Engleză - Poloneză


Extrem De Comun
700 - 800
700 - 800
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000. Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.

w końcu, nareszcie, ostatecznie, wreszcie

Semnificațiile lui Finally în poloneză

w końcu

I finally finished my homework.
W końcu skończyłem moje zadanie domowe.
After a long wait, we finally got the tickets.
Po długim czekaniu w końcu dostaliśmy bilety.
Utilizare: informalContext: Used to express relief or satisfaction after a delay or anticipation.
Notă: This is the most common translation and is used in everyday conversation.


Finally, we can go on vacation!
Nareszcie możemy jechać na wakacje!
She finally arrived at the party.
Ona nareszcie przyjechała na imprezę.
Utilizare: informalContext: Typically used when expressing joy or relief that something has happened after a delay.
Notă: Similar to 'w końcu', but often conveys a stronger sense of relief or happiness.


Finally, we decided to move to a new city.
Ostatecznie zdecydowaliśmy się przeprowadzić do nowego miasta.
The project was finally completed after many challenges.
Projekt ostatecznie został zakończony po wielu wyzwaniach.
Utilizare: formalContext: Used to indicate a final decision or conclusion after consideration.
Notă: This term is more common in written language or formal speech.


Finally, I understood the lesson.
Wreszcie zrozumiałem lekcję.
They finally solved the mystery.
Wreszcie rozwiązali zagadkę.
Utilizare: informalContext: Used to express the completion or understanding of something that took time.
Notă: This is another common synonym for 'finally' and works well in casual conversations.

Sinonimele Finally


Eventually means finally or at some point after a period of time or a series of events.
Exemplu: After years of hard work, he eventually achieved his goal.
Notă: Eventually suggests a gradual progression or outcome over time.

Expresiile și frazele comune ale Finally

At long last

This phrase is used to express relief or satisfaction that something has finally happened after a long period of waiting or anticipation.
Exemplu: At long last, they reached their destination after hours of driving.
Notă: This phrase emphasizes the sense of waiting or anticipation more than just the word 'finally.'

In the end

This phrase indicates the final result or outcome after a series of events or circumstances.
Exemplu: In the end, everything worked out fine despite the initial challenges.
Notă: It focuses on the conclusion or resolution of a situation rather than just the finality of something happening.

After all

This phrase suggests that despite doubts or obstacles, something has been accomplished or resolved in the end.
Exemplu: After all that hard work, she finally achieved her goal.
Notă: It implies a sense of contrast or overcoming barriers before reaching the final outcome.


This word indicates the final result or decision in a process or chain of events.
Exemplu: Ultimately, the decision lies with the board of directors.
Notă: It emphasizes the finality and conclusiveness of a decision or outcome.

At last

This phrase expresses relief or joy that something expected or desired has finally happened.
Exemplu: At last, the missing keys were found in the living room.
Notă: It conveys a sense of long-awaited resolution or fulfillment.

In the final analysis

This phrase is used to introduce a conclusion or summary after considering all the relevant factors or details.
Exemplu: In the final analysis, it was clear that the project was a success.
Notă: It suggests a comprehensive evaluation or assessment leading to a final judgment or decision.

In conclusion

This phrase is used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation and to summarize the main points.
Exemplu: In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work on this project.
Notă: It marks the final part of a speech or piece of writing, wrapping up all the main ideas or arguments.

Expresii de zi cu zi (argou) ale Finally


Used to express relief or satisfaction that something has been completed or achieved.
Exemplu: Finally! I finished my project.
Notă: This slang term is more casual and expressive than the word 'finally'.

At last!

Conveys a sense of relief or joy that something anticipated has finally happened.
Exemplu: At last! We arrived at the beach.
Notă: Similar to 'finally', but expressing a stronger sense of emotional release.

About time!

Indicates that someone took too long to do something and the speaker is relieved or annoyed that it finally happened.
Exemplu: You finally called me back. About time!
Notă: Emphasizes a sense of impatience or annoyance with the delayed action.

Took forever!

Denotes that something felt like it lasted a very long time, often used in a somewhat exaggerated manner.
Exemplu: That movie took forever to finish.
Notă: Focuses on the length of time taken, with a hint of exasperation or impatience.

At long last!

Similar to 'finally', used to emphasize that something expected or desired has happened after a long delay.
Exemplu: At long last, I found my keys.
Notă: Slightly more formal and poetic than 'finally', conveying a sense of relief and satisfaction.

In the nick of time!

Refers to doing something just before it is too late or just in time to prevent a negative outcome.
Exemplu: She arrived in the nick of time for the meeting.
Notă: Emphasizes the narrow margin by which something was achieved, often implying a sense of urgency or close call.

Finally got it done!

Expresses the completion of a task or achievement after previous failed attempts or challenges.
Exemplu: After many attempts, I finally got it done!
Notă: Highlights the effort or struggle involved in reaching the desired outcome.

Finally - Exemple

Finally, we arrived at our destination.
W końcu dotarliśmy do naszego celu.
I finally finished my project.
W końcu ukończyłem mój projekt.
Finally, after years of hard work, she achieved her dream.
W końcu, po latach ciężkiej pracy, osiągnęła swoje marzenie.

Gramatica Finally

Finally - Adverb (Adverb) / Adverb (Adverb)
Lemă: finally
Adverb (Adverb): finally
Silabe, Separație și Accent
finally conține 3 silabe: fi • nal • ly
Transcriere fonetică: ˈfī-nᵊl-ē
fi nal ly , ˈfī nᵊl ē (Silaba roșie este accentuată)

Finally - Importanța și frecvența utilizării

Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000.
finally: 700 - 800 (Extrem De Comun).
Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy, învățare eficientă a limbii
Vocafy te ajută să descoperi, organizezi și înveți cu ușurință cuvinte și expresii noi. Creează colecții de vocabular personalizate și exersează oricând, oriunde.