Англійська - Німецька


Надзвичайно Поширений
100 - 200
100 - 200
Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000. Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.

Regierung, Behörde

Значення Government німецькою


The government is responsible for national security.
Die Regierung ist für die nationale Sicherheit verantwortlich.
The government announced new economic measures.
Die Regierung hat neue wirtschaftliche Maßnahmen angekündigt.
Використання: FormalКонтекст: Political discussions, news reports, legal documents
Примітка: Refers to the ruling body of a country or organization responsible for making decisions and implementing laws.


The local government office is closed on weekends.
Das örtliche Behördenbüro ist am Wochenende geschlossen.
You need to contact the government agency for permits.
Sie müssen die Behörde für Genehmigungen kontaktieren.
Використання: FormalКонтекст: Administrative procedures, public services
Примітка: Refers to a governmental organization responsible for specific administrative functions or services.

Синоніми Government


Administration refers to the group of people who manage and oversee the operations of a government or organization.
приклад: The new administration implemented several policy changes.
Примітка: Administration often implies the day-to-day management and decision-making within a government or institution.


Authority signifies the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
приклад: The authority imposed a curfew in the city.
Примітка: Authority can refer to a broader concept of power and control, not limited to governmental structures.


Regime denotes a system or style of government, especially one that is authoritarian or oppressive.
приклад: The authoritarian regime cracked down on dissenting voices.
Примітка: Regime often carries a negative connotation and can imply a government that rules with strict control.

Вирази і поширені фрази Government

Call the shots

To be in charge or make important decisions.
приклад: In this company, the CEO calls the shots.
Примітка: The phrase 'call the shots' implies having authority and control, whereas 'government' refers to the system or group governing a state or community.

Behind closed doors

In secret; without the knowledge of the public.
приклад: The decision was made behind closed doors, so we don't know the details.
Примітка: While 'government' refers to the ruling body of a country, 'behind closed doors' describes actions or decisions made in private, away from public view.

In the red

To be in debt; to owe money.
приклад: The government's budget is deep in the red this year.
Примітка: The term 'in the red' is used in financial contexts to indicate a negative financial situation, whereas 'government' denotes the ruling body of a country.

Pass the buck

To shift the responsibility or blame to someone else.
приклад: Politicians often pass the buck when it comes to taking responsibility for failures.
Примітка: While 'government' refers to the governing body of a country, 'pass the buck' is a phrase used to describe avoiding responsibility by passing it to someone else.

The powers that be

Those in authority; the people who make decisions.
приклад: The powers that be have decided to implement new tax regulations.
Примітка: This phrase refers to those in positions of power and authority, while 'government' refers to the institution responsible for ruling a country.

In the hot seat

To be in a position of great pressure or scrutiny.
приклад: The Prime Minister is in the hot seat after the recent corruption scandal.
Примітка: Being 'in the hot seat' means facing intense scrutiny or pressure, whereas 'government' refers to the ruling body of a country.

In the limelight

To be the center of attention; to be widely known or celebrated.
приклад: The President is constantly in the limelight due to his controversial policies.
Примітка: Being 'in the limelight' refers to being the focus of public attention, while 'government' refers to the governing body of a country.

Behind the eight ball

In a difficult or unfavorable position; at a disadvantage.
приклад: The government is behind the eight ball in addressing the healthcare crisis.
Примітка: This phrase conveys being at a disadvantage or facing challenges, whereas 'government' refers to the ruling body of a country.

In the driver's seat

To be in control; to be the one making decisions.
приклад: After winning the election, the new Prime Minister is now in the driver's seat.
Примітка: Being 'in the driver's seat' means having control or being in charge, while 'government' refers to the ruling body of a country.

Повсякденні (сленгові) вирази Government

The Hill

Refers to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. where the U.S. Congress is located.
приклад: The Hill is discussing the new tax bill today.
Примітка: The slang term replaces the specific word 'government' with a reference to the physical location of the legislative branch.

Big Brother

Refers to an overly controlling or authoritarian government, often associated with surveillance.
приклад: Big Brother is always watching us.
Примітка: The slang term carries a negative connotation implying excessive monitoring and intrusion.

Uncle Sam

A personification of the United States government, often used to represent the country's authority and demands.
приклад: Uncle Sam wants you to pay your taxes on time.
Примітка: The slang term humanizes the government, giving it a familiar and somewhat paternal figure.

The Establishment

Refers to the entrenched systems of power and influence, especially in politics and government.
приклад: The Establishment has been criticized for its lack of transparency.
Примітка: The term suggests a more rigid and traditional power structure within the government.


Refers to the complex administrative systems and red tape of government organizations.
приклад: Dealing with government bureaucracy can be frustrating.
Примітка: The term emphasizes the cumbersome and often inefficient nature of government procedures.

The Feds

A colloquial term for federal government agencies such as the FBI or the IRS.
приклад: The Feds are investigating financial fraud allegations.
Примітка: The term is informal and more specific to federal-level government entities.

Deep State

Refers to a supposed secretive network of influential individuals within government organizations working to influence policy and decisions.
приклад: Conspiracy theorists often claim the Deep State is controlling the government.
Примітка: The term implies a hidden and potentially nefarious group within the government.

The Swamp

Refers to a system of political insiders and lobbyists in government seen as corrupt or self-serving.
приклад: Politicians promise to drain the swamp of corruption.
Примітка: The slang term highlights the negative aspects of entrenched interests within the government.

Red Tape

Refers to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork that hinder efficiency in government processes.
приклад: Navigating government red tape delayed the project.
Примітка: The term focuses on the bureaucratic obstacles rather than the government itself.

The Capitol

Refers to the building where a state legislature or a national congress meets, symbolizing legislative power.
приклад: Protesters gathered in front of the Capitol to demand change.
Примітка: The slang term highlights the physical location of legislative activities rather than the abstract concept of government.

The Powers that Govern

A more formal expression referring to the entities or individuals with authority and control over government affairs.
приклад: The powers that govern have yet to address the issue.
Примітка: The slang term emphasizes the authority and responsibility of those in power within the government.

City Hall

Refers to the local government office or the local government as an entity.
приклад: City Hall is considering new zoning regulations.
Примітка: The term specifically relates to municipal or local government rather than the broader concept of government.

The Mandarins

Refers to high-ranking or influential officials in government or bureaucracy.
приклад: The Mandarins are known for their influence behind the scenes.
Примітка: The term alludes to the historical Chinese civil service system and suggests a secretive inner circle of government advisors.

The Crown

Used to refer to the royal or executive authority of a government, particularly in monarchies.
приклад: The Crown announced new tax policies affecting businesses.
Примітка: The slang term invokes a sense of regal power and authority associated with a ruling government.

Big Government

Refers to a government perceived as overly large, powerful, or involved in many aspects of citizens' lives.
приклад: Critics argue that big government infringes on individual freedoms.
Примітка: The term carries a negative connotation suggesting excessive governmental reach and intervention.

The Manor

Refers to a governing body or authority, often in a local or regional context.
приклад: The Manor's decisions affect the entire region.
Примітка: The term conveys a sense of localized governance and decision-making power.

The White House

Refers to the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States, often symbolizing the executive branch of government.
приклад: The White House announced new policies on immigration.
Примітка: The term is specific to the U.S. government and highlights the executive authority of the presidency.

The Suits

Refers to the formal attire typically worn by businesspersons or government officials, often used to represent those in authoritative or bureaucratic positions.
приклад: The Suits in Washington are out of touch with regular Americans.
Примітка: The term emphasizes the perceived elite or disconnected nature of government officials.

The Mandate

Refers to the authorization or instruction perceived to be granted by the public to a government through electoral victory.
приклад: The government claims a mandate for their recent policy decisions.
Примітка: The term emphasizes the legitimacy and authority derived from public approval for governmental actions.

The House

Refers to the lower chamber of a legislative body, typically in the context of parliamentary systems.
приклад: The House passed the new healthcare bill with a narrow margin.
Примітка: The term specifically denotes the legislative branch and its role in passing laws within the government.

The Corridors of Power

Refers to the locations where powerful decision-makers conduct private negotiations and exert influence.
приклад: Deals are often made in the corridors of power rather than in public view.
Примітка: The term implies a secretive or influential realm within the government where key decisions are made.

The Assembly

Refers to a legislative body where representatives gather to discuss and enact laws.
приклад: The Assembly debated the budget proposal late into the night.
Примітка: The term specifically denotes a formal gathering of lawmakers for the purpose of governance.

City Council

Refers to the governing body of a city or municipality responsible for local legislation and decision-making.
приклад: The City Council voted to allocate funds for a new community center.
Примітка: The term signifies the local level of government responsible for municipal affairs and policies.

Town Hall

Refers to a public meeting for local residents to discuss community issues with government officials or representatives.
приклад: The Town Hall meeting allowed residents to voice their concerns about the new development project.
Примітка: The term emphasizes informal community engagement with local government authorities.

The Round Table

Refers to a metaphorical gathering of decision-makers or advisors in government or organizations.
приклад: The Round Table convenes to discuss strategies for economic growth.
Примітка: The term invokes the image of collaborative discussions and strategic planning among key figures.

The Home Office

Refers to a government department responsible for domestic affairs and internal security in certain countries like the UK.
приклад: The Home Office oversees immigration policies and border control.
Примітка: The term is specific to the UK government structure and denotes the ministry responsible for internal matters.

The Brick House

An informal reference to a government institution or authority, often implying strength or resilience.
приклад: The Brick House faces criticism for its handling of the recent crisis.
Примітка: The term symbolizes a sturdy and secure government entity through a casual and descriptive nickname.

The Watchdogs

Refers to entities or individuals that monitor and scrutinize the actions of government officials for transparency and integrity.
приклад: The media serves as the watchdogs of the government, holding officials accountable.
Примітка: The term emphasizes the oversight and accountability role played by external entities rather than the internal workings of the government.

The Honchos

Informally refers to leaders or bosses in influential positions, including government officials or corporate executives.
приклад: The honchos in the boardroom made the final decision about the merger.
Примітка: The term carries a sense of authority and decision-making power attributed to top-level figures in government or organizations.

Government - Приклади

The government is responsible for providing public services.
Die Regierung ist verantwortlich für die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen.
Citizens have the right to participate in their government.
Bürger haben das Recht, an ihrer Regierung teilzunehmen.
The government is implementing new policies to stimulate economic growth.
Die Regierung setzt neue Politiken um, um das Wirtschaftswachstum zu stimulieren.
It is important for the government to listen to the concerns of its citizens.
Es ist wichtig, dass die Regierung auf die Anliegen ihrer Bürger hört.

Граматика Government

Government - Іменник (Noun) / Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass)
Лема: government
Іменник, множина (Noun, plural): governments, government
Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass): government
Склади, Розділення та Наголос
Government містить 3 складів: gov • ern • ment
Фонетична транскрипція: ˈgə-vər(n)-mənt
gov ern ment , ˈgə vər(n) mənt (Червоний склад наголошений)

Government - Важливість і частота використання

Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000.
Government: 100 - 200 (Надзвичайно Поширений).
Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy допомагає тобі легко відкривати, організовувати та вивчати нові слова та фрази. Створюй персоналізовані колекції словникового запасу та практикуйся в будь-який час і в будь-якому місці.