Engelsk - Norsk


Ekstremt Almindelig
700 - 800
700 - 800
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.

Oppdatering, Oppdatere, Nyheter, Revisjon

Betydninger af Update på norsk (bokmål)


I need to do an update on my software.
Jeg må gjøre en oppdatering på programvaren min.
Can you give me an update on the project?
Kan du gi meg en oppdatering om prosjektet?
Brug: FormalSammenhæng: Used in both professional and casual settings to refer to new information or changes.
Bemærk: This is the most common translation and is used in various contexts, especially in technology and project management.


I will update the document with the latest information.
Jeg vil oppdatere dokumentet med den nyeste informasjonen.
Please update me if there are any changes.
Vennligst oppdater meg hvis det er noen endringer.
Brug: Formal/InformalSammenhæng: Used when referring to the act of making something current or adding new information.
Bemærk: This is the verb form of 'update' and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.


The news report provided an update on the situation.
Nyhetsrapporten ga en oppdatering om situasjonen.
I just received an update about the event.
Jeg fikk nettopp en oppdatering om arrangementet.
Brug: Formal/InformalSammenhæng: Used in contexts where new information or developments are shared, often in media or communication.
Bemærk: This meaning is often used in news contexts and can refer to updates on various topics.


The update of the policy required a thorough revision.
Oppdateringen av retningslinjene krevde en grundig revisjon.
They conducted an update of the regulations.
De gjennomførte en oppdatering av forskriftene.
Brug: FormalSammenhæng: Used in legal or regulatory contexts to refer to the process of reviewing and modifying existing documents.
Bemærk: This is a more specialized use of the term, often found in legal or administrative settings.

Synonymer for Update


To upgrade something means to improve or enhance it to a higher or better version.
Eksempel: I upgraded my phone to the latest model.
Bemærk: Upgrade often implies a significant improvement or advancement, while update focuses more on making changes to bring something up to date.


To revise means to make changes or corrections to something in order to improve it or make it more accurate.
Eksempel: I need to revise my presentation before the meeting.
Bemærk: Revision typically involves a more thorough review and modification of existing content compared to a simple update.


To modify means to make changes to something in order to alter or adapt it.
Eksempel: I need to modify the design to meet the client's requirements.
Bemærk: Modification can involve more substantial changes compared to a routine update, which may involve minor adjustments.


To amend means to make minor changes or additions to a document or a plan.
Eksempel: The contract needs to be amended to include the new terms.
Bemærk: Amendment typically refers to making specific changes or additions to improve accuracy or clarity, similar to an update but often more formal.

Updates udtryk og almindelige sætninger

Keep someone updated

To provide someone with the most recent information or developments.
Eksempel: I'll keep you updated on the progress of the project.
Bemærk: This phrase emphasizes the ongoing nature of providing updates to someone.

Get updated

To obtain the most recent information or knowledge.
Eksempel: Make sure to get updated on the latest news before the meeting.
Bemærk: This phrase focuses on the act of receiving updates rather than giving them.

Update on something

To provide information or news about a specific topic or situation.
Eksempel: Can you give us an update on the current situation?
Bemærk: This phrase specifies the subject or topic for which the update is being given.

Update something/someone

To make changes or improvements to something or someone to bring it up to date.
Eksempel: I need to update my resume before applying for the job.
Bemærk: This phrase involves actively modifying or enhancing something rather than just providing information about it.

Stay updated

To continue to be informed about the latest developments or changes.
Eksempel: It's important to stay updated on industry trends to remain competitive.
Bemærk: This phrase implies the need for ongoing awareness and knowledge of updates in a particular field.

Updates dagligdags (slang) udtryk

Give me the lowdown

To give someone the essential information or details about something.
Eksempel: Hey, can you give me the lowdown on the new project updates?
Bemærk: The slang term 'lowdown' emphasizes giving a concise and straightforward summary.

Fill me in

To provide someone with the information they do not know about a situation or topic.
Eksempel: I missed the meeting, can you fill me in on what was discussed?
Bemærk: The slang term 'fill me in' implies catching someone up on necessary details.

Clue me in

To inform or enlighten someone about a particular matter or situation.
Eksempel: Can you clue me in on the latest tech updates?
Bemærk: The term 'clue me in' suggests providing insider information or insights.

What's the scoop?

To ask for the latest news or information on a particular subject.
Eksempel: Hey, what's the scoop on the software update everyone's talking about?
Bemærk: The slang term 'scoop' refers to getting the latest insights or details, often implying exclusivity.

Hit me up

To contact or message someone, usually for updates or information.
Eksempel: If you have any news to share, just hit me up.
Bemærk: The slang term 'hit me up' suggests reaching out for communication, often regarding new developments.

Give me the 411

To request the vital or inside information on a specific topic.
Eksempel: I need the 411 on the marketing campaign updates.
Bemærk: The slang term '411' is derived from the telephone number for directory assistance, emphasizing getting the essential details.

Spill the tea

To share gossip, secrets, or the latest news about something.
Eksempel: Come on, spill the tea on the upcoming product update.
Bemærk: The slang term 'spill the tea' implies sharing juicy or exciting details, often in a dramatic or intriguing manner.

Update - Eksempler

The software requires an update.
Programvaren krever en oppdatering.
I need to update my wardrobe for the new season.
Jeg må oppdatere garderoben min for den nye sesongen.
Can you please update me on the progress of the project?
Kan du vennligst oppdatere meg om fremdriften av prosjektet?

Updates grammatik

Update - Udsagnsord (Verb) / Verbum, grundform (Verb, base form)
Opslagsform: update
Substantiv, flertal (Noun, plural): updates
Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): update
Verbum, datid (Verb, past tense): updated
Verbum, gerundium eller præsens participium (Verb, gerund or present participle): updating
Verbum, 3. person ental nutid (Verb, 3rd person singular present): updates
Verbum, grundform (Verb, base form): update
Verbum, nutid ikke 3. person ental (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): update
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
Update indeholder 2 stavelser: up • date
Fonetisk transkription: ˌəp-ˈdāt
up date , ˌəp ˈdāt (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)

Update - Betydning og brugsfrekvens

Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
Update: 700 - 800 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Vocafy, effektivt sprogindlæring
Vocafy, effektivt sprogindlæring
Vocafy hjælper dig med at opdage, organisere og lære nye ord og sætninger med lethed. Byg personlige ordforrådssamlinger og øv når som helst, hvor som helst.