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Angličtina (GB) - Maďarština

Gerund for Children

Melinda 2024-04-15 12 voca
0 Recenze
Who is coming to the party?
Ki jön a buliba?
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Who is coming to the party?
Ki jön a buliba?
Whom did you invite?
Kit hívtál meg?
Who is that person?
Ki az a személy?
Whom are you talking to?
Kihez beszélsz?
Whom did you invite to the party?
Kit hívtál meg a buliba?
Who is knocking on the door?
Ki kopog az ajtón?
Whose bag is this?
Kié ez a táska?
Whose car is parked outside?
Kié az a kint parkoló autó?
Whose book is on the table?
Kinek a könyve van az asztalon?
Whose idea was it to go hiking?
Kinek az ötlete volt túrázni menni?
Whose dog is barking outside?
Kinek a kutyája ugat kint?
Whose turn is it to do the dishes?
Ki következik a mosogatásban?


A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun in a sentence. It is formed by adding the suffix "-ing" to the base form of the verb.

For example:

Base form: to walk
Gerund: walking

Function as a Noun:

Gerunds function as nouns in sentences, serving as subjects, objects, or complements of verbs, prepositions, or other verbs.

For example:

Swimming is good exercise. (Subject of the sentence)
He enjoys reading novels. (Direct object of the verb)
Her favorite hobby is writing. (Subject complement)

Subject of a Sentence:

Gerunds can serve as the subject of a sentence, performing the action of the verb.

For example:

Running is good for your health.
Studying requires concentration.

Object of a Verb:

Gerunds can function as the direct object of a verb, receiving the action of the verb.

For example:

She enjoys dancing.
They started cooking dinner.

Object of a Preposition:

Gerunds can also function as the object of a preposition, indicating the relationship between the verb and other elements in the sentence.

For example:

He is interested in learning languages.
She is good at playing the piano.

After Certain Verbs:

Certain verbs are followed by gerunds rather than infinitives.
These include verbs like enjoy, avoid, finish, consider, and keep.

For example:

She enjoys reading books. (Not "to read" books)
He finished eating dinner. (Not "to eat" dinner)

Possessive Gerunds:

Gerunds can also be used in possessive forms by adding "'s" after the noun.

For example:

I appreciate John's helping us. (John's act of helping)
She objected to my leaving early. (My act of leaving)

Gerund Phrases:

Gerunds can be accompanied by modifiers or complements to form gerund phrases, which function as nouns in a sentence.

For example:

She enjoys reading mystery novels. (Gerund phrase: reading mystery novels)
He is interested in learning new skills. (Gerund phrase: learning new skills)

Naučte se následující slova a fráze: Cleaning, Eating, Singing, Reading, Treasure, abyste si procvičili své dovednosti v Angličtina a rozšířili svou slovní zásobu.
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