Engelska - Norska
Extremt Vanlig
800 - 900
800 - 900
Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000. Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.
Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000. Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.
fremover, frem, fremover i tid, fremme, å fremme
Betydelser av Forward på norska (bokmål)
We need to move forward with the project.
Vi må gå fremover med prosjektet.
Please step forward.
Vennligst gå fremover.
Användning: formal/informalSammanhang: Used in contexts involving movement or progression.
Notera: Commonly used in both physical and metaphorical contexts.
He pushed the car forward.
Han dyttet bilen frem.
She leaned forward to hear better.
Hun lente seg frem for å høre bedre.
Användning: informalSammanhang: Often used in everyday conversation.
Notera: This can refer to both physical positioning and direction.
fremover i tid
We are looking forward to the future.
Vi ser fremover i tid til fremtiden.
Looking forward, we expect great changes.
Ser vi fremover, forventer vi store endringer.
Användning: formalSammanhang: Used when discussing future plans or expectations.
Notera: Often used in planning or strategic discussions.
He forwarded the email to me.
Han fremmet e-posten til meg.
Please forward this message to your colleagues.
Vennligst fremme denne meldingen til kollegene dine.
Användning: formal/informalSammanhang: Used in communication contexts, especially digital.
Notera: Refers to sending information or messages to another party.
å fremme
We aim to forward our interests.
Vi har som mål å fremme våre interesser.
The organization works to forward social justice.
Organisasjonen jobber for å fremme sosial rettferdighet.
Användning: formalSammanhang: Used in discussions about advocacy or support.
Notera: Often used in contexts involving goals or missions.
Synonymer för Forward
This synonym indicates moving in a forward direction or progressing.
Exempel: Let's move ahead with our plans.
Notera: Similar to 'forward' but specifically implies moving in a direction ahead of the current position.
This synonym suggests continuing in a forward direction, often with determination.
Exempel: We must march onward despite the challenges.
Notera: Similar to 'forward' but emphasizes continuous movement in the same direction.
This synonym means moving forward or outward, often in a purposeful manner.
Exempel: She stepped forth to accept the award.
Notera: More formal or literary than 'forward', and implies a deliberate or intentional movement.
This synonym refers to moving forward or advancing, especially in terms of development or improvement.
Exempel: We need to make progress in our project.
Notera: While 'forward' can simply indicate a direction, 'progress' specifically implies advancement or development.
onward and upward
This phrase means to continue progressing or advancing, often with a positive outlook.
Exempel: Let's keep moving onward and upward in our careers.
Notera: A more optimistic and motivational expression compared to the straightforward 'forward'.
Forwards uttryck och vanliga fraser
Move forward
To make progress or continue in a positive direction.
Exempel: After the setback, it's important to move forward and focus on the future.
Notera: The addition of 'move' emphasizes taking action and progressing.
Look forward to
To anticipate or feel excited about something that will happen in the future.
Exempel: I'm looking forward to the weekend so I can relax.
Notera: The phrase conveys anticipation or excitement for something upcoming.
Having innovative or progressive ideas about the future.
Exempel: Our company values forward-thinking individuals who can anticipate market trends.
Notera: It describes a proactive and innovative mindset towards the future.
Put forward
To suggest or propose an idea or plan for consideration.
Exempel: She put forward a proposal to improve efficiency in the department.
Notera: It indicates presenting an idea for discussion or decision-making.
Forward slash (/)
The diagonal slash (/) used in computing to separate elements in a path or URL.
Exempel: Please enter your username, followed by a forward slash, and then your password.
Notera: In this context, 'forward' refers to the directionality of the slash.
Forwarded email
An email that has been sent on to another recipient by the original recipient.
Exempel: I received a forwarded email from a colleague about the upcoming meeting.
Notera: It denotes the action of sending an email to someone else after receiving it.
Forward march
A military command to start marching or moving forward.
Exempel: At the command 'forward march,' the soldiers began to move in unison.
Notera: It specifically refers to the military command to initiate forward movement.
Forwards vardagliga (slang) uttryck
Direct and honest in communication or behavior.
Exempel: Just be straightforward with me. Tell me what you think.
Notera: While 'forward' can simply mean moving ahead, 'straightforward' specifically refers to being candid or frank.
Forwarding Address
A new address where mail should be sent.
Exempel: Make sure to give the post office your forwarding address when you move.
Notera: It refers to a specific address for future mail, unlike 'forward' which is more general.
To send something like a message, email, or document to another person.
Exempel: I forwarded you that funny video I received.
Notera: It denotes the action of sending something to someone else, distinct from simply moving ahead.
To consider or prepare for the future.
Exempel: We need to look-ahead and plan for the next quarter.
Notera: While 'forward' can denote a physical direction, 'look-ahead' is more about planning and anticipation.
Forwarded Motion
A sudden or accelerated movement in the direction of progress.
Exempel: The car jolted forward in a burst of forwarded motion.
Notera: Refers to a continuous movement in a specific direction, emphasizing the progress aspect compared to just advancing forward.
To move quickly through time or skip to a particular point.
Exempel: Let's fast-forward to the part where they reveal the surprise.
Notera: It refers to rapidly advancing in time or skipping ahead, which is different from the general concept of moving forward.
The symbol '/' used in computer terms to separate items or elements.
Exempel: The website URL is 'username forward-slash products'.
Notera: While 'forward' usually relates to direction, 'forward-slash' is a term specific to computer usage for the symbol '/' which separates elements.
Forward - Exempel
The team is moving forward with the project.
Teamet går fremover med prosjektet.
She made a great forward leap in her career.
Hun gjorde et stort sprang fremover i karrieren.
Forwards grammatik
Forward - Adverb (Adverb) / Adverb (Adverb)
Lemma: forward
Adjektiv (Adjective): forward
Adverb (Adverb): forward
Substantiv, plural (Noun, plural): forwards
Substantiv, singular eller massa (Noun, singular or mass): forward
Verb, dåtid (Verb, past tense): forwarded
Verb, gerundium eller presens particip (Verb, gerund or present participle): forwarding
Verb, 3:e person singular presens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): forwards
Verb, grundform (Verb, base form): forward
Verb, presens inte 3:e person singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): forward
Stavelser, Avgränsning och Betoning
forward innehåller 2 stavelser: for • ward
Fonetik transkription: ˈfȯr-wərd
for ward , ˈfȯr wərd (Den röda stavelsen är betonad)
Forward - Betydelse och användningsfrekvens
Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000.
forward: 800 - 900 (Extremt Vanlig).
Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.