Angličtina - Korejština


Extrémně Běžný
600 - 700
600 - 700
Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000. Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.

장소 (jangso), 위치 (wichi), 자리 (jari), 장소를 정하다 (jangsoleul jeonghada), 위치에 두다 (wichie duda)

Významy Place v korejštině

장소 (jangso)

Let's meet at a public place.
공공 장소에서 만나자.
This place is known for its beautiful scenery.
이 장소는 아름다운 경치로 유명하다.
Použití: formal/informalKontext: Used to refer to a specific location or area.
Poznámka: Commonly used in both spoken and written Korean.

위치 (wichi)

What is your exact place of residence?
당신의 정확한 거주지는 어디인가요?
The place is located near the park.
그 위치는 공원 근처에 있다.
Použití: formalKontext: Often used in formal contexts like addresses or coordinates.
Poznámka: Refers more to the geographical or positional aspect.

자리 (jari)

Please take your place at the table.
테이블에 자리에 앉아주세요.
He has a special place in my heart.
그는 내 마음 속에 특별한 자리가 있다.
Použití: informalKontext: Used for physical seating or metaphorical spaces.
Poznámka: Can refer to both physical and emotional contexts.

장소를 정하다 (jangsoleul jeonghada)

We need to place our order soon.
우리는 곧 주문을 정해야 한다.
Can you place the book on the shelf?
책을 선반에 놓아줄 수 있니?
Použití: formal/informalKontext: Refers to putting something in a specific location.
Poznámka: Can be used in both casual and formal speech.

위치에 두다 (wichie duda)

You should place the blame where it belongs.
책임은 그에 맞는 곳에 두어야 한다.
Place your trust in those who deserve it.
신뢰를 받을 자에게 두어라.
Použití: formalKontext: Used metaphorically to indicate assigning responsibility or feelings.
Poznámka: This meaning is more conceptual than physical.

Synonyma Place


Location refers to a particular place or position.
Příklad: The location of the new office is downtown.
Poznámka: Location is often used in a more specific context, emphasizing the exact position or site of something.


Site refers to a place where something is located or where an event takes place.
Příklad: The construction site is buzzing with activity.
Poznámka: Site is commonly used to refer to a specific area designated for a particular purpose, such as a construction site or a historical site.


Spot refers to a particular place or location.
Příklad: Let's meet at our favorite spot in the park.
Poznámka: Spot is often used informally to refer to a specific, usually small, place that is known or favored by someone.


Venue refers to the place where an event or activity happens.
Příklad: The wedding reception will be held at a beautiful venue by the beach.
Poznámka: Venue is typically used to describe a place where gatherings, performances, or events are held.


Setting refers to the surroundings or environment in which something is located or takes place.
Příklad: The novel's setting is a quaint village in the countryside.
Poznámka: Setting is often used in literary or artistic contexts to describe the time and place in which a story or scene unfolds.

Výrazy a časté fráze Place

in place

Functioning or positioned correctly; ready or prepared.
Příklad: Make sure all the decorations are in place before the party starts.
Poznámka: The phrase 'in place' signifies being correctly positioned or prepared, unlike just the word 'place' which refers to a location.

out of place

Not in the proper or usual location or arrangement; inappropriate.
Příklad: His loud laughter was out of place during the somber ceremony.
Poznámka: Contrary to the word 'place' representing a location, 'out of place' refers to something being inappropriate or not in its proper location.

take place

To happen or occur.
Příklad: The meeting will take place in the conference room at 3 p.m.
Poznámka: While 'place' refers to a location, 'take place' denotes an event happening or occurring at a specific location.

know one's place

To understand and accept one's position or rank in a social hierarchy.
Příklad: She always knew her place in the company and never overstepped her boundaries.
Poznámka: Unlike 'place' which denotes a physical location, 'know one's place' refers to understanding one's social status or position.

all over the place

Disorganized or scattered; lacking a clear direction.
Příklad: His thoughts were all over the place during the exam, making it hard to focus.
Poznámka: In contrast to the word 'place' indicating a specific location, 'all over the place' implies being disorganized or scattered in thoughts or actions.

Place každodenní (slangové) výrazy


Hangout is a relaxed and informal place where people often spend time socializing or relaxing.
Příklad: This cafe is our favorite hangout on weekends.
Poznámka: Hangout specifically denotes a place where people gather, socialize, or relax.


Joint is slang for a particular place, especially a restaurant or bar.
Příklad: Let's grab a bite at that new burger joint downtown.
Poznámka: Joint is commonly used informally and typically refers to places where people eat, drink, or hang out.


Digs refer to one's living quarters or residence.
Příklad: His new digs in the city are really stylish.
Poznámka: Digs is more informal and often implies a sense of style or comfort in one's living space.


Pad is slang for one's residence or living space.
Příklad: Come hang out at my pad this Friday.
Poznámka: Pad is a casual and familiar term for a place where someone lives or stays.


Hood is short for neighborhood, referring to a specific area or district.
Příklad: I grew up in a rough neighborhood.
Poznámka: Hood is often used informally and can imply a sense of community or belonging in a specific area.


Crib is slang for one's home, house, or apartment.
Příklad: Let's have a movie night at my crib this weekend.
Poznámka: Crib is a more informal and affectionate term for one's living space or residence.

Place - Příklady

The place was crowded.
그 장소는 붐비고 있었다.
I need to find a quiet place to study.
나는 공부할 조용한 장소를 찾아야 한다.
This is a beautiful place to visit.
여기는 방문하기에 아름다운 장소이다.

Gramatika Place

Place - Podstatné jméno (Noun) / Podstatné jméno, jednotné nebo hromadné (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemma: place
Podstatné jméno, množné číslo (Noun, plural): places
Podstatné jméno, jednotné nebo hromadné (Noun, singular or mass): place
Sloveso, minulý čas (Verb, past tense): placed
Sloveso, gerundium nebo přítomné příčestí (Verb, gerund or present participle): placing
Sloveso, 3. osoba jednotného čísla přítomného času (Verb, 3rd person singular present): places
Sloveso, základní tvar (Verb, base form): place
Sloveso, přítomný čas ne 3. osoba jednotného čísla (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): place
Slabiky, Rozčlenění a Přízvuk
place obsahuje 1 slabik: place
Fonetický přepis: ˈplās
place , ˈplās (Červená slabika je přízvučná)

Place - Důležitost a četnost používání

Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000.
place: 600 - 700 (Extrémně Běžný).
Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy ti pomáhá snadno objevovat, organizovat a učit se nová slova a fráze. Vytvářej personalizované sbírky slovní zásoby a procvičuj kdykoli a kdekoli.