Colectare \ Educație
Engleză (Marea Britanie) - Maghiară

Articles for Children

Melinda 2024-04-16 34 voca
0 Recenzie
I have a cat.
Van egy macskám.
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Mom made me breakfast.
Anya készített nekem reggelit.
Dad helped me build a sandcastle.
Apa segített nekem homokvárat építeni.
Grandma let me help bake cookies.
Nagyi engedte, hogy segítsek süteményeket sütni.
Olivia had her hair cut at the salon.
Olívia levágatta a haját a szalonban.
Mom got me a new backpack for school.
Anya beszerzett nekem egy új hátizsákot az iskolába.
Dad taught me how to ride a bike.
Apa megtanított engem biciklizni.
Grandma made us sandwiches for lunch.
Nagyi szendvicseket készített nekünk ebédre.
Liza got her dress tailored for the party.
Liza átszabatta a ruháját a bulira.
Mom helped me plant flowers in the garden.
Anya segített nekem virágokat ültetni a kertben.
Dad let me choose the movie for family night.
Apa megengedte, hogy én válasszam ki a filmet a családi estére.
Grandma made me a birthday cake.
Nagyi készített nekem egy szülinapi tortát.
Kate got her nails painted at the salon.
Kate kifestette a körmeit a szalonban.
Mom had the plumber fix the leaky faucet.
Anya megjavíttatta a vízvezeték-szerelővel a csöpögő csapot.
Dad helped me assemble the puzzle.
Apa segített nekem összerakni a kirakót.
Grandma let me feed the ducks at the pond.
Nagyi megengedte, hogy megetessem a kacsákat a tóban.
Sarah got her bike repaired at the bike shop.
Sarah megjavíttatta a biciklijét a bicikliboltban.
Mom made me a special sandwich for lunch.
Anya készített nekem egy különleges szendvicset ebédre.
Dad helped me make a paper airplane.
Apa segített nekem papírrepülőt készíteni.
Grandma let me borrow her favorite book.
Nagymama kölcsönadta nekem a kedvenc könyvét.
Peter got her room redecorated for her birthday.
Peter a születésnapjára átrendezte a szobáját.
Mom had the gardener plant new flowers in the garden.
Anya a kertésszel új virágokat ültettetett a kertbe.
Dad helped me bake cookies for the school bake sale.
Apa segített nekem süteményt sütni az iskolai süteményvásárra.
Grandma let me have a sleepover with my friends.
Nagyi megengedte, hogy részt vegyek a pizsamapartin a barátaimmal.
Andrea got her kite fixed at the park.
Andrea megjavíttatta a sárkányát a parkban.
Dad helped me set up my new toy train set.
Apa segített nekem felállítani az új játékvasútamat.
Grandma let me pick strawberries in the garden.
Nagyi megengedte, hogy epret szedjek a kertben.
Mom had the tailor alter my pants for the school play.
Anya a szabóval szabatta át a nadrágomat az iskolai előadásra.
Dad helped me build a birdhouse for the backyard.
Apa segített nekem madáretetőt építeni a hátsó udvarra.
Grandma let me help her make her famous apple pie.
Nagyi megengedte, hogy segítsek neki elkészíteni a híres almás pitéjét.
Dad helped me create a volcano for the science fair project.
Apa segített megalkotni egy vulkánt a tudományos projekthez.
Kate got her room cleaned by the maid.
Kate szobáját a takarítónő takarította ki.
Mom had the baker bake a cake for my friend's birthday.
Anya süttetett a pékkel egy tortát a barátom születésnapjára.
Dad helped me build a model airplane for the school project.
Apa segített nekem makett repülőgépet építeni az iskolai projekthez.
Grandma let me help her knit a scarf for winter.
Nagyi engedte, hogy segítsek neki kötni egy sálat télre.


Articles are words used before nouns to indicate whether the noun is specific or nonspecific. In English, there are two main types of articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" and "an").

Definite Article ("the"):

The definite article "the" is used before singular or plural nouns when the speaker assumes that the listener knows which specific thing or things they are referring to. It indicates that the noun is particular or specific.
Example: The cat is sleeping on the mat.

Use "the" when referring to:

Specific nouns that are known to both the speaker and the listener.
Singular or plural nouns that are unique or specific within a particular context.
Superlative adjectives, indicating the highest degree.
Nouns that have already been mentioned in the conversation.

Indefinite Articles ("a" and "an"):

The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to indicate that the noun is nonspecific or generic. "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: A cat is an independent animal.
Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Use "a" or "an" when referring to:

Nonspecific or unspecified nouns that do not refer to any particular one of its kind.
Singular countable nouns when introducing something for the first time in a conversation or text.
Nouns that represent a member of a group or category.

When to Use "A" or "An":

Use "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound.
Example: A book, a dog, a university.

Use "an" before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: An apple, an umbrella, an hour.

Zero Article:

Some nouns do not require an article. These include:

Plural nouns used in a general sense.
Example: Cats are independent animals.

Uncountable nouns when used in a general sense.
Example: Water is essential for life.

Extinde-ți vocabularul de Engleză cu aceste cuvinte și expresii: Flowers, Horse, Tracks, Apple, Cookie. Util pentru învățarea limbii.
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Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy te ajută să descoperi, organizezi și înveți cu ușurință cuvinte și expresii noi. Creează colecții de vocabular personalizate și exersează oricând, oriunde.
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