Engleză - Finlandeză


Extrem De Comun
700 - 800
700 - 800
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000. Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.

nykyinen, virta, käynnissä oleva, ajankohtainen

Semnificațiile lui Current în finlandeză


The current situation is challenging.
Nykyinen tilanne on haastava.
We need to stay updated on current events.
Meidän täytyy pysyä ajan tasalla nykyisistä tapahtumista.
Utilizare: formalContext: Used in discussions about time and situations.
Notă: This meaning refers to something that is happening now or is relevant at the present time.


The current in the river is very strong.
Joen virta on erittäin voimakas.
Electric current flows through the wires.
Sähkön virta kulkee johtimien läpi.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Used in scientific or everyday discussions about water or electricity.
Notă: This meaning refers to the flow of water or electricity.

käynnissä oleva

The current project is due next month.
Käynnissä oleva projekti on määrä valmistua ensi kuussa.
The current negotiations are crucial for our future.
Käynnissä olevat neuvottelut ovat ratkaisevia tulevaisuutemme kannalta.
Utilizare: formalContext: Used in professional or academic settings to describe ongoing activities.
Notă: This meaning emphasizes that something is actively happening.


This topic is very current in today's discussions.
Tämä aihe on hyvin ajankohtainen tämän päivän keskusteluissa.
Current trends show a shift in consumer behavior.
Ajankohtaiset trendit osoittavat muutosta kuluttajakäyttäytymisessä.
Utilizare: formalContext: Used in contexts related to trends, news, or topics that are relevant at the moment.
Notă: This meaning is often used in media or discussions about trends.

Sinonimele Current


The term 'present' can be used to indicate something that is happening or existing now.
Exemplu: The present situation requires immediate action.
Notă: While 'current' often refers to something happening at the moment, 'present' can also imply a broader sense of existence or occurrence.


When something is described as 'contemporary,' it means it is of the same time period or era.
Exemplu: Contemporary issues in society include technology and globalization.
Notă: While 'current' can refer to something happening right now, 'contemporary' emphasizes the idea of being modern or up-to-date within a specific time frame.


'Up-to-date' means having the latest information or knowledge about something.
Exemplu: Make sure you keep your software up-to-date to avoid security vulnerabilities.
Notă: This term is closely related to 'current,' but it specifically highlights the idea of being current in terms of information, technology, or knowledge.


When something is described as 'modern,' it is characterized by being of the present or recent times.
Exemplu: The new building has a modern design with sleek lines and large windows.
Notă: While 'current' can refer to anything happening now, 'modern' often implies a sense of being current in terms of design, style, or technology.

Expresiile și frazele comune ale Current

current situation

Refers to the present state or circumstances.
Exemplu: Let's discuss the current situation before making any decisions.
Notă: The phrase 'current situation' specifically indicates the state of things at the present time.

current events

Refers to the latest happenings or occurrences.
Exemplu: I like to stay informed about current events by reading the news daily.
Notă: While 'current' can refer to the flow of water or electricity, 'current events' specifically refers to recent happenings.

in the current climate

Refers to the prevailing conditions or atmosphere at a particular time.
Exemplu: In the current climate of uncertainty, businesses are cautious about expanding.
Notă: This phrase uses 'current' to describe the prevailing situation or environment.

current affairs

Refers to political or social events and developments happening in the world at the present time.
Exemplu: He is well-versed in current affairs and can discuss global issues knowledgeably.
Notă: While 'current' generally means existing or occurring now, 'current affairs' specifically focuses on political and social events.

against the current

Refers to going in the opposite direction to the natural flow of something.
Exemplu: She always seems to be swimming against the current, trying to do things her own way.
Notă: In this phrase, 'current' refers to the flow of water, and the expression is used metaphorically to describe going against the prevailing direction or trend.

run counter to the current

Refers to being in opposition or contradiction to prevailing ideas or norms.
Exemplu: His beliefs run counter to the current trends in society.
Notă: Similar to 'against the current,' this phrase uses 'current' to describe the prevailing direction or trend.

current account

Refers to a bank account used for everyday transactions like deposits, withdrawals, and payments.
Exemplu: She checked her current account balance online before making a big purchase.
Notă: In this context, 'current' is used in financial terms to denote an account meant for regular transactions rather than savings or investments.

Expresii de zi cu zi (argou) ale Current


In this context, 'current' is used informally to refer to the prevailing atmosphere, mood, or energy of a place or situation.
Exemplu: I'm really feeling the current vibes of this party.
Notă: The slang term 'current' is more subjective and focuses on the experiential aspect, whereas the original word 'current' typically refers to the flow of water, electricity, or air.

on point

When something is 'on point' in relation to the current situation, it means it is perfectly suited or aligned with what is happening or popular.
Exemplu: Her dance moves are always on point with the current music.
Notă: The original phrase 'on point' means accurate or precise, whereas in slang it denotes being perfectly suitable or relevant to the current context.

on trend

If something is 'on trend,' it means it is fashionable or up-to-date with the current trends or styles.
Exemplu: That outfit is so on trend with the current fashion styles.
Notă: The term 'on trend' specifically relates to being up-to-date with fashion or popular style trends, while the original word 'trend' refers to a general direction in which something is developing or changing.


In slang, 'lit' refers to something that is exciting, lively, or excellent, particularly in the context of entertainment or social events.
Exemplu: The party last night was so lit with the current DJ's music.
Notă: The slang term 'lit' carries connotations of intense excitement and enjoyment, whereas the original word typically means illuminated or ignited.

on fleek

'On fleek' is used to describe something that is perfectly done or looking flawless in relation to the current standards or expectations.
Exemplu: Her makeup is on fleek with the current beauty trends.
Notă: The slang term 'on fleek' emphasizes excellence and flawlessness in appearance or execution, unlike the original word 'fleek,' which was coined as a variation of 'flick' or 'fleek,' meaning 'on point.'


Someone who is 'up-to-the-minute' is fully informed and aware of the latest information or developments at a given time.
Exemplu: She is always up-to-the-minute with the current news updates.
Notă: While the original phrase 'up-to-the-minute' means that something is very modern or current, in slang, it specifically relates to being fully informed about the latest updates or news.


Being 'up-to-the-moment' means being immediately updated or in sync with the latest trends or developments in a particular area.
Exemplu: The team's strategy is up-to-the-moment with the current market trends.
Notă: Similar to 'up-to-the-minute,' 'up-to-the-moment' signifies being fully abreast of the latest trends or information, particularly in a specific context of timeliness and relevance.

Current - Exemple

The current situation is very concerning.
Nykytilanne on erittäin huolestuttava.
What is your current address?
Mikä on nykyinen osoitteesi?
The current trend is towards sustainability.
Nykyinen suuntaus on kohti kestävää kehitystä.

Gramatica Current

Current - Adjectiv (Adjective) / Adjectiv (Adjective)
Lemă: current
Adjectiv (Adjective): current
Substantiv, plural (Noun, plural): currents, current
Substantiv, singular sau masă (Noun, singular or mass): current
Silabe, Separație și Accent
current conține 2 silabe: cur • rent
Transcriere fonetică: ˈkər-ənt
cur rent , ˈkər ənt (Silaba roșie este accentuată)

Current - Importanța și frecvența utilizării

Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000.
current: 700 - 800 (Extrem De Comun).
Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy te ajută să descoperi, organizezi și înveți cu ușurință cuvinte și expresii noi. Creează colecții de vocabular personalizate și exersează oricând, oriunde.