İngilizce - Vietnamca


Son Derece Yaygın
400 - 500
400 - 500
Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır. Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.

Quản lý, Sự quản lý, Ban quản lý, Quản lý tài nguyên, Quản lý thời gian

word] anlamları Vietnamca

Quản lý

Effective management is crucial for any business.
Quản lý hiệu quả là rất quan trọng đối với bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào.
She has a degree in management from a prestigious university.
Cô ấy có bằng quản lý từ một trường đại học danh tiếng.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Business, education, and organizational settings.
Not: The term 'quản lý' is widely used in professional environments and refers to the process of overseeing and coordinating resources to achieve specific goals.

Sự quản lý

The management of the project was handled poorly.
Sự quản lý của dự án đã được thực hiện kém.
Good management can lead to better outcomes.
Sự quản lý tốt có thể dẫn đến kết quả tốt hơn.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Describing the act or process of managing something.
Not: This usage emphasizes the action or process of management rather than the people involved.

Ban quản lý

The management decided to implement new policies.
Ban quản lý đã quyết định áp dụng các chính sách mới.
The management team is responsible for making important decisions.
Đội ngũ ban quản lý chịu trách nhiệm đưa ra các quyết định quan trọng.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Referencing the group of people in charge of an organization.
Not: Here, 'ban quản lý' specifically refers to the team or individuals who hold management positions in a company or institution.

Quản lý tài nguyên

Natural resource management is essential for sustainability.
Quản lý tài nguyên thiên nhiên là điều cần thiết cho sự bền vững.
He specializes in water resource management.
Anh ấy chuyên về quản lý tài nguyên nước.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Environmental and resource management discussions.
Not: This term refers to the management of natural resources, emphasizing sustainability and conservation.

Quản lý thời gian

Time management is key to being productive.
Quản lý thời gian là yếu tố chính để làm việc hiệu quả.
She took a course on time management to improve her skills.
Cô ấy đã tham gia một khóa học về quản lý thời gian để cải thiện kỹ năng của mình.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: Personal development and productivity contexts.
Not: This usage focuses on managing one’s time effectively, often discussed in self-help and productivity literature.

Management eşanlamlıları


Administration refers to the process or activity of managing and organizing the affairs of an organization or institution.
Örnek: The administration of the company is responsible for making strategic decisions.
Not: Administration often implies a broader scope of overseeing activities beyond just management.


Supervision involves overseeing or directing the work of others to ensure tasks are carried out effectively and according to expectations.
Örnek: Effective supervision is essential for ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently.
Not: Supervision focuses more on directly overseeing and guiding the work of individuals or teams.


Leadership refers to the ability to guide, influence, and inspire others towards a shared vision or objective.
Örnek: Good leadership involves inspiring and motivating team members to achieve common goals.
Not: Leadership often emphasizes the ability to inspire and influence others, while management focuses on organizing and coordinating tasks.


Control involves the power or authority to manage, direct, or influence the behavior or course of events.
Örnek: Maintaining control over the budget is crucial for financial stability.
Not: Control may imply a more directive or authoritative approach compared to the more collaborative nature of management.

Management ifadeleri, yaygın kullanılan ifadeler

Call the shots

To be in charge and make decisions; to be the one who controls a situation.
Örnek: In this company, the CEO calls the shots on all major decisions.
Not: This phrase emphasizes the authority and control aspect of management.

Run a tight ship

To manage a situation or organization in a very controlled and efficient manner.
Örnek: The manager runs a tight ship, ensuring that all employees follow the rules.
Not: This phrase implies strict control and discipline in managing a situation.

Keep an eye on

To watch or monitor something closely; to pay attention to something.
Örnek: The supervisor keeps an eye on the progress of the project to ensure it stays on track.
Not: This phrase highlights the vigilance and monitoring aspect of management.

Stay on top of

To remain informed and up-to-date about something; to be in control of a situation.
Örnek: It's important for managers to stay on top of industry trends to make informed decisions.
Not: This phrase emphasizes staying informed and maintaining control in management.

Wear multiple hats

To have many different responsibilities or roles within a job or organization.
Örnek: As a small business owner, you have to wear multiple hats, from accounting to marketing.
Not: This phrase highlights the versatility and multitasking aspect of management.

Hands-on approach

To be directly involved in managing or dealing with something; to actively participate.
Örnek: The manager takes a hands-on approach by working closely with employees on projects.
Not: This phrase emphasizes active involvement and direct participation in management.

Juggling act

Managing multiple tasks or responsibilities at the same time; trying to keep everything in order.
Örnek: Balancing work, family, and personal life can feel like a juggling act.
Not: This phrase highlights the challenge of managing multiple tasks simultaneously.

Management günlük (argo) ifadeleri


Micromanage refers to managing or controlling every small detail of a task or project.
Örnek: I can't stand being micromanaged by my boss.
Not: The original term 'management' involves overseeing and coordinating tasks, whereas 'micromanage' focuses on excessive control and involvement in minute details.


Delegation is the act of assigning tasks or responsibilities to others while retaining overall control.
Örnek: Learn to delegate tasks effectively to improve team efficiency.
Not: In traditional management, delegation is a critical skill, whereas the slang term implies a more informal understanding of assigning tasks.

Bossing around

Bossing around means to give orders authoritatively or to control others in a bossy or domineering manner.
Örnek: Stop bossing everyone around and let them work independently.
Not: Unlike 'management,' which involves leading and coordinating, 'bossing around' carries a negative connotation of being overly authoritative or controlling.


Firefighting refers to dealing with urgent issues or crises as they arise, often as a result of inadequate preparation or planning.
Örnek: Our team is constantly firefighting due to poor planning.
Not: While management encompasses planning and proactive problem-solving, 'firefighting' implies reactive, last-minute responses to emergencies.


Scapegoating involves blaming others for one's own failures or inadequacies.
Örnek: The manager resorted to scapegoating to cover up his own mistakes.
Not: Unlike the neutral term 'management,' which involves overseeing tasks, 'scapegoating' is a negative behavior of shifting blame onto others.

Butt heads

To butt heads means to conflict or clash in opinions, often leading to disagreements or disputes.
Örnek: The project failed because the team members constantly butt heads instead of collaborating.
Not: In contrast to the cooperative nature of management, 'butting heads' suggests tension and disagreement among individuals.

Flying by the seat of your pants

Flying by the seat of your pants means to handle situations without a clear plan or strategy, relying on instinct or improvisation.
Örnek: I don't recommend flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to project management.
Not: Unlike the structured approach of management, 'flying by the seat of your pants' implies a more chaotic or unprepared way of handling tasks.

Management - Örnekler

Management is responsible for making strategic decisions.
Quản lý chịu trách nhiệm đưa ra các quyết định chiến lược.
Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization.
Lãnh đạo hiệu quả là rất quan trọng cho sự thành công của bất kỳ tổ chức nào.
The management team is currently working on a new project.
Đội ngũ quản lý hiện đang làm việc trên một dự án mới.

Management dilbilgisi

Management - İsim (Noun) / İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass)
Sözcük tabanı: management
İsim, çoğul (Noun, plural): managements, management
İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass): management
Hece, Ayrıştırma ve Vurgu
management 3 hece içerir: man • age • ment
Fonetik yazı: ˈma-nij-mənt
man age ment , ˈma nij mənt (Kırmızı hece vurguludur)

Management - Önem ve kullanım sıklığı

Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır.
management: 400 - 500 (Son Derece Yaygın).
Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, yeni kelimeleri ve ifadeleri kolayca keşfetmene, düzenlemene ve öğrenmene yardımcı olur. Kişiselleştirilmiş kelime koleksiyonları oluştur ve her zaman, her yerde pratik yap.