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Nouns - Countable Nouns

Melinda 2024-04-15 15 voca
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Reading a good book is relaxing.
Egy jó könyvet olvasni pihentető.
Swimming in the ocean is refreshing.
Az óceánban úszni felüdítő.
Playing with friends is fun.
Barátokkal játszani szórakoztató.
Eating healthy food is important.
Egészséges ételeket fogyasztani fontos.
Running in the park is good exercise.
A parkban futni jó testmozgás.
Swimming in the lake, she felt refreshed.
A tóban úszva felfrissülve érezte magát.
Laughing with her friends, she forgot her worries.
A barátaival nevetve elfelejtette a gondjait.
Playing with her dog, she felt joyous.
A kutyájával játszva örömet érzett.
Biking along the trail, he enjoyed the scenery.
Az ösvényen kerékpározva élvezte a tájat.
Singing along to her favorite song, she danced around the room.
Kedvenc dalát énekelve táncolt a szobában.
Cooking dinner for her family, she felt accomplished.
Vacsorát főzve a családjának, elégedettnek érezte magát.
Writing in her journal, she poured out her thoughts.
Naplójába írva kiöntötte gondolatait.
Reading under the tree, he lost track of time.
A fa alatt olvasva elvesztette az időérzékét.
Painting on the canvas, she expressed her creativity.
A vászonra festve fejezte ki a kreativitását.
Walking in the park, they enjoyed the fresh air.
A parkban sétálva élvezték a friss levegőt.


Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. Understanding nouns is fundamental to mastering English grammar.

Types of Nouns:

Common Nouns: These are general names for people, places, things, or ideas.
Examples include "dog," "city," "book," and "happiness."

Proper Nouns: These are specific names for people, places, or things and are capitalized.
Examples include "Mary," "London," "The Great Gatsby," and "Christmas."

Countable Nouns: These are nouns that can be counted and have both singular and plural forms.
Examples include "cat" (singular) and "cats" (plural).

Uncountable Nouns: These are nouns that cannot be counted individually and are typically treated as singular.
Examples include "water," "money," and "information."

Functions of Nouns:

Subject: Nouns can function as the subject of a sentence, performing the action described by the verb.
For example, in the sentence "The dog barks," "dog" is the subject.

Object: Nouns can also function as objects, receiving the action of the verb or being affected by it.
For example, in the sentence "She read a book," "book" is the object.

Possession: Nouns can indicate possession or ownership.
For example, in the phrase "John's car," "John's" indicates that the car belongs to John.

Modification: Nouns can be modified by adjectives to provide more information about them.
For example, in the phrase "beautiful flower," "beautiful" modifies the noun "flower."


Most nouns form their plural by adding "-s" or "-es" to the singular form (e.g., "cat" becomes "cats," "box" becomes "boxes").
Some nouns have irregular plural forms (e.g., "child" becomes "children," "mouse" becomes "mice").


Proper nouns are always capitalized (e.g., "New York City," "John Smith," "The White House").
Common nouns are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence or are part of a title.


Articles (e.g., "a," "an," "the") are often used with nouns to indicate whether the noun is specific or nonspecific.

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