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Tenses for Children - Past Simple

Melinda 2024-04-15 voca
0 Recenze
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Past Simple:

We use the Past Simple to describe completed actions or events that occurred at a specific point in the past.
This tense often indicates actions or events that happened and ended in the past, without any emphasis on their duration.

Form: V2

For example: "She visited her grandmother last weekend."
This sentence indicates a specific action that occurred and ended in the past, over the weekend.

Signal words: "yesterday", "last night", "last week", "in 1999" etc.

The Past Simple is used for completed actions or events that occurred at a specific point in the past, while the Past Continuous is used for actions that were ongoing or in progress at a specific moment or over a period of time in the past.

Rozšiřte svou slovní zásobu v Angličtina pomocí těchto slov a frází: Walked, Vegetables, Behind, Beautifully, Yesterday. Užitečné pro učení jazyka.
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