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Engelska (Storbritannien) - Ungerska

I wish - Future Desires

Melinda 2024-04-15 15 voca
0 Recension
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Reading a good book is relaxing.
Egy jó könyvet olvasni pihentető.
Swimming in the ocean is refreshing.
Az óceánban úszni felüdítő.
Playing with friends is fun.
Barátokkal játszani szórakoztató.
Eating healthy food is important.
Egészséges ételeket fogyasztani fontos.
Running in the park is good exercise.
A parkban futni jó testmozgás.
Swimming in the lake, she felt refreshed.
A tóban úszva felfrissülve érezte magát.
Laughing with her friends, she forgot her worries.
A barátaival nevetve elfelejtette a gondjait.
Playing with her dog, she felt joyous.
A kutyájával játszva örömet érzett.
Biking along the trail, he enjoyed the scenery.
Az ösvényen kerékpározva élvezte a tájat.
Singing along to her favorite song, she danced around the room.
Kedvenc dalát énekelve táncolt a szobában.
Cooking dinner for her family, she felt accomplished.
Vacsorát főzve a családjának, elégedettnek érezte magát.
Writing in her journal, she poured out her thoughts.
Naplójába írva kiöntötte gondolatait.
Reading under the tree, he lost track of time.
A fa alatt olvasva elvesztette az időérzékét.
Painting on the canvas, she expressed her creativity.
A vászonra festve fejezte ki a kreativitását.
Walking in the park, they enjoyed the fresh air.
A parkban sétálva élvezték a friss levegőt.


A phrase commonly used in English to express desires or regrets about situations that are not true or have not happened.

Expressing Desires:

When you want something to be different from how it currently is. You can use "I WISH" followed by the past simple tense.

Form: WISH + V2

For example:
"I WISH I had a car." (I don't have a car, but I want one.)
"I WISH I could speak fluent French." (I can't speak fluent French, but I want to.)

Expressing Regrets:

"I WISH" can also be used to talk about things you regret or wish had happened differently in the past. In this case, you use "I WISH" followed by the past perfect tense.

Form: WISH + HAD V3**

For example:
"I WISH I had studied harder for the exam." (I didn't study hard enough, and now I regret it.)
"I WISH I hadn't said that." (I regret saying something.)

Expressing Future Desires:

**Expressing hopes or desires for something to happen in the future, although it may seem unlikely or uncertain. You can use "I WISH" followed by "would" or "could" plus an infinitive verb to convey these desires.**


For example:
"I WISH I could travel to Japan next year." (Expressing the desire to travel to Japan in the future.)
"I WISH I would find my dream job soon." (Expressing the hope of finding the ideal job in the near future.)
"I WISH I could be fluent in five languages." (Expressing the desire to achieve fluency in multiple languages at some point in the future.)

Stärk dina Engelska -kunskaper genom att memorera dessa ord och fraser: Celebrity, Olympics, Gourmet, Could, Languages. Viktigt för vardagliga samtal.
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