Англійська - Угорська


Надзвичайно Поширений
500 - 600
500 - 600
Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000. Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.

adó, adóteher, adóztatás, megadóztat, adóelkerülés, adócsalás

Значення Tax угорською


I have to pay my taxes by the end of the month.
A hónap végéig be kell fizetnem az adómat.
The government is increasing taxes this year.
A kormány idén emeli az adókat.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Financial, legal, governmental discussions
Примітка: The word 'adó' is the most common translation of 'tax' and can refer to various types of taxes, such as income tax (jövedelemadó) or sales tax (áfa).


The tax burden on citizens is becoming too high.
Az adóteher a polgárokra túl magasra nőtt.
Reducing the tax burden can stimulate the economy.
Az adóteher csökkentése ösztönözheti a gazdaságot.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Economic discussions, policy analysis
Примітка: Refers specifically to the overall burden of taxes on individuals or businesses, often used in economic discussions.


Taxation is essential for funding public services.
Az adóztatás elengedhetetlen a közszolgáltatások finanszírozásához.
The taxation policy needs to be reformed.
Az adóztatási politikát reformálni kell.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Public policy, governmental discussions
Примітка: Refers to the process or system of imposing taxes, often used in governmental or policy contexts.


The government plans to tax digital services.
A kormány tervezi, hogy megadóztatja a digitális szolgáltatásokat.
They decided to tax luxury goods more heavily.
Úgy döntöttek, hogy a luxuscikkeket szigorúbban megadóztatják.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Legislative discussions, business contexts
Примітка: This verb means 'to tax' and is often used in discussions about new tax laws or policies.


Tax evasion is illegal and punishable by law.
Az adóelkerülés illegális és büntethető a törvény által.
Many companies engage in tax evasion to maximize profits.
Sok cég adóelkerülésre törekszik a nyereség maximalizálása érdekében.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Legal, financial discussions
Примітка: Refers to the illegal act of not paying taxes owed, an important topic in law and finance.


He was charged with tax fraud after an investigation.
Nyomozás után adócsalással vádolták meg.
Tax fraud can lead to severe penalties.
Az adócsalás súlyos büntetéseket vonhat maga után.
Використання: formalКонтекст: Legal discussions, financial audits
Примітка: Similar to 'adóelkerülés', but specifically refers to fraudulent actions taken to avoid paying taxes.

Синоніми Tax


To levy a tax means to impose or collect it officially.
приклад: The government decided to levy a tax on luxury goods.
Примітка: Levy is often used in a formal or legal context.


A duty is a tax on goods that are imported or exported.
приклад: Import duties on foreign goods have been increased.
Примітка: Duty specifically refers to taxes on goods being imported or exported.


A tariff is a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
приклад: The new tariff on steel imports has affected the local industry.
Примітка: Tariff is used specifically in the context of international trade.


An assessment is the process of determining the value of something for taxation purposes.
приклад: The property tax assessment was based on the market value of the house.
Примітка: Assessment is more about evaluating the value of something for tax purposes.

Вирази і поширені фрази Tax

Taxing task

This phrase refers to a task that is difficult, demanding, or exhausting.
приклад: Studying for the exam was a taxing task.
Примітка: The phrase uses 'taxing' in a figurative sense to describe the difficulty of the task, rather than the literal sense of imposing a tax.

Tax evasion

Tax evasion is the illegal act of not paying taxes owed to the government.
приклад: The company was caught engaging in tax evasion.
Примітка: While 'tax' refers to the mandatory financial charge imposed by the government, 'tax evasion' specifically denotes the illegal act of avoiding paying taxes.

Tax break

A tax break is a reduction in taxes granted by the government to encourage certain behavior or to stimulate economic growth.
приклад: The government announced a new tax break for small businesses.
Примітка: Unlike a tax, which is a mandatory payment, a tax break is a benefit or incentive in the form of reduced taxes.

Tax refund

A tax refund is a reimbursement of excess taxes paid to the government, usually resulting from overpayment or tax credits.
приклад: John was happy to receive a tax refund this year.
Примітка: In contrast to paying taxes, a tax refund involves receiving money back from the government due to overpayment or deductions.

Tax bracket

A tax bracket is a range of income subject to a specific tax rate, with higher earners placed in higher tax brackets.
приклад: Individuals in higher tax brackets pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes.
Примітка: While 'tax' refers to the amount owed to the government, a 'tax bracket' defines the income range and corresponding tax rate applicable to individuals.

Tax hike

A tax hike is an increase in tax rates or the amount of taxes imposed by the government.
приклад: The proposed budget includes a tax hike for wealthy individuals.
Примітка: Unlike a tax, which is the actual amount paid, a tax hike specifically refers to an increase in tax rates or amounts.

Tax deduction

A tax deduction is an amount that can be subtracted from a taxpayer's income before calculating the amount of tax owed, reducing the taxable income.
приклад: Donating to charity can lead to a tax deduction on your annual tax return.
Примітка: While 'tax' is the amount owed to the government, a tax deduction reduces the taxable income on which taxes are calculated.

Повсякденні (сленгові) вирази Tax


Refers to the government tax collector or tax authority responsible for collecting taxes.
приклад: The taxman cometh! Better make sure your taxes are in order.
Примітка: Colloquial term used to personify the entity responsible for collecting taxes.

Pay the piper

Means to bear the consequences of one's actions, often related to paying taxes or fulfilling obligations.
приклад: If you want to enjoy the benefits of society, you have to pay the piper, and that means paying taxes.
Примітка: Metaphorical expression focusing on bearing consequences rather than simply paying taxes.

Chipping in

Refers to contributing or sharing the burden or cost, especially in terms of taxes or expenses.
приклад: Everyone needs to chip in their fair share to cover taxes for the community center.
Примітка: Emphasizes the idea of collective participation and shared responsibility in contributing funds.


Slang term for money or cash, often used informally.
приклад: I'm short on dough this month after paying my taxes.
Примітка: Informal term for money that can include taxes as part of the expenditure.

Skin in the game

Means to have a vested interest or personal stake in a particular situation or outcome, commonly used in tax contexts.
приклад: When you pay taxes, you're not just a spectator, you have skin in the game with your investment in the country's infrastructure.
Примітка: Focuses on the idea of having a personal investment rather than just a financial obligation like paying taxes.

Tax - Приклади

The government increased the tax on cigarettes.
A kormány emelte a cigaretta adóját.
I have to pay a lot of tax this year.
Sok adót kell fizetnem idén.
The company is trying to avoid paying taxes.
A cég igyekszik elkerülni az adófizetést.

Граматика Tax

Tax - Іменник (Noun) / Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass)
Лема: tax
Іменник, множина (Noun, plural): taxes, tax
Іменник, однина або маса (Noun, singular or mass): tax
Дієслово, минулий час (Verb, past tense): taxed
Дієслово, герундій або дієприкметник теперішнього часу (Verb, gerund or present participle): taxing
Дієслово, 3-тя особа однини теперішнього часу (Verb, 3rd person singular present): taxes
Дієслово, базова форма (Verb, base form): tax
Дієслово, теперішній час не 3-ї особи однини (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): tax
Склади, Розділення та Наголос
tax містить 1 складів: tax
Фонетична транскрипція: ˈtaks
tax , ˈtaks (Червоний склад наголошений)

Tax - Важливість і частота використання

Індекс частотності та важливості слів показує, як часто слово з'являється в даній мові. Чим менше число, тим частіше використовується слово. Найчастіше використовувані слова зазвичай знаходяться в діапазоні від 1 до 4000.
tax: 500 - 600 (Надзвичайно Поширений).
Цей індекс важливості допомагає вам зосередитися на найбільш корисних словах під час процесу вивчення мови.
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy, ефективне вивчення мов
Vocafy допомагає тобі легко відкривати, організовувати та вивчати нові слова та фрази. Створюй персоналізовані колекції словникового запасу та практикуйся в будь-який час і в будь-якому місці.