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Angličtina (GB) - Maďarština

Tenses for Children - Future Perfect

Melinda 2024-04-15 voca
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Future Perfect:

We use the Future Perfect Simple to describe an action or event that will be completed before another action or event in the future.
This tense indicates that one action or event will have been completed before another specific point or action in the future.

Form: will/shall have + V3

For example: "She will have finished her homework by the time her friends arrive."
This sentence indicates that the action of finishing homework (future perfect) will be completed before the action of her friends arriving (future simple).

Signal words: "by", "by the time", "before", "by next week/month/year" etc.

The Future Perfect Simple is used to describe an action completed before another specific point or action in the future, while the Future Perfect Continuous is used to describe an ongoing or continuous action that will be happening before another specific point or action in the future.

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