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Angličtina (GB) - Maďarština

Articles - Definite Articles (the)

Melinda 2024-04-16 25 voca
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I wonder what time the movie starts.
Kíváncsi vagyok, mikor kezdődik a film.
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If it rains tomorrow, I will stay home.
Ha holnap esik az eső, otthon fogok maradni.
If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.
Ha keményen tanul, át fog menni a vizsgán.
If you come early, we can go for a walk.
Ha korán jössz, elmehetünk sétálni.
If he misses the bus, he will be late for work.
Ha lekési a buszt, el fog késni a munkából.
If I win the lottery, I'll buy a new car.
Ha megnyerem a lottót, veszek egy új autót.
If it snows tomorrow, we will go skiing.
Ha holnap havazik, síelni fogunk.
If you work hard, you will succeed.
Ha keményen dolgozol, sikerülni fog.
If she misses the train, she will be late for school.
Ha lekési a buszt, el fog késni az iskolából.
If you exercise regularly, you will be healthy.
Ha rendszeresen edzel, egészséges leszel.
If you eat too much junk food, you will gain weight.
Ha túl sok gyorsételt eszel, hízni fogsz.
If you study for the test, you will pass.
Ha tanulsz a vizsgára, át fogsz menni.
If I have enough money, I'll buy a new phone.
Ha elég pénzem lesz, veszek egy új telefont.
If he calls me, I'll answer the phone.
Ha felhív, fel fogom venni a telefont.
If they arrive on time, we'll catch the train.
Ha időben érkeznek, elérjük a vonatot.
If you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert.
Ha megeszed a zöldségeket, kaphatsz desszertet.
If it snows, we will build a snowman.
Ha havazik, hóembert fogunk építeni.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
Ha keményen tanulsz, átmész a vizsgán.
If he misses the bus, he will have to walk.
Ha lekési a buszt, gyalog kell mennie.
If it rains, we won't go for a walk.
Ha esik az eső, nem megyünk sétálni.
If you don't eat breakfast, you'll be hungry.
Ha nem reggelizel, éhes leszel.
If you save money, you can buy a new phone.
Ha pénzt takarítasz meg, vehetsz egy új telefont.
If she arrives late, she will miss the meeting.
Ha késve érkezik, le fogja késni a megbeszélést.
If they practice regularly, they will improve.
Ha rendszeresen gyakorolnak, fejlődni fognak.
If you clean your room, you can play video games.
Ha kitakarítod a szobádat, játszhatsz a videójátékkal.
If it gets too late, we'll have to leave.
Ha túl késő lesz, mennünk kell.


Articles are words used before nouns to indicate whether the noun is specific or nonspecific. In English, there are two main types of articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" and "an").

Definite Article ("the"):

The definite article "the" is used before singular or plural nouns when the speaker assumes that the listener knows which specific thing or things they are referring to. It indicates that the noun is particular or specific.
Example: The cat is sleeping on the mat.

Use "the" when referring to:

Specific nouns that are known to both the speaker and the listener.
Singular or plural nouns that are unique or specific within a particular context.
Superlative adjectives, indicating the highest degree.
Nouns that have already been mentioned in the conversation.

Indefinite Articles ("a" and "an"):

The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to indicate that the noun is nonspecific or generic. "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: A cat is an independent animal.
Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Use "a" or "an" when referring to:

Nonspecific or unspecified nouns that do not refer to any particular one of its kind.
Singular countable nouns when introducing something for the first time in a conversation or text.
Nouns that represent a member of a group or category.

When to Use "A" or "An":

Use "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound.
Example: A book, a dog, a university.

Use "an" before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: An apple, an umbrella, an hour.

Zero Article:

Some nouns do not require an article. These include:

Plural nouns used in a general sense.
Example: Cats are independent animals.

Uncountable nouns when used in a general sense.
Example: Water is essential for life.

Rozvíjejte své dovednosti v Angličtina pomocí těchto slov a frází: United, Eiffel, Kitchen, Control, Please. Perfektní pro milovníky jazyků.
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