Engelska - Ukrainska


Extremt Vanlig
600 - 700
600 - 700
Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000. Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.

фактор, множник, умова, параметр

Betydelser av Factor på ukrainska


Diet is an important factor in maintaining health.
Дієта є важливим фактором для підтримання здоров'я.
There are several factors that influence climate change.
Є кілька факторів, які впливають на зміну клімату.
Användning: formalSammanhang: Used in discussions about health, science, economics, and other analytical contexts.
Notera: In both English and Ukrainian, 'фактор' can refer to a contributing element that affects an outcome.


In mathematics, a factor is a number that divides another number.
У математиці множник — це число, яке ділить інше число.
The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
Множниками числа 12 є 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 і 12.
Användning: formalSammanhang: Used primarily in mathematical contexts.
Notera: In mathematics, a 'фактор' refers specifically to numbers that can be multiplied together to get another number.


The weather can be a crucial factor in outdoor events.
Погода може бути вирішальною умовою для проведення заходів на вулиці.
Economic conditions are a factor that businesses must consider.
Економічні умови є умовою, яку бізнеси повинні враховувати.
Användning: formal/informalSammanhang: Used in general conversations and discussions about conditions affecting decisions or outcomes.
Notera: While 'умова' can also mean 'condition', in this context it refers to factors that influence situations.


The study considers various parameters that affect the results.
Дослідження враховує різні параметри, які впливають на результати.
In programming, factors like speed and efficiency are important parameters.
У програмуванні фактори, такі як швидкість і ефективність, є важливими параметрами.
Användning: formalSammanhang: Commonly used in scientific, technical, and programming contexts.
Notera: In technical contexts, 'параметр' is often used to describe factors or characteristics that can be measured or adjusted.

Synonymer för Factor


An element refers to a component or part that contributes to a whole. It is often used in the context of a specific aspect or factor within a larger system.
Exempel: One important element in the success of the project was effective communication.
Notera: While similar to 'factor,' 'element' tends to emphasize a more fundamental or essential part of a whole.


A component is a constituent part or element that makes up a larger whole. It is often used to describe essential parts that combine to form a complete system.
Exempel: Time management is a key component of productivity in the workplace.
Notera: Similar to 'factor,' 'component' highlights the role of individual parts in a complex structure or process.


An aspect refers to a particular feature or characteristic of something. It is used to describe different perspectives or dimensions of a situation.
Exempel: One important aspect to consider in decision-making is the long-term impact.
Notera: While related to 'factor,' 'aspect' focuses more on specific qualities or facets within a broader context.

Factors uttryck och vanliga fraser

Key factor

Key factor refers to a crucial element that significantly influences a result or outcome.
Exempel: Effective communication is a key factor in building strong relationships.
Notera: The phrase 'key factor' emphasizes the importance or essential nature of the factor in question.

Factor in

To consider or include something as part of a decision-making process or calculation.
Exempel: We need to factor in the cost of transportation when planning our budget.
Notera: The phrase 'factor in' involves taking into account various elements or variables when making a decision or calculation.


X-factor refers to a special quality or characteristic that sets someone or something apart and makes them exceptional.
Exempel: Her charisma and stage presence give her the X-factor that captivates the audience.
Notera: The term 'X-factor' is often used in a more abstract or subjective context to describe an intangible quality that makes someone or something unique or outstanding.

Prime factor

A prime factor is a factor that is a prime number, meaning it can only be divided by 1 and itself.
Exempel: In the number 24, 2 and 3 are prime factors.
Notera: The term 'prime factor' specifically refers to factors that are prime numbers, which have unique mathematical properties.

Factor out

To remove or separate a common element from a group in order to simplify or analyze a situation.
Exempel: Let's factor out the common elements in these equations to simplify the calculations.
Notera: The phrase 'factor out' involves isolating a specific element or variable from a larger set for clarity or simplification.

Cultural factor

Cultural factors refer to aspects of culture such as traditions, values, and norms that influence human behavior and interactions.
Exempel: Cultural factors play a significant role in shaping individual beliefs and behaviors.
Notera: The term 'cultural factor' highlights the impact of cultural elements on various aspects of society or individuals.

Risk factor

A risk factor is a characteristic or behavior that increases the likelihood of a negative outcome or disease.
Exempel: Smoking is a major risk factor for developing lung cancer.
Notera: The term 'risk factor' specifically denotes elements that elevate the probability of negative consequences or harm in a particular context.

Factors vardagliga (slang) uttryck


A factor that is significant enough to end a deal or prevent an agreement from being reached.
Exempel: His refusal to compromise on the salary was a deal-breaker in negotiations.
Notera: While a factor can be any element that contributes to a situation, a deal-breaker specifically refers to a factor that causes a breakdown in negotiations or agreements.


Something that radically changes a situation or activity.
Exempel: The new technology was a game-changer for the industry.
Notera: Unlike a typical factor that may influence a situation, a game-changer completely transforms it, often in a positive way.

Wild card

An unpredictable or unknown factor that can have a significant impact.
Exempel: Including social media as a marketing strategy was considered a wild card by the team.
Notera: While a factor is typically a known or predictable element, a wild card is something unexpected that can alter outcomes significantly.


An unexpected difficulty or obstacle that complicates a situation.
Exempel: The sudden change in regulations threw a curveball at the company's expansion plans.
Notera: In contrast to a factor, which is generally considered as a contributing element, a curveball is an unexpected challenge that disrupts plans or expectations.

Game plan

A strategy or plan of action, especially in response to changing circumstances.
Exempel: We need to reassess our game plan in light of these new factors.
Notera: While a factor is a specific element influencing a situation, a game plan is the overall strategy or approach to dealing with various factors, including unexpected ones.

Monkey wrench

Something that disrupts or interferes with a process or plan.
Exempel: The sudden market crash threw a monkey wrench into their investment plans.
Notera: Unlike a typical factor that contributes to a situation, a monkey wrench is a negative interference that hinders progress or success.

Unknown quantity

A person or thing that is not yet fully understood or whose outcomes are uncertain.
Exempel: Her reaction to the news is still an unknown quantity for us.
Notera: While a factor is a known element influencing a situation, an unknown quantity is something that is not fully predictable or clear in its impact.

Factor - Exempel

The weather is a major factor in our vacation plans.
Погода є важливим фактором у наших планах на відпустку.
The company's success is influenced by many factors.
Успіх компанії залежить від багатьох факторів.
The price of the product is determined by several factors.
Ціна продукту визначається кількома факторами.

Factors grammatik

Factor - Substantiv (Noun) / Substantiv, singular eller massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemma: factor
Substantiv, plural (Noun, plural): factors
Substantiv, singular eller massa (Noun, singular or mass): factor
Verb, dåtid (Verb, past tense): factored
Verb, gerundium eller presens particip (Verb, gerund or present participle): factoring
Verb, 3:e person singular presens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): factors
Verb, grundform (Verb, base form): factor
Verb, presens inte 3:e person singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): factor
Stavelser, Avgränsning och Betoning
factor innehåller 2 stavelser: fac • tor
Fonetik transkription: ˈfak-tər
fac tor , ˈfak tər (Den röda stavelsen är betonad)

Factor - Betydelse och användningsfrekvens

Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000.
factor: 600 - 700 (Extremt Vanlig).
Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.
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