Английски -


Изключително Често Срещан
700 - 800
700 - 800
Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000. Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.

déclaration, énoncé, compte rendu, bilan, affirmation

Значения на Statement на френски


The witness made a statement about the event.
Le témoin a fait une déclaration sur l'événement.
She issued a statement to clarify her position.
Elle a émis une déclaration pour clarifier sa position.
Употреба: formalКонтекст: Used in legal, official, or news contexts.
Забележка: In legal contexts, 'déclaration' often refers to a formal statement made under oath.


The statement of the problem was clear.
L'énoncé du problème était clair.
He provided a statement of his findings in the report.
Il a fourni un énoncé de ses conclusions dans le rapport.
Употреба: formalКонтекст: Commonly used in academic and analytical contexts.
Забележка: Used to describe a precise formulation of an idea, hypothesis, or problem.

compte rendu

The meeting concluded with a statement summarizing the discussions.
La réunion s'est terminée par un compte rendu résumant les discussions.
She prepared a statement of the annual achievements.
Elle a préparé un compte rendu des réalisations annuelles.
Употреба: formalКонтекст: Used in business or organizational settings.
Забележка: Refers to a detailed report or summary of events or discussions.


The financial statement showed a profit this quarter.
Le bilan financier a montré un profit ce trimestre.
He reviewed the statement of accounts before the meeting.
Il a examiné le bilan des comptes avant la réunion.
Употреба: formalКонтекст: Used in finance and accounting.
Забележка: Often refers to financial summaries like balance sheets or income statements.


His statement about the issue was very persuasive.
Son affirmation sur le sujet était très convaincante.
She made a bold statement regarding her beliefs.
Elle a fait une affirmation audacieuse concernant ses croyances.
Употреба: informalКонтекст: Used in discussions or debates.
Забележка: Refers to a claim or assertion made by someone, often in a subjective context.

Синоними на Statement


A declaration is a formal or explicit statement made publicly or officially.
Пример: The company issued a declaration regarding the new policy changes.
Забележка: A declaration often implies a more formal or official nature compared to a general statement.


An assertion is a confident and forceful statement or claim that is made with authority.
Пример: His assertion that he was innocent was met with skepticism.
Забележка: An assertion tends to emphasize confidence and authority in the statement compared to a general statement.


A remark is a brief or casual comment or observation made in conversation.
Пример: She made a remark about the weather before changing the topic.
Забележка: A remark is often more casual and informal compared to a formal statement.


A pronouncement is an authoritative or official announcement or declaration.
Пример: The government's pronouncement on the new tax policy caused a stir.
Забележка: A pronouncement typically carries a sense of authority or formality compared to a general statement.

Изрази и често срещани фрази на Statement

Make a statement

To do something to express a strong opinion or attract attention.
Пример: She decided to wear a bold red dress to make a statement at the event.
Забележка: This phrase goes beyond simply stating something; it involves making a noticeable impact or impression.

Official statement

A formal declaration or communication from an authority or organization.
Пример: The company issued an official statement regarding the incident.
Забележка: An official statement carries more weight and authority compared to a regular statement.

False statement

A statement that is untrue or not based on facts.
Пример: He was accused of providing false statements during the investigation.
Забележка: A false statement differs from a statement by lacking accuracy or truthfulness.

Statement piece

An item or element that stands out and draws attention in a setting.
Пример: The large painting in the living room is the statement piece of the house.
Забележка: A statement piece is a standout feature, contrasting with a regular piece that blends in.

Financial statement

A document showing a company's financial position, typically including income and expenses.
Пример: Before making a decision, she reviewed the company's financial statement.
Забележка: A financial statement is a specific type of statement related to finances, distinct from general statements.

Witness statement

A written or recorded account of what a witness observed or knows about an event.
Пример: The police took witness statements from those who saw the accident.
Забележка: A witness statement pertains to firsthand accounts, differing from general statements or declarations.

Statement of purpose

A written essay outlining one's goals, achievements, and reasons for applying to a program or school.
Пример: She wrote a compelling statement of purpose for her college application.
Забележка: A statement of purpose serves a specific purpose, such as for applications, distinguishing it from regular statements.

Всекидневни (сленгови) изрази на Statement


Callout refers to publicly mentioning or drawing attention to something, often highlighting a specific point or issue.
Пример: She made a callout on social media about the issue.
Забележка: The term 'callout' is more informal and typically used in casual conversations or online discourse, whereas 'statement' is a formal declaration or assertion.


Using 'word' in this context means a brief or concise statement or summary about a topic or situation.
Пример: Just give me a word on what happened yesterday.
Забележка: While 'statement' is more formal and structured, 'word' is colloquial and less elaborate.


'Say-so' means permission or approval, often in the form of a statement of consent or authorization.
Пример: I need your say-so before I can proceed with the project.
Забележка: Unlike 'statement' which is a broader term encompassing various types of declarations, 'say-so' specifically refers to giving approval or permission.


A 'shoutout' is a public acknowledgment or mention, often expressing gratitude or recognition.
Пример: I want to give a shoutout to my friends for supporting me.
Забележка: While 'statement' implies a formal declaration or announcement, 'shoutout' is more informal and focuses on appreciation or recognition.


To 'air' something means to publicly express or make known, especially opinions or thoughts.
Пример: He's always airing his opinions on social media.
Забележка: The term 'airing' has a more casual connotation compared to 'statement', which is usually associated with a more serious or official declaration.


In this context, 'feedback' refers to comments or reactions provided in response to a statement, often for improvement or evaluation.
Пример: I'd like to get your feedback on my statement before finalizing it.
Забележка: While 'statement' represents a formal declaration or assertion, 'feedback' is the response or input given after the statement is made.


Using 'speak' in this context means to express or convey a message or opinion.
Пример: Can you speak on behalf of the team in the statement?
Забележка: Compared to 'statement' which is a formal declaration, 'speak' is more about verbal expression and communication.

Statement - Примери

English statement
Déclaration en anglais
She made a statement to the police
Elle a fait une déclaration à la police
His statement was met with skepticism
Sa déclaration a été accueillie avec scepticisme

Граматика на Statement

Statement - Съществително (Noun) / Съществително име, единствено или масово (Noun, singular or mass)
Лема: statement
Съществително име, множествено число (Noun, plural): statements, statement
Съществително име, единствено или масово (Noun, singular or mass): statement
Срички, Разделяне и Ударение
statement съдържа 2 срички: state • ment
Фонетична транскрипция: ˈstāt-mənt
state ment , ˈstāt mənt (Червената сричка е ударена)

Statement - Значимост и честота на употреба

Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000.
statement: 700 - 800 (Изключително Често Срещан).
Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy ти помага лесно да откриваш, организираш и учиш нови думи и фрази. Създавай персонализирани колекции от лексика и практикувай по всяко време и навсякъде.