Angielski - Koreański


Bardzo Powszechny
600 - 700
600 - 700
Wskaźnik częstości i ważności słów pokazuje, jak często dane słowo pojawia się w określonym języku. Im mniejsza liczba, tym częściej używane jest słowo. Najczęściej używane słowa zazwyczaj mieszczą się w przedziale od 1 do 4000. Ten wskaźnik ważności pomaga skupić się na najbardziej przydatnych słowach podczas nauki języka.

인용구, 블록인용

Znaczenia Blockquote po koreańsku


In the article, the author used a blockquote to emphasize a key point.
그 기사에서 저자는 핵심 요점을 강조하기 위해 인용구를 사용했습니다.
The professor asked us to include a blockquote from a famous author in our essays.
교수님은 우리에게 에세이에 유명한 저자의 인용구를 포함하라고 요청하셨습니다.
Użycie: FormalKontekst: Academic writing, articles, essays
Notatka: 인용구는 다른 사람의 말을 직접 인용할 때 사용되며, 일반적으로 따옴표로 묶여 있습니다.


When formatting a blog post, it's important to properly use blockquotes.
블로그 포스트를 형식화할 때는 블록인용을 적절하게 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.
The website allows you to create a blockquote for better readability.
그 웹사이트는 가독성을 높이기 위해 블록인용을 만들 수 있게 해줍니다.
Użycie: InformalKontekst: Web content, blogs, social media
Notatka: 블록인용은 종종 웹 콘텐츠에서 가독성을 높이기 위해 사용되며, 시각적으로 구분된 형태로 표시됩니다.

Synonimy Blockquote


An excerpt is a short extract or passage taken from a larger piece of writing.
Przykład: The book contained an excerpt from the author's upcoming novel.
Notatka: An excerpt is often used to showcase a specific part of a text, whereas a blockquote typically marks a direct quotation.


A citation is a reference to a source of information or a direct quotation from a text.
Przykład: The paper included a citation from a research study to support the argument.
Notatka: A citation may refer to any type of reference, not just a quoted text.

Wyrażenia i częste zwroty Blockquote


To repeat or reproduce a statement made by someone else.
Przykład: She quoted a famous line from the movie during her speech.
Notatka: While 'blockquote' specifically refers to a visually distinct section of quoted text, 'quote' is a more general term for repeating or reproducing a statement.


To refer to or quote as an authority or example.
Przykład: Make sure to cite your sources when writing a research paper.
Notatka: While 'blockquote' refers to visually presenting quoted text, 'cite' focuses on referencing sources or experts to support a claim or statement.


To take or pull out a passage or segment from a larger text.
Przykład: I need to extract that paragraph and include it in my report.
Notatka: Unlike 'blockquote' which emphasizes visually setting apart quoted text, 'extract' implies physically removing a section for use elsewhere.


To restate a text or passage in different words, often to simplify or clarify the meaning.
Przykład: Can you paraphrase this passage to make it easier to understand?
Notatka: While 'blockquote' involves directly quoting text, 'paraphrase' involves restating the information in one's own words.


A mention or citation of a source or authority in support of an argument or statement.
Przykład: She provided a reference to support her argument.
Notatka: Unlike 'blockquote,' which visually presents quoted text, 'reference' refers to citing a source or authority to back up a claim or point.

Allude to

To suggest or indirectly mention something without explicitly stating it.
Przykład: The author alluded to a famous historical event in the novel.
Notatka: Unlike 'blockquote,' which involves directly quoting text, 'allude to' implies hinting at or referencing something indirectly.


To bring up or refer to something briefly or in passing.
Przykład: Please mention the key points in your presentation.
Notatka: While 'blockquote' involves visually presenting quoted text, 'mention' simply refers to bringing something up briefly or in passing.

Codzienne (slangowe) wyrażenia Blockquote


In casual speech, 'block' is used to mean the action of copying and pasting a section of text for quoting.
Przykład: I'm just going to block that text from the article.
Notatka: The slang 'block' simplifies and shortens the word 'blockquote'.


In everyday language, 'snippet' refers to a small part or quote taken from a larger piece of text.
Przykład: Can you give me a snippet from the research paper to include in my presentation?
Notatka: While 'blockquote' refers specifically to a direct quotation, 'snippet' can refer to any small portion of text.


'Grab' is a colloquial term used to describe quickly selecting and using a section of text in a document.
Przykład: I'll grab a couple of lines from the article to support my argument.
Notatka: The informal nature of 'grab' contrasts with the formal connotation of 'blockquote'.


When used informally, 'cop' means to copy or take a portion of text for use.
Przykład: Can you cop that text and put it in the report?
Notatka: The slang 'cop' is a more casual and slangy way of referring to the action of putting a quote in a text.

Blockquote - Przykłady

The quote was placed in a blockquote.
인용문은 블록 인용에 배치되었습니다.
Use quotation marks to indicate a direct quote.
직접 인용을 나타내기 위해 따옴표를 사용하세요.
The author used a blockquote to emphasize the importance of the passage.
저자는 본문의 중요성을 강조하기 위해 블록 인용을 사용했습니다.

Gramatyka Blockquote

Blockquote - Rzeczownik (Noun) / Rzeczownik, pojedynczy lub masowy (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemat: blockquote

Blockquote - Znaczenie i częstotliwość użytkowania

Wskaźnik częstości i ważności słów pokazuje, jak często dane słowo pojawia się w określonym języku. Im mniejsza liczba, tym częściej używane jest słowo. Najczęściej używane słowa zazwyczaj mieszczą się w przedziale od 1 do 4000.
blockquote: 600 - 700 (Bardzo Powszechny).
Ten wskaźnik ważności pomaga skupić się na najbardziej przydatnych słowach podczas nauki języka.
Vocafy, efektywna nauka języka
Vocafy, efektywna nauka języka
Vocafy pomaga ci w łatwy sposób odkrywać, organizować i uczyć się nowych słów i wyrażeń. Twórz spersonalizowane kolekcje słownictwa i ćwicz w dowolnym czasie i miejscu.