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Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000. Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.

Weg, Art und Weise, Richtung, Möglichkeit

Významy Way v němčině


Please show me the way to the train station.
Bitte zeigen Sie mir den Weg zum Bahnhof.
The shortest way to success is hard work.
Der kürzeste Weg zum Erfolg ist harte Arbeit.
Použití: FormalKontext: Giving or asking for directions, discussing paths or routes
Poznámka: Commonly used in everyday conversations for directions or routes.

Art und Weise

She has her own way of doing things.
Sie hat ihre eigene Art und Weise, Dinge zu tun.
There are different ways to approach this problem.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten und Weisen, dieses Problem anzugehen.
Použití: FormalKontext: Referring to a manner or method of doing something
Poznámka: Used to describe the particular way or style in which something is done.


What way did he go?
In welche Richtung ist er gegangen?
Let's head that way.
Lass uns in diese Richtung gehen.
Použití: InformalKontext: Talking about direction or orientation
Poznámka: Informal usage for indicating a direction or path.


There's no way we can finish this in time.
Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, dass wir das rechtzeitig fertig bekommen.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dieses Problem zu lösen?
Použití: FormalKontext: Expressing a possibility or impossibility
Poznámka: Used when discussing the feasibility or potential solutions to a situation.

Synonyma Way


Method refers to a particular way of doing something, often a systematic or organized approach.
Příklad: She has developed a new method for teaching math.
Poznámka: Method implies a structured or planned approach to achieving a goal, whereas 'way' is a more general term for a manner or method of doing something.


Manner refers to the way in which something is done or happens.
Příklad: He spoke in a polite manner during the meeting.
Poznámka: Manner focuses more on the style or behavior in which something is done, while 'way' is a broader term encompassing various aspects of doing something.


Approach refers to a way of dealing with a situation or achieving a goal.
Příklad: We need to take a different approach to solving this problem.
Poznámka: Approach emphasizes the strategy or method used to tackle a task, while 'way' is a more general term for a means of doing something.


Fashion means in a way that is typical or characteristic of a particular person or group.
Příklad: She completed the project in a timely fashion.
Poznámka: Fashion can imply a particular style or manner of doing something, whereas 'way' is a more neutral term for a method or manner of doing something.

Výrazy a časté fráze Way

By the way

Used to introduce or add something to a conversation as an aside.
Příklad: By the way, have you seen John today?
Poznámka: The phrase 'by the way' is used to introduce a new topic or add additional information, rather than referring to a physical path or direction.

No way

Expresses disbelief or surprise.
Příklad: No way! I can't believe you won the lottery.
Poznámka: This phrase is an exclamation used to convey astonishment or skepticism, not related to a physical route or direction.

In the way

Obstructing or blocking someone or something.
Příklad: Sorry, I didn't mean to leave my bag in the way.
Poznámka: While 'way' refers to a path or route, 'in the way' signifies something blocking or hindering progress.

Out of the way

Moved or positioned so as not to obstruct or hinder.
Příklad: Please move your bike out of the way so others can pass.
Poznámka: This phrase indicates that something has been placed or removed from a position where it could obstruct or cause inconvenience.

Lead the way

To go first and show others the route or direction.
Příklad: When you're ready, please lead the way to the meeting room.
Poznámka: While 'way' typically refers to a path, 'lead the way' implies taking the lead in guiding others in a literal or metaphorical sense.

In a way

To some extent; somewhat.
Příklad: In a way, his strictness made us better students.
Poznámka: This phrase is used to qualify a statement, indicating a partial or indirect connection, rather than a specific physical direction.

Make way

To clear a path for someone or something.
Příklad: Make way for the ambulance coming through!
Poznámka: This phrase instructs others to create space or move aside for something to pass, rather than referring to a specific route or direction.

Way každodenní (slangové) výrazy

On the way

This phrase means that someone is in the process of traveling to a specific location or event.
Příklad: I'm on the way to the party already.
Poznámka: Unlike 'way' alone, 'on the way' specifically refers to the act of traveling towards a destination.

Outta the way

'Outta the way' is used to tell someone to move from a specific location or path.
Příklad: Get outta the way! I need to pass through.
Poznámka: This slang term is more informal and direct than saying 'move out of the way.'

By the way-side

This expression means to abandon or leave behind something considered negative or unnecessary.
Příklad: I had to leave my old habits by the way-side to improve my health.
Poznámka: 'By the way-side' indicates a deliberate decision to discard something, in contrast to just moving out of the way or passing by.

Show the way

'Show the way' is used to ask someone to guide or lead the path to a specific destination.
Příklad: Could you show the way to the new restaurant downtown?
Poznámka: Unlike 'way' alone, 'show the way' involves the action of physically leading or guiding someone.

The way to go

This phrase means the recommended or correct course of action for achieving a particular goal.
Příklad: Exercising regularly and eating well is the way to go for a healthy lifestyle.
Poznámka: While 'way' suggests a path or direction, 'the way to go' implies the best approach or method to reach a desired outcome.

No way out

'No way out' indicates a situation where there are no escape options or solutions available.
Příklad: I'm stuck in this traffic jam; there's no way out!
Poznámka: The addition of 'out' emphasizes the lack of exit or resolution compared to just saying 'no way.'

Do it your way

'Do it your way' means to approach a task or situation according to one's own preferences or style.
Příklad: You should decorate your room your way, not how others say it should be done.
Poznámka: While 'way' alone might signify a direction or method, 'your way' stresses personal choice and individuality in how something is done.

Way - Příklady

I found a new way to solve the problem.
Ich habe einen neuen Weg gefunden, um das Problem zu lösen.
She showed me the way to the train station.
Sie hat mir den Weg zum Bahnhof gezeigt.
He always does things his own way.
Er macht immer die Dinge auf seine eigene Weise.
Can you please show me the way to the nearest restroom?
Kannst du mir bitte den Weg zur nächsten Toilette zeigen?

Gramatika Way

Way - Podstatné jméno (Noun) / Podstatné jméno, jednotné nebo hromadné (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemma: way
Podstatné jméno, množné číslo (Noun, plural): ways, way
Podstatné jméno, jednotné nebo hromadné (Noun, singular or mass): way
Slabiky, Rozčlenění a Přízvuk
Way obsahuje 1 slabik: way
Fonetický přepis: ˈwā
way , ˈwā (Červená slabika je přízvučná)

Way - Důležitost a četnost používání

Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000.
Way: 0 - 100 (Extrémně Běžný).
Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy ti pomáhá snadno objevovat, organizovat a učit se nová slova a fráze. Vytvářej personalizované sbírky slovní zásoby a procvičuj kdykoli a kdekoli.