

Extremt Vanlig
800 - 900
800 - 900
Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000. Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.

Either -

Indicates a choice between two options

Exempel: You can either have tea or coffee.
Användning: formal/informalSammanhang: everyday conversations, written language
Notera: Used to present two alternatives or options.

Used for emphasizing a similarity or equality between two things

Exempel: She is either very brave or very foolish.
Användning: formalSammanhang: academic writing, formal discussions
Notera: Emphasizes the similarity or equality of two things.

Used in negative sentences to mean 'also' or 'too'

Exempel: I don't like coffee, and she doesn't either.
Användning: formal/informalSammanhang: conversational English, written language
Notera: Indicates agreement or similarity with a negative statement.

Synonymer för Either


The word 'any' is used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, without specifying or limiting the selection.
Exempel: You can choose any of the two options.
Notera: Unlike 'either', 'any' does not suggest a choice between two specific options.


The word 'one' indicates a single item or option out of a group.
Exempel: You can pick one item from the menu.
Notera: While 'either' implies a choice between two options, 'one' simply refers to a single item.


The word 'each' is used to refer to every individual or item in a group separately.
Exempel: Each participant will receive a certificate.
Notera: Unlike 'either', 'each' does not imply a choice between two options but rather focuses on individual items within a group.

Eithers uttryck och vanliga fraser


Used to present two alternatives or options, indicating a choice between them.
Exempel: You can either go to the party or stay home.
Notera: The phrase 'either/or' emphasizes the exclusivity of the choices presented.

either way

Indicates that the speaker is indifferent to the outcome or that both options are acceptable.
Exempel: I'll be happy either way, so you decide.
Notera: The phrase 'either way' signifies acceptance of both possibilities.

either day

Refers to any of the two specified days, without preference for one over the other.
Exempel: We can meet either day next week, whichever works best for you.
Notera: The phrase 'either day' indicates flexibility in choosing between two options.

either side

Denotes both of two sides or directions, typically used in spatial contexts.
Exempel: The road has houses on either side.
Notera: The phrase 'either side' specifies both sides without favoring one over the other.

either party

Refers to any of the two parties or individuals, usually in a contractual or legal context.
Exempel: The agreement is beneficial to either party involved.
Notera: The phrase 'either party' suggests equality or relevance of both parties.

either one

Indicates a choice between two options or alternatives, without preference stated.
Exempel: You can choose to buy either one of these dresses.
Notera: The phrase 'either one' highlights the selection of one out of two options.

either day now

Indicates that something is expected to happen very soon or imminently.
Exempel: The package should arrive either day now.
Notera: The phrase 'either day now' emphasizes the imminent timing of an expected event.

Either - Exempel

Either you come with us or you stay here alone.
You can have either the blue or the red shirt.
I can't decide which movie to watch, either action or comedy.

Eithers grammatik

Either - Adverb (Adverb) / Adverb (Adverb)
Lemma: either
Adverb (Adverb): either
Stavelser, Avgränsning och Betoning
either innehåller 2 stavelser: ei • ther
Fonetik transkription: ˈē-t͟hər
ei ther , ˈē t͟hər (Den röda stavelsen är betonad)

Either - Betydelse och användningsfrekvens

Ordets frekvens- och betydelseindex indikerar hur ofta ett ord förekommer i ett givet språk. Ju mindre antalet är, desto oftare används ordet. De vanligast använda orden sträcker sig vanligtvis från cirka 1 till 4000.
either: 800 - 900 (Extremt Vanlig).
Detta betydelseindex hjälper dig att fokusera på de mest användbara orden under din språkinlärningsprocess.
Vocafy, effektivt språkinlärning
Vocafy, effektivt språkinlärning
Vocafy hjälper dig att upptäcka, organisera och lära dig nya ord och fraser med lätthet. Bygg personliga vokabulärsamlingar och öva när som helst, var som helst.