Английски - Гръцки


Изключително Често Срещан
600 - 700
600 - 700
Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000. Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.

χαμόγελο με υπεροψία (chamóyelo me yperopsía), σάστισμα ή ειρωνεία (sástitma ír ironeía), χαχανητό ή κοροϊδευτικό γέλιο (chahánito í koroidhetikó gélio)

Значения на Smirk на гръцки

χαμόγελο με υπεροψία (chamóyelo me yperopsía)

He had a smug smirk on his face after winning the game.
Είχε ένα χαμόγελο με υπεροψία στο πρόσωπό του μετά τη νίκη στο παιχνίδι.
She couldn't hide her smirk when she heard the news.
Δεν μπορούσε να κρύψει το χαμόγελο με υπεροψία όταν άκουσε τα νέα.
Употреба: informalКонтекст: Used to describe a facial expression that shows self-satisfaction or arrogance.
Забележка: A smirk often implies a sense of superiority or mischief.

σάστισμα ή ειρωνεία (sástitma ír ironeía)

His smirk suggested he knew more than he was letting on.
Το σάστισμα του υποδείκνυε ότι ήξερε περισσότερα απ' ό,τι άφηνε να φανεί.
She gave a smirk that hinted at her secret.
Έδωσε ένα σάστισμα που υπαινίσσονταν το μυστικό της.
Употреба: informalКонтекст: Often used when someone is being playful or teasing someone else.
Забележка: This usage can suggest irony or a hidden agenda.

χαχανητό ή κοροϊδευτικό γέλιο (chahánito í koroidhetikó gélio)

The smirk he made while telling the joke was infectious.
Το χαχανητό που έκανε ενώ έλεγε το αστείο ήταν μολυσματικό.
Her smirk while mocking her friend was clear.
Το κοροϊδευτικό γέλιο της ενώ κορόιδευε την φίλη της ήταν ξεκάθαρο.
Употреба: informalКонтекст: Used in situations where someone is teasing or making fun of someone else.
Забележка: It can be playful, but it might also be perceived as mean-spirited.

Синоними на Smirk


A smile is a facial expression showing happiness, pleasure, or amusement. Smirking often implies a sense of superiority or smugness, while a smile is more generally positive.
Пример: She smiled slyly as she delivered the clever comeback.
Забележка: Smiling is a broader expression of positive emotions, whereas smirking often has a negative or mocking connotation.


A grin is a broad smile showing teeth, often indicating amusement or satisfaction. It can be more open and genuine than a smirk.
Пример: He couldn't help but grin mischievously when he heard the inside joke.
Забележка: A grin is typically more genuine and open, while a smirk can be more subtle and smug.


A sneer is a facial expression of scorn or contempt, often involving a curling of the lip. It conveys disdain or mockery.
Пример: She gave a sneer of contempt when she saw her rival stumble.
Забележка: A sneer is more openly contemptuous or mocking compared to a smirk, which can be more subtle.


To leer is to look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way. It often conveys a sense of lust or creepiness.
Пример: The creepy man at the bar leered at her suggestively.
Забележка: Leering is usually more overtly suggestive or creepy compared to a smirk, which may be more subtle.

Изрази и често срещани фрази на Smirk

smirk at

To smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way, often expressing superiority or amusement.
Пример: She smirked at the teacher when she thought the answer was obvious.
Забележка: Using 'smirk at' implies a specific target of the smirk, indicating who the smirk is directed towards.

wipe that smirk off your face

To demand that someone stop looking smug or pleased with themselves.
Пример: When he was caught cheating, the teacher told him to wipe that smirk off his face.
Забележка: This phrase is a command to remove the smirk from one's face, emphasizing the negative connotation of the smirk.

smirk of satisfaction

A smug or self-satisfied smile indicating contentment or pleasure in one's success.
Пример: After winning the game, he had a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
Забележка: This phrase describes a specific type of smirk associated with feeling accomplished or pleased with oneself.

a knowing smirk

A smile that suggests one has privileged or secret information, often accompanied by a sense of superiority.
Пример: She gave him a knowing smirk, hinting that she understood his secret.
Забележка: This phrase implies that the smirk is not just a random smile but one that indicates understanding or insider knowledge.

hide a smirk

To suppress or conceal a smug or amused smile.
Пример: He tried to hide a smirk when his friend slipped on a banana peel.
Забележка: This phrase focuses on the act of trying to hide the smirk, implying that the person is attempting to control their expression.

smirk and nod

To respond with a sly smile and a slight movement of the head to indicate agreement or understanding.
Пример: She just smirked and nodded when asked if she knew the truth.
Забележка: This phrase combines the smirk with a nod, showing a non-verbal way of acknowledging something.

smirk of disbelief

A smile expressing doubt or skepticism, often in response to something surprising or hard to believe.
Пример: He couldn't help but have a smirk of disbelief when he heard the outrageous news.
Забележка: This phrase describes a smirk that is fueled by disbelief or skepticism rather than satisfaction or amusement.

Всекидневни (сленгови) изрази на Smirk

smug look

A smug look is a self-satisfied or arrogant expression.
Пример: He wore a smug look after winning the debate.
Забележка: A smug look is more overt and less subtle than a smirk, often involving more facial features.


To snicker is to give a small, quiet laugh or chuckle.
Пример: I heard her snicker when he made a corny joke.
Забележка: Snickering involves audible laughter, unlike the quiet and subtle nature of a smirk.


Smirkle is a combination of smirk and giggle, indicating a subtle and suppressed amusement.
Пример: She couldn't help but smirkle at his failed attempt to impress her.
Забележка: Smirkle implies a slight laughing element compared to a usual smirk.


To chuckle is to laugh quietly or to oneself.
Пример: She couldn't help but chuckle at his clumsy antics.
Забележка: Chuckle involves a more audible and overt expression of amusement compared to a smirk.

smile smugly

To smile smugly is to wear a self-satisfied or arrogant smile.
Пример: He smiled smugly when he proved everyone wrong.
Забележка: While similar to a smirk, a smile smugly may be more visible and less subtle in displaying satisfaction.

Smirk - Примери

She gave him a smirk when he stumbled over his words.
Του έδωσε ένα χαμόγελο γεμάτο ειρωνεία όταν παραπάτησε στα λόγια του.
He wore an arrogant smirk on his face as he walked away.
Φορούσε ένα αλαζονικό χαμόγελο γεμάτο ειρωνεία καθώς απομακρυνόταν.
The bully's smirk only made the situation worse.
Το χαμόγελο του νταή μόνο χειροτέρευε την κατάσταση.

Граматика на Smirk

Smirk - Собствено име (Proper noun) / Собствено име, единствено число (Proper noun, singular)
Лема: smirk
Съществително име, множествено число (Noun, plural): smirks
Съществително име, единствено или масово (Noun, singular or mass): smirk
Глагол, минало време (Verb, past tense): smirked
Глагол, герундий или сегашно причастие (Verb, gerund or present participle): smirking
Глагол, 3 лице единствено число сегашно време (Verb, 3rd person singular present): smirks
Глагол, основна форма (Verb, base form): smirk
Глагол, сегашно време не в 3 лице единствено число (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): smirk
Срички, Разделяне и Ударение
smirk съдържа 1 срички: smirk
Фонетична транскрипция: ˈsmərk
smirk , ˈsmərk (Червената сричка е ударена)

Smirk - Значимост и честота на употреба

Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000.
smirk: 600 - 700 (Изключително Често Срещан).
Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy ти помага лесно да откриваш, организираш и учиш нови думи и фрази. Създавай персонализирани колекции от лексика и практикувай по всяко време и навсякъде.