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Relative Clauses for Children

Melinda 2024-04-15 31 voca
0 Відгук
Never have I seen such a big cake!
Sosem láttam ilyen nagy tortát!
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She wants to learn Spanish.
Spanyolul szeretne tanulni.
He needs to finish his homework.
Be kell fejeznie a házi feladatát.
They like to travel to exotic places.
Szeretnek egzotikus helyekre utazni.
We plan to visit Europe next summer.
Jövő nyáron Európába tervezünk látogatni.
She hopes to become a doctor one day.
Reméli, hogy egyszer orvos lesz.
He decided to study abroad for a year.
Úgy döntött, hogy egy évet külföldön tanul.
They aim to improve their English skills.
A céljuk, hogy fejlesszék az angoltudásukat.
We promise not to be late for the meeting.
Ígérjük, hogy nem fogunk késni a találkozóról.
She offered to help with the project.
Felajánlotta, hogy segít a projektben.
He hopes to win the competition.
Reméli, hogy megnyeri a versenyt.
They plan to go on vacation next month.
Jövő hónapban nyaralni terveznek menni.
We need to buy groceries for the week.
Élelmiszert kell vennünk a hétre.
She decided to take up painting as a hobby.
Úgy döntött, hogy hobbiból festeni kezd.
He wants to become a better swimmer.
Jobb úszóvá akar válni.
They agreed to meet at the cafe at 5 PM.
Megegyeztek, hogy 5-kor találkoznak a kávézóban.
We plan to attend the conference next month.
Tervezzük, hogy részt veszünk a konferencián jövő hónapban.
She loves to read books in her free time.
Szeret könyveket olvasni szabadidejében.
He needs to finish his report before the deadline.
A határidő előtt be kell fejeznie a jelentését.
They aim to start a new business next year.
Céljuk, hogy jövőre új vállalkozásba kezdjenek.
We hope to see you at the party tonight.
Reméljük, hogy találkozunk a partin ma este.
She wants to go shopping for new clothes.
Új ruhákat akar vásárolni.
He decided to quit smoking for his health.
Úgy döntött, hogy az egészsége érdekében leszokik a dohányzásról.
They need to finish the project by Friday.
Péntekre be kell fejezniük a projektet.
We plan to redecorate the living room next month.
Tervezzük, hogy felújítjuk a nappalit jövő hónapban.
She hopes to travel to Japan someday.
Reméli, hogy egyszer majd Japánba utazhat.
He wants to learn how to play the guitar.
Meg akar tanulni gitározni.
They plan to visit their grandparents this weekend.
Tervezik, hogy meglátogatják a nagyszüleiket ezen a hétvégén.
We need to finish the presentation by tomorrow.
Holnapig be kell fejeznünk a prezentációt.
She decided to take a cooking class.
Úgy döntött, hogy elmegy egy főzőtanfolyamra.
He wants to start a new job next month.
A jövő hónapban új munkát akar kezdeni.
They aim to run a marathon next year.
Céljuk, hogy jövőre maratont fussanak.

Relative Clauses

Relative clauses are a type of subordinate clause that provides additional information about a noun in the main clause. They are introduced by relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which, that) or relative adverbs (where, when, why).

Basic Formulation:

Relative clauses are used to add descriptive or identifying information about a noun in the main clause. They follow the noun they describe and provide essential or non-essential information.

Essential relative clause: The book that I bought is on the table.
Non-essential relative clause: My sister, who lives in Paris, is visiting next week.

Relative Pronouns:

Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses and refer back to a noun or pronoun in the main clause. The choice of relative pronoun depends on the role of the noun in the relative clause and whether it refers to people or things.

Who: Refers to people (subject) - He is the man who helps us.
Whom: Refers to people (object) - She is the woman whom I met.
Whose: Indicates possession - This is the house whose roof is leaking.
Which: Refers to things or animals - This is the car which I bought.
That: Can refer to both people and things - She is the teacher that everyone admires.

Relative Adverbs:

Relative adverbs introduce relative clauses and provide information about time, place, or reason.

When: Refers to time - This is the day when we met.
Where: Refers to place - This is the park where we play.
Why: Refers to reason - This is the reason why I came.

Position in the Sentence:

Relative clauses usually follow the noun they describe, but they can sometimes be placed before the noun for stylistic reasons or to avoid ambiguity.

The man who helped us is my neighbor.
The book, which I bought yesterday, is on the table.


Non-essential relative clauses are separated from the main clause by commas. They provide additional, but not essential, information about the noun.

My friend, who is a doctor, lives in New York.
Our house, which has a large garden, is near the beach.

Omitting the Relative Pronoun:

In informal English, the relative pronoun (who, which, that) can sometimes be omitted when it is the object of the clause.

She is the girl I met yesterday.
This is the book you recommended.

Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses:

Defining relative clauses provide essential information about the noun and cannot be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence. Non-defining relative clauses provide additional information and can be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Defining: The man who lives next door is a doctor.
Non-defining: My brother, who lives in London, is coming to visit.

Починайте говорити Англійська вже сьогодні! Вчіть наступні слова та фрази: Squirrels, Backpack, Hearted, Pretty, Chases.
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