Engels - Roemeens


Extreem Veelvoorkomend
600 - 700
600 - 700
De frequentie- en belangrijkheidsindex van woorden geeft aan hoe vaak een woord in een bepaalde taal voorkomt. Hoe kleiner het getal, hoe vaker het woord wordt gebruikt. De meest gebruikte woorden variëren meestal van ongeveer 1 tot 4000. Deze belangrijkheidsindex helpt je te focussen op de meest nuttige woorden tijdens je taal leerproces.

dat, a considera ca fiind adevărat, dat, stabilit, a oferi

Betekenissen van Given in het Roemeens


The project was given to the best team.
Proiectul a fost dat celei mai bune echipe.
He was given a second chance.
I s-a dat o a doua șansă.
Gebruik: formalContext: Used in contexts where something is assigned or provided.
Opmerking: This meaning is often used in formal settings, such as in business or academic environments.

a considera ca fiind adevărat

It is a given that hard work leads to success.
Este o certitudine că munca grea duce la succes.
In this discussion, it's a given that everyone respects each other.
În această discuție, este de la sine înțeles că toată lumea se respectă.
Gebruik: informalContext: Used in everyday conversations to indicate something that is accepted as true.
Opmerking: This usage implies that the statement is obvious or accepted without question.

dat, stabilit

Given the circumstances, we had to change our plans.
Dat fiind circumstanțele, a trebuit să ne schimbăm planurile.
Given her experience, she was the perfect candidate.
Dat fiind experiența ei, a fost candidatul perfect.
Gebruik: formalContext: Used to introduce a condition or situation that affects the outcome.
Opmerking: This meaning is often used in analytical or reasoning contexts, emphasizing the conditions that affect a situation.

a oferi

She was given a gift on her birthday.
Ea a primit un cadou de ziua ei.
They were given the opportunity to travel abroad.
Ei au fost oferiți oportunitatea de a călători în străinătate.
Gebruik: informalContext: Used in casual conversations about receiving or being provided with something.
Opmerking: This meaning is more straightforward and is commonly used in everyday interactions.

Synoniemen van Given


Similar to 'given,' 'provided' implies that something was supplied or made available.
Voorbeeld: She provided detailed instructions for the project.
Opmerking: Both 'given' and 'provided' can be used interchangeably in many contexts.


'Granted' suggests that something is acknowledged or accepted, often in light of certain conditions or facts.
Voorbeeld: Granted the circumstances, we decided to cancel the event.
Opmerking: While 'granted' can convey a sense of acceptance or concession, 'given' is more straightforward in presenting information.


'Bestowed' implies that something is conferred or presented as an honor or gift.
Voorbeeld: The title of 'Employee of the Month' was bestowed upon her.
Opmerking: Unlike 'given,' 'bestowed' carries a sense of formality or significance in the act of giving.

Uitdrukkingen en veelvoorkomende zinsdelen van Given

given that

This phrase is used to introduce a fact or situation that is already known or assumed.
Voorbeeld: Given that it's raining outside, we should bring an umbrella.
Opmerking: The phrase 'given that' implies a condition or circumstance that leads to a logical conclusion, rather than simply stating something as a fact.

all things considered

This phrase means taking into account all relevant factors or circumstances.
Voorbeeld: All things considered, I think we made the right decision.
Opmerking: It suggests a comprehensive evaluation of a situation, considering multiple aspects, unlike the word 'given' which typically implies a single known fact or condition.

take for granted

To take something for granted means to not appreciate its value or importance.
Voorbeeld: Don't take your health for granted; it's important to take care of yourself.
Opmerking: While 'given' simply states a fact, 'take for granted' implies a lack of appreciation or awareness of the significance of something.

given time

This phrase suggests that with a certain amount of time, a particular outcome or improvement can be expected.
Voorbeeld: Given time, you will get better at playing the piano with practice.
Opmerking: It indicates a potential outcome or development over a period, contrasting with the static nature of the word 'given.'

given the circumstances

This phrase acknowledges the existing conditions or context in which a decision or action was made.
Voorbeeld: Given the circumstances, I think we handled the situation well.
Opmerking: It emphasizes the consideration of specific conditions or factors that influenced a situation, going beyond just stating a fact as 'given.'

given up

To give up means to stop trying or believing in something.
Voorbeeld: She hasn't given up on her dream of becoming a doctor.
Opmerking: This phrase conveys the act of abandoning or relinquishing an effort or belief, contrasting with the neutral tone of 'given.'

given the go-ahead

To be given the go-ahead means to receive approval or permission to proceed with a plan or project.
Voorbeeld: We can start the project now that we've been given the go-ahead from the manager.
Opmerking: It specifically indicates authorization or clearance to proceed, unlike the general sense of 'given' as a fact or condition.

Dagelijkse (slang) uitdrukkingen van Given


Refers to the luxury fashion brand founded by Hubert de Givenchy. Used to describe something expensive or high-end.
Voorbeeld: She's always dressed in Givenchy, looking so stylish.
Opmerking: The slang term 'givenchy' is a play on the luxury brand's name and is used informally in spoken language to refer to something stylish or high-quality.


Refers to the inherent or fixed aspects of a situation that are accepted as true or unavoidable.
Voorbeeld: We all have our own givens in life that we have to deal with.
Opmerking: The slang term 'givens' is used colloquially to refer to predetermined or essential elements in a situation, usually requiring acceptance or acknowledgment.

given 'er

Means to put in a lot of effort, energy, or enthusiasm into something.
Voorbeeld: He was really given 'er on the dance floor last night!
Opmerking: The slang term 'given 'er' is a casual way of expressing someone exerting a significant amount of effort or enthusiasm towards a particular activity.

Given - Voorbeelden

Given the circumstances, we have no choice but to cancel the event.
Având în vedere circumstanțele, nu avem de ales decât să anulăm evenimentul.
The instructions were given to us in advance.
Instrucțiunile ne-au fost date dinainte.
The deadline for the project was given as next Friday.
Termenul limită pentru proiect a fost dat ca fiind vinerea viitoare.

Grammatica van Given

Given - Werkwoord (Verb) / Werkwoord, voltooid deelwoord (Verb, past participle)
Lemma: give
Zelfstandig naamwoord, meervoud (Noun, plural): give
Zelfstandig naamwoord, enkelvoudig of massa (Noun, singular or mass): give
Werkwoord, verleden tijd (Verb, past tense): gave
Werkwoord, voltooid deelwoord (Verb, past participle): given
Werkwoord, gerundium of tegenwoordig deelwoord (Verb, gerund or present participle): giving
Werkwoord, 3e persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd (Verb, 3rd person singular present): gives
Werkwoord, basisvorm (Verb, base form): give
Werkwoord, tegenwoordige tijd niet 3e persoon enkelvoud (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): give
Lettergrepen, Woordafbreking en Klemtoon
given bevat 2 lettergrepen: giv • en
Fonetische transcriptie: ˈgi-vən
giv en , ˈgi vən (De rode lettergreep is benadrukt)

Given - Belangrijkheid en gebruiksfrequentie

De frequentie- en belangrijkheidsindex van woorden geeft aan hoe vaak een woord in een bepaalde taal voorkomt. Hoe kleiner het getal, hoe vaker het woord wordt gebruikt. De meest gebruikte woorden variëren meestal van ongeveer 1 tot 4000.
given: 600 - 700 (Extreem Veelvoorkomend).
Deze belangrijkheidsindex helpt je te focussen op de meest nuttige woorden tijdens je taal leerproces.
Vocafy, efficiënt taal leren
Vocafy, efficiënt taal leren
Vocafy helpt je om nieuwe woorden en zinnen gemakkelijk te ontdekken, te organiseren en te leren. Bouw gepersonaliseerde woordenschatcollecties en oefen altijd en overal.