Engelsk - Russisk


Ekstremt Vanlig
800 - 900
800 - 900
Ordets frekvens- og betydningsindeks indikerer hvor ofte et ord dukker opp i et gitt språk. Jo mindre tallet er, desto oftere brukes ordet. De mest brukte ordene varierer vanligvis fra omtrent 1 til 4000. Denne viktighetsindeksen hjelper deg med å fokusere på de mest nyttige ordene under språklæringsprosessen din.

почти, едва, примерно, почти что

Betydninger av Nearly på russisk


I nearly finished my homework.
Я почти закончил свои домашние задания.
She nearly missed the train.
Она почти опоздала на поезд.
Bruk: informalKontekst: Used to indicate that something is very close to happening or being true, but it did not fully occur.
Merk: This meaning emphasizes closeness without complete realization.


He nearly cried when he heard the news.
Он едва сдержал слезы, когда услышал новости.
They nearly lost the game.
Они едва не проиграли игру.
Bruk: formal/informalKontekst: Used to express a close call or near miss in emotional contexts.
Merk: This meaning often conveys a sense of urgency or emotional intensity.


There are nearly twenty people in the room.
В комнате почти двадцать человек.
The project is nearly complete.
Проект почти завершен.
Bruk: formal/informalKontekst: Used when giving an approximation or estimation.
Merk: This usage is common in quantitative contexts.

почти что

He is nearly a genius.
Он почти что гений.
This is nearly the best solution.
Это почти что лучшее решение.
Bruk: formal/informalKontekst: Used to indicate that something is very close to being categorized in a certain way.
Merk: This meaning often conveys a qualitative comparison.

Synonymer for Nearly


Virtually means nearly or almost but not exactly. It suggests that something is very close to being true or accurate.
Eksempel: The project is virtually complete.
Merk: Virtually is commonly used in contexts where something is almost true or real.


Practically means almost or nearly in a practical sense. It indicates that something is close to being achieved or realized.
Eksempel: I've practically finished my homework.
Merk: Practically often implies a practical aspect or feasibility to the nearness of completion.


Closely means in a close or intimate manner, indicating a small or narrow degree of separation.
Eksempel: The two teams are closely matched in skill.
Merk: Closely can refer to physical proximity or similarity in characteristics rather than just nearness in quantity or time.


Approximately means roughly or around a particular amount or time. It suggests an estimation that is close to the actual value.
Eksempel: The journey will take approximately two hours.
Merk: Approximately is often used when giving an estimated or rounded figure rather than an exact measurement.

Nearlys uttrykk og vanlige setninger


Nearly reaching a certain point or level, very close to being or doing something.
Eksempel: She almost missed the bus, but she made it just in time.
Merk: Almost implies a high degree of proximity or completion towards a specific goal or state.

Close to

Being a short distance away in space or time, near in relationship or connection.
Eksempel: The store is close to my house, so I can walk there easily.
Merk: Close to emphasizes the spatial or relational proximity between two objects or concepts.

Just about

Almost, nearly, very close to completion or accomplishment.
Eksempel: I am just about finished with my homework; I only have one more question to answer.
Merk: Just about suggests being on the verge of completing a task or reaching a certain state.

On the brink of

At the point of experiencing something significant or about to happen.
Eksempel: The company was on the brink of bankruptcy before the new CEO took charge.
Merk: On the brink of conveys a sense of being at a critical juncture or threshold of a situation.

Within striking distance

Close enough to achieve or accomplish something, near enough to make a decisive move or action.
Eksempel: Our team is within striking distance of winning the championship this season.
Merk: Within striking distance implies being close enough to take action or make a significant impact.

Just shy of

Nearly, almost reaching a specific quantity, distance, or achievement.
Eksempel: The marathon runner finished just shy of breaking the world record.
Merk: Just shy of indicates falling slightly short of a particular goal or target.

Within a hair's breadth

Extremely close, almost touching or reaching a certain point.
Eksempel: The car missed hitting the tree within a hair's breadth.
Merk: Within a hair's breadth denotes being incredibly close to a specific outcome or event.

Nearlys hverdags (slang) uttrykk


Barely indicates that something almost did not happen or came very close to not happening.
Eksempel: I barely made it to the meeting on time.
Merk: Barely implies a stronger sense of nearness or closeness to not happening compared to nearly.

Just squeaked by

This term suggests that someone barely passed or succeeded at something.
Eksempel: I just squeaked by my exams.
Merk: It conveys a sense of narrowly avoiding failure or a negative outcome.


Scarcely means in a way that there is almost none of something remaining or present.
Eksempel: The store had scarcely any products left on the shelves.
Merk: It emphasizes the lack or shortage more strongly than the word 'nearly'.

Pretty much there

This term suggests being very close to achieving or understanding something.
Eksempel: I'm pretty much there with understanding this topic.
Merk: It implies a high level of completion or understanding, just short of complete.

Near miss

A near miss is a situation where something almost goes wrong but doesn't.
Eksempel: The car had a near miss with the truck on the highway.
Merk: It implies a situation where a disaster or mishap was narrowly avoided.

Nearly - Eksempler

Nearly missed the train
Почти пропустил поезд
It's nearly midnight
Почти полночь
She nearly fell off the bike
Она почти упала с велосипеда

Nearlys grammatikk

Nearly - Adverb (Adverb) / Adverb (Adverb)
Oppslagsord: nearly
Adverb (Adverb): nearly
Stavelser, Deling og Beton
nearly inneholder 2 stavelser: near • ly
Fonemisk transkripsjon: ˈnir-lē
near ly , ˈnir (Den røde stavelsen er betont)

Nearly - Betydning og bruksfrekvens

Ordets frekvens- og betydningsindeks indikerer hvor ofte et ord dukker opp i et gitt språk. Jo mindre tallet er, desto oftere brukes ordet. De mest brukte ordene varierer vanligvis fra omtrent 1 til 4000.
nearly: 800 - 900 (Ekstremt Vanlig).
Denne viktighetsindeksen hjelper deg med å fokusere på de mest nyttige ordene under språklæringsprosessen din.
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