Англійська - Фінська


Надзвичайно Поширений
500 - 600
500 - 600
Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000. Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.

yhdistys, liitto, yhdistyminen, avioliitto, yhdistelmä

Значення Union фінською


The labor union fought for better wages.
Työväen yhdistys taisteli parempien palkkojen puolesta.
She is a member of a student union.
Hän on opiskelijayhdistyksen jäsen.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Used in discussions about organizations or groups formed for a common purpose, especially in labor or educational contexts.
Примітка: This meaning emphasizes the organizational aspect of 'union', often relating to collective bargaining or student representation.


The two countries formed an alliance, a strong union.
Kaksi maata muodosti liiton, vahvan unionin.
The union of the two companies created a powerful entity.
Kahden yrityksen liitto loi voimakkaan toimijan.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Commonly used in political, economic, or business contexts to describe partnerships or alliances.
Примітка: This term can refer to a formal agreement or alliance between entities, often with legal implications.


The union of different cultures enriches society.
Eri kulttuurien yhdistyminen rikastuttaa yhteiskuntaa.
The union of ideas can lead to innovation.
Ideoiden yhdistyminen voi johtaa innovaatioihin.
Використання: formal/informalКонтекст: Used in contexts discussing the merging or coming together of concepts, cultures, or ideas.
Примітка: This meaning is more abstract and can apply to various situations, emphasizing the concept of coming together.


Their union was celebrated with a grand wedding.
Heidän avioliittonsa juhlistettiin suurella häillä.
Marriage is often seen as a sacred union.
Avioliittoa pidetään usein pyhänä yhdistyksenä.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Used in legal and cultural discussions about marriage.
Примітка: This meaning specifically refers to the marital bond between two people and can have legal and religious connotations.


The union of flavors in this dish is amazing.
Tässä ruuassa eri makujen yhdistelmä on hämmästyttävä.
The union of technology and art creates beautiful results.
Teknologian ja taiteen yhdistelmä luo kauniita tuloksia.
Використання: informalКонтекст: Often used in culinary or artistic contexts to describe a combination of elements.
Примітка: This meaning highlights the combination or blend of different components, often resulting in something new and interesting.

Синоніми Union


An association is a group of people organized for a joint purpose or common interest.
приклад: The association of workers negotiated for better working conditions.
Примітка: An association typically implies a group of individuals or entities coming together voluntarily for a specific purpose.


An alliance is a formal agreement or union between groups, individuals, or countries for mutual benefit.
приклад: The alliance between the two countries strengthened their military capabilities.
Примітка: An alliance often implies a formal agreement or pact between parties for a specific purpose or goal.


A coalition is a temporary alliance or union between different groups or factions to achieve a common goal.
приклад: The coalition of political parties formed a majority in the parliament.
Примітка: A coalition usually involves diverse groups coming together temporarily for a specific purpose or objective.


A federation is a political entity characterized by a central governing body and constituent units that retain a degree of autonomy.
приклад: The federation of states worked together to create a uniform policy.
Примітка: A federation specifically refers to a political organization where individual units retain some degree of sovereignty while agreeing to work together under a central authority.

Вирази і поширені фрази Union

Labor union

A labor union is an organization that represents workers in collective bargaining with employers to secure better wages, hours, and working conditions.
приклад: The labor union negotiated for better working conditions.
Примітка: The focus is specifically on representing workers' interests in negotiations, unlike the broader concept of 'union.'

Trade union

A trade union is an organization of workers in a particular industry or trade, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
приклад: The trade union called for a strike to protest against layoffs.
Примітка: It refers to a specific type of union focused on a particular industry or trade.

Union dues

Union dues are regular payments made by members of a union to support its activities and services.
приклад: Members must pay their union dues on time to remain in good standing.
Примітка: This term refers to the financial contributions made by members to the union.

Marriage union

A marriage union refers to the relationship between two people who are legally married.
приклад: Their marriage union was based on mutual respect and love.
Примітка: It specifically denotes the legal and emotional bond between spouses.


To unionize means to form or join a labor union to collectively bargain for better working conditions.
приклад: Workers are planning to unionize to address workplace issues.
Примітка: It focuses on the action of forming or joining a union.

Union jack

The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
приклад: The ship proudly flew the Union Jack flag.
Примітка: It specifically refers to the national flag, not the concept of union in general.

Union shop

A union shop is a workplace where all employees must either join the union or pay union dues after a specific time.
приклад: The company operates as a union shop, requiring all employees to join the union after a certain period.
Примітка: It refers to a workplace policy rather than the broader concept of union.

Повсякденні (сленгові) вирази Union

Union Buster

A person or entity hired to disrupt or prevent union organizing efforts.
приклад: The company hired a union buster to prevent workers from organizing.
Примітка: Distinct from labor unions, 'union busters' are employed to thwart unionization.

Union Card

A membership card issued by a labor union to its members.
приклад: He proudly displayed his union card to gain access to the exclusive event.
Примітка: Refers to a physical card indicating membership rather than the abstract concept of a union itself.

Union Bug

A small logo or emblem signifying that a product or service was produced by workers who are part of a union.
приклад: Make sure to include the union bug on the campaign materials for authenticity.
Примітка: Not directly about the union as an organization, but rather a specific marking on products or materials.

Union Thug

A derogatory term used to describe labor union members who are perceived as aggressive or intimidating.
приклад: The media portrayed the striking workers as union thugs causing chaos.
Примітка: Carries a negative connotation compared to the neutral term 'union'.


The process of organizing workers into a labor union to collectively negotiate with employers.
приклад: The successful unionization of the workforce led to improved benefits for employees.
Примітка: Similar in concept to 'unionize', but emphasizes the ongoing process of forming or joining unions.

Union - Приклади

Union membership has been declining in recent years.
Ammattiyhdistyksen jäsenyys on vähentynyt viime vuosina.
The merger will result in the union of two major companies.
Fuusio johtaa kahden suuren yrityksen yhdistymiseen.
The European Union was formed to promote economic and political cooperation among member countries.
Euroopan unioni perustettiin edistämään taloudellista ja poliittista yhteistyötä jäsenvaltioiden kesken.

Граматика Union

Union - Іменник (Noun) / Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass)
Лема: union
Іменник, множина (Noun, plural): unions, union
Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass): union
Склади, Розділення та Наголос
union містить 1 складів: union
Фонетична транскрипція: ˈyün-yən
union , ˈyün yən (Червоний склад наголошений)

Union - Важливість і частота використання

Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000.
union: 500 - 600 (Надзвичайно Поширений).
Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy допомагає тобі легко відкривати, організовувати та вивчати нові слова та фрази. Створюй персоналізовані колекції словникового запасу та практикуйся в будь-який час і в будь-якому місці.