain or undecided.
Eksempel: The outcome of the negotiations is still up in the air, so we don't know what will happen.
Merk: While 'unknown' generally refers to something not familiar, 'up in the air' emphasizes the uncertainty or lack of resolution.

Flying blind

To proceed without full knowledge or information, often implying a risky or uncertain situation.
Eksempel: Without a map or GPS, we were essentially flying blind through the unfamiliar terrain.
Merk: Similar to 'unknown,' but 'flying blind' adds a sense of potential danger or lack of guidance in addition to the lack of knowledge.

In uncharted territory

To be in a situation that is unfamiliar or not previously explored.
Eksempel: As the first woman to lead the expedition, she found herself in uncharted territory.
Merk: While 'unknown' can refer to any lack of knowledge, 'in uncharted territory' specifically conveys the idea of being in a new and unexplored situation.

Off the beaten path

To go somewhere less traveled or less known.
Eksempel: We decided to take a hike off the beaten path and discovered a beautiful hidden waterfall.
Merk: This phrase suggests exploring areas that are not commonly known or frequented, while 'unknown' simply means not recognized or identified.

Out of one's depth

To be in a situation where one lacks the knowledge or experience to cope effectively.
Eksempel: He felt out of his depth when discussing advanced physics with the professors.
Merk: Similar to 'unknown,' but 'out of one's depth' specifically conveys feeling overwhelmed or inadequate in a particular situation due to a lack of knowledge or experience.

Unknowns hverdags (slang) uttrykk

Mystery meat

This term is used to describe something that is unknown, mysterious, or difficult to identify.
Eksempel: The real identities of the masked singers were like mystery meat to the audience.
Merk: The term replaces 'unknown' with a more vivid and humorous imagery of mysterious food.

Deep water

This slang refers to a situation or topic that is unfamiliar, challenging, or difficult to navigate.
Eksempel: Without any prior knowledge of coding, diving into programming feels like deep water to a newbie.
Merk: The original term 'unknown' is replaced with the metaphor of being in deep water to convey a sense of being out of one's depth.

Blind spot

In this context, it means an area where someone lacks knowledge or awareness, especially in comparison to others.
Eksempel: His understanding of modern art was a blind spot for the rest of the group.
Merk: The slang 'blind spot' highlights a specific area of lack of knowledge rather than general unknown aspects.

Fuzzy logic

This term refers to a situation where things are unclear, ambiguous, or not easily understood.
Eksempel: The math problem had so many unknown variables; it felt like dealing with fuzzy logic.
Merk: The term 'fuzzy logic' associates the unknown with ambiguity and complexity, akin to the computational concept of fuzzy logic.

Black box

This slang refers to something that is mysterious, complex, or not easily understood.
Eksempel: Understanding quantum physics felt like peering into a black box for the students.
Merk: The term 'black box' emphasizes the hidden and intricate nature of the unknown, much like the concept of a sealed black box that conceals its contents.

Gray area

This refers to an unclear or uncertain situation where the boundaries or rules are not clearly defined.
Eksempel: The regulations regarding cryptocurrency are a bit of a gray area for many investors.
Merk: Instead of directly referring to the unknown, 'gray area' implies a situation with unclear boundaries or rules that make it difficult to navigate.

Hidden gem

In this context, it refers to something valuable, special, or of high quality that is not widely known or recognized.
Eksempel: The new indie film is a hidden gem that many viewers have yet to discover.
Merk: The term 'hidden gem' shifts the focus from mere unknown to the positive qualities or potential of something unknown or undiscovered.

Unknown - Eksempler

Unknown to me, he had already left the party.
Az ismeretlen szám hívott engem.
Az ismeretlen nyelv nehézségeket okozott a kommunikációban.

Unknowns grammatikk

Unknown - Adjektiv (Adjective) / Adjektiv (Adjective)
Oppslagsord: unknown
Adjektiv (Adjective): unknown
Substantiv, flertall (Noun, plural): unknowns
Substantiv, entall eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): unknown
Stavelser, Deling og Beton
unknown inneholder 2 stavelser: un • known
Fonemisk transkripsjon: ˌən-ˈnōn
un known , ˌən ˈnōn (Den røde stavelsen er betont)

Unknown - Betydning og bruksfrekvens

Ordets frekvens- og betydningsindeks indikerer hvor ofte et ord dukker opp i et gitt språk. Jo mindre tallet er, desto oftere brukes ordet. De mest brukte ordene varierer vanligvis fra omtrent 1 til 4000.
unknown: ~ 2000 (Veldig Vanlig).
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