Engleză - Greacă


Extrem De Comun
800 - 900
800 - 900
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000. Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.

δύναμη (dýnami), εξαναγκασμός (exanagkasmós), στρατός (stratós), πίεση (píesi), ενέργεια (enérgeia)

Semnificațiile lui Force în greacă

δύναμη (dýnami)

The force of the wind was strong.
Η δύναμη του ανέμου ήταν ισχυρή.
You need to apply more force to lift the box.
Πρέπει να ασκήσεις περισσότερη δύναμη για να σηκώσεις το κουτί.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Used in both physical and figurative contexts, such as physics or when discussing effort.
Notă: This term refers to strength or energy that can cause movement or change.

εξαναγκασμός (exanagkasmós)

He was forced to accept the terms.
Αναγκάστηκε να αποδεχθεί τους όρους.
The force of the law must be respected.
Ο εξαναγκασμός του νόμου πρέπει να γίνεται σεβαστός.
Utilizare: formalContext: Legal and social contexts, where compliance is required.
Notă: This meaning conveys the idea of coercion or pressure applied to make someone act.

στρατός (stratós)

The police force responded quickly.
Η αστυνομική δύναμη αντέδρασε γρήγορα.
The military force was deployed to the area.
Η στρατιωτική δύναμη αναπτύχθηκε στην περιοχή.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Used to describe organized groups, particularly in security or military.
Notă: This term refers to organized groups of people, often in a protective or combat role.

πίεση (píesi)

The force of pressure in the pipe increased.
Η πίεση στην σωλήνα αυξήθηκε.
He felt the force of peer pressure at school.
Ένιωσε την πίεση των συνομηλίκων στο σχολείο.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Can refer to physical pressure or social influences.
Notă: This meaning highlights the impact of pressure, whether physical or social.

ενέργεια (enérgeia)

The force of the explosion released a lot of energy.
Η δύναμη της έκρηξης απελευθέρωσε πολλή ενέργεια.
He approached the task with great force and energy.
Πλησίασε την εργασία με μεγάλη δύναμη και ενέργεια.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Used in science or when discussing motivation and effort.
Notă: This term refers to energy in a physical sense or the vigor with which someone approaches a task.

Sinonimele Force


To coerce means to persuade someone to do something by using force or threats.
Exemplu: The dictator coerced the citizens into obeying his commands.
Notă: While 'force' can imply physical strength or power, 'coerce' specifically involves using pressure or threats to make someone do something.


To compel means to force or drive someone to do something.
Exemplu: The evidence compelled the jury to reach a guilty verdict.
Notă: Similar to 'force,' but 'compel' often implies a sense of necessity or inevitability in the action being taken.


To pressure means to try to make someone do something by using influence, arguments, or threats.
Exemplu: The company pressured its employees to work overtime without pay.
Notă: While 'force' can be more direct, 'pressure' involves exerting influence or persuasion to achieve a desired outcome.


To drive means to force or urge someone to take action or achieve a goal.
Exemplu: His ambition and determination drove him to succeed against all odds.
Notă: While 'force' can imply physical strength, 'drive' often conveys a sense of motivation or determination.

Expresiile și frazele comune ale Force

by force

Using physical strength or violence to achieve something forcefully.
Exemplu: The police entered the building by force to arrest the suspect.
Notă: The original word 'force' refers to strength, power, or influence, while 'by force' specifically implies using physical strength or violence.

force of nature

Refers to a natural phenomenon or event that is powerful and uncontrollable.
Exemplu: The hurricane was a force of nature that caused widespread destruction.
Notă: While 'force' can refer to strength or power in general, 'force of nature' specifically refers to natural phenomena.

force majeure

An unforeseeable circumstance that prevents someone from fulfilling a contract.
Exemplu: The concert was canceled due to a force majeure event, a severe storm.
Notă: Unlike 'force' which can refer to physical strength, 'force majeure' pertains to legal or contractual obligations.

force someone's hand

To compel someone to take action or make a decision sooner than intended.
Exemplu: The leaked information forced the company's hand to release a statement.
Notă: 'Force someone's hand' involves influencing someone's decision-making, not just physical strength as in 'force'.

forceful argument

An argument that is strong, persuasive, and assertive.
Exemplu: She presented a forceful argument in favor of the new policy.
Notă: 'Forceful' describes the quality of the argument, emphasizing its strength and persuasiveness, not just the concept of 'force'.

force the issue

To push for a decision or resolution on a particular matter.
Exemplu: The CEO decided to force the issue and address the problem head-on.
Notă: 'Force the issue' focuses on pushing for a resolution or decision, rather than physical strength or power.

force of habit

Reflexive behavior done without thinking due to repetition and routine.
Exemplu: Even though he quit smoking, he still reaches for a cigarette out of force of habit.
Notă: While 'force' typically refers to strength or power, 'force of habit' highlights habitual actions that are almost automatic.

brute force

Using sheer strength or power, often in a clumsy or unrefined manner.
Exemplu: They tried to open the lock with brute force, but it wouldn't budge.
Notă: 'Brute force' emphasizes using raw strength without finesse, unlike 'force' which can imply more strategic or controlled application of strength.

Expresii de zi cu zi (argou) ale Force


In spoken language, 'forceful' is often used to describe someone who is assertive or dominant in their behavior or viewpoint.
Exemplu: He has a forceful personality that commands attention.
Notă: The term 'forceful' emphasizes the strength or intensity of someone's actions or attitude.


'Force-fed' is an informal term used to describe a situation where information is given or imposed forcefully and excessively.
Exemplu: I was force-fed information about the new project during the meeting.
Notă: It is a figurative use of the term 'force' to describe overwhelming or unwanted input.

Forced hand

When someone's hand is forced in a situation, they are compelled to take action or make a choice because they have no other viable options.
Exemplu: The circumstances forced her hand, and she had to make a decision.
Notă: This phrase implies that external factors or events have influenced someone's decision-making.

Force down

To 'force down' something means to eat or drink quickly or with difficulty, often because of lack of time or appetite.
Exemplu: I had to force down my breakfast quickly before leaving for work.
Notă: It conveys the idea of consuming something despite reluctance or discomfort.


'Forcibly' is an adverb indicating that an action was carried out using physical force or coercion.
Exemplu: The police removed the protestors from the building forcibly.
Notă: It emphasizes the manner in which an action is performed with a focus on coercion or physical intervention.


A 'forcer' is someone who uses their influence, power, or persuasive skills to ensure a particular outcome or result in a situation.
Exemplu: He's known as the office forcer because he always gets his way in meetings.
Notă: It denotes a person who actively exerts pressure or influence to achieve a desired outcome.


To 'force-fit' something is to adapt or fit it into a situation or context in a way that is unnatural, inappropriate, or unsuitable.
Exemplu: They tried to force-fit a solution that didn't suit the problem at hand.
Notă: It conveys the idea of imposing something forcefully into a situation without proper consideration or compatibility.

Force - Exemple

The force of the wind was so strong that it knocked over the trees.
Η δύναμη του ανέμου ήταν τόσο ισχυρή που έριξε τα δέντρα.
The police used force to break up the protest.
Η αστυνομία χρησιμοποίησε βία για να διαλύσει τη διαμαρτυρία.
She felt a force pushing her towards the edge of the cliff.
Αισθάνθηκε μια δύναμη να την σπρώχνει προς την άκρη του γκρεμού.

Gramatica Force

Force - Substantiv (Noun) / Substantiv, singular sau masă (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemă: force
Substantiv, plural (Noun, plural): forces, force
Substantiv, singular sau masă (Noun, singular or mass): force
Verb, timpul trecut (Verb, past tense): forced
Verb, gerunziu sau participiu prezent (Verb, gerund or present participle): forcing
Verb, persoana a 3-a singular prezent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): forces
Verb, forma de bază (Verb, base form): force
Verb, prezent non-persoana a 3-a singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): force
Silabe, Separație și Accent
force conține 1 silabe: force
Transcriere fonetică: ˈfȯrs
force , ˈfȯrs (Silaba roșie este accentuată)

Force - Importanța și frecvența utilizării

Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000.
force: 800 - 900 (Extrem De Comun).
Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy te ajută să descoperi, organizezi și înveți cu ușurință cuvinte și expresii noi. Creează colecții de vocabular personalizate și exersează oricând, oriunde.