Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia
Sangat Umum
500 - 600
500 - 600
Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000. Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.

situasi, keadaan, posisi, lokasi

Makna Situation dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kata "situation" dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk merujuk pada keadaan atau kondisi tertentu yang sedang terjadi. Kata ini sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, baik formal maupun informal.

Penggunaan "situation" dapat ditemukan dalam kalimat sehari-hari, seperti:

  1. Deskripsi Keadaan: "The situation in the city has improved since the new policies were implemented." (Keadaan di kota telah membaik sejak kebijakan baru diterapkan.)
  2. Pengambilan Keputusan: "We need to assess the situation before making any decisions." (Kita perlu menilai situasi sebelum membuat keputusan.)
  3. Konteks Emosional: "She found herself in a difficult situation." (Dia mendapati dirinya dalam situasi yang sulit.)
  4. Penggunaan dalam Pertanyaan: "What would you do in this situation?" (Apa yang akan kamu lakukan dalam situasi ini?)

Kata ini sering digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan, mulai dari pelajar, profesional, hingga dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Dalam konteks formal, "situation" dapat digunakan dalam laporan, presentasi, atau diskusi resmi. Dalam konteks informal, kata ini dapat digunakan dalam percakapan biasa atau saat bercerita tentang pengalaman pribadi.

Beberapa frasa umum yang menggunakan kata "situation" antara lain:

  • "In this situation" (Dalam situasi ini)
  • "A challenging situation" (Situasi yang menantang)
  • "Under the current situation" (Di bawah situasi saat ini)

Kesalahan umum yang terjadi saat menggunakan kata ini termasuk penggunaan yang tidak tepat dalam konteks atau pengucapan yang kurang jelas. Pastikan untuk tidak mencampuradukkan "situation" dengan kata lain yang memiliki arti serupa tetapi digunakan dalam konteks yang berbeda, seperti "circumstance" (keadaan) yang lebih spesifik pada faktor luar.

Kata "situation" memiliki sinonim seperti "condition" (kondisi) dan "state" (keadaan), sedangkan antonimnya bisa berupa "solution" (solusi) dalam konteks masalah yang dihadapi.

Dalam hal pengucapan, "situation" diucapkan /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən/, dengan penekanan pada suku kata ketiga.

Secara gramatikal, "situation" adalah kata benda (noun) yang dapat dihitung (countable noun), sehingga dapat digunakan dalam bentuk tunggal atau jamak, meskipun penggunaan bentuk jamaknya "situations" lebih jarang dalam konteks sehari-hari.

Etymologi kata "situation" berasal dari bahasa Latin "situatio," yang berarti penempatan atau posisi.

Makna Situation dalam bahasa Indonesia


The situation is getting worse.
Situasi semakin buruk.
Can you describe the situation?
Bisakah kamu menggambarkan situasinya?
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Used in various contexts, both formal and informal, to describe a set of circumstances or conditions.
Catatan: Commonly used in everyday conversations as well as in official reports.


The current state of the situation is critical.
Keadaan saat ini dari situasi sangat kritis.
We need to assess the situation before making a decision.
Kita perlu menilai keadaan sebelum mengambil keputusan.
Penggunaan: formalKonteks: Often used in formal settings, such as meetings or discussions about emergencies.
Catatan: This term emphasizes the state or condition of something, often used in more serious contexts.


His situation in the company is quite secure.
Posisinya di perusahaan cukup aman.
She is in a difficult situation right now.
Dia berada dalam posisi yang sulit saat ini.
Penggunaan: informalKonteks: Used in both casual and formal discussions to refer to someone's status or role.
Catatan: This meaning is more about someone's standing or rank in a specific context.


The situation of the building is ideal for business.
Lokasi gedung tersebut sangat ideal untuk bisnis.
This is a good situation for setting up a shop.
Ini adalah lokasi yang baik untuk membuka toko.
Penggunaan: formal/informalKonteks: Commonly used in discussions about geography, real estate, or planning.
Catatan: Refers specifically to the physical location or placement of something.

Sinonim Situation


Circumstances refer to the conditions or factors affecting a situation.
Contoh: Given the circumstances, we had to cancel the event.
Catatan: While 'situation' is a more general term, 'circumstances' specifically focuses on the surrounding conditions or factors.


A scenario is a possible sequence of events or a set of circumstances.
Contoh: Let's consider a different scenario for solving this problem.
Catatan: Unlike 'situation,' which is a broader term, 'scenario' often implies a specific sequence of events or circumstances.


Context refers to the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea.
Contoh: To understand the meaning, you need to know the context in which it was said.
Catatan: While 'situation' can be more general, 'context' specifically focuses on the setting or background of a situation.


Condition refers to the state or quality of something at a particular time.
Contoh: The condition of the roads made driving difficult.
Catatan: Compared to 'situation,' 'condition' emphasizes the state or quality of something rather than the overall circumstances.

Ekspresi dan frasa umum dari Situation

In a tight spot

This phrase means being in a difficult or challenging situation where finding a solution is not easy.
Contoh: I'm in a tight spot financially and need to find a way to pay my rent this month.
Catatan: It emphasizes the severity or urgency of the situation.

Between a rock and a hard place

This idiom describes being in a situation where you have to choose between two equally undesirable options.
Contoh: I'm between a rock and a hard place because if I quit my job, I won't have income, but if I stay, I'm unhappy.
Catatan: It vividly illustrates the feeling of being trapped with no good choices.

Make the best of a bad situation

This phrase means to try to find something positive or beneficial in a difficult or unfavorable situation.
Contoh: Even though the project failed, we tried to make the best of a bad situation by learning from our mistakes.
Catatan: It suggests actively looking for ways to improve or cope with the situation.

In dire straits

To be in dire straits means to be in an extremely serious, difficult, or desperate situation.
Contoh: The company is in dire straits and may have to lay off employees to survive.
Catatan: It conveys a sense of urgency and severity beyond a typical difficult situation.

Call the shots

To call the shots means to be in a position of authority where you make important decisions and control the situation.
Contoh: As the project manager, Sarah gets to call the shots and make the final decisions.
Catatan: It emphasizes having power or control over a situation rather than just being a part of it.

Up the ante

To up the ante means to increase the level of something, especially in a competitive situation, to make it more intense or challenging.
Contoh: The competitor upped the ante by offering a better deal, forcing us to reconsider our strategy.
Catatan: It signifies raising the stakes or making a situation more serious or demanding.

In a pickle

To be in a pickle means to be in a difficult or troublesome situation that is hard to get out of.
Contoh: I'm in a pickle because I accidentally locked my keys in the car and have no spare.
Catatan: It conveys a sense of being in a tricky or uncomfortable situation.

Ekspresi sehari-hari (slang) dari Situation


Used to describe a complicated or chaotic situation.
Contoh: He got himself into quite a mess with that situation.
Catatan: While 'mess' implies disorder or confusion, 'situation' is a more neutral term.


Refers to being in a difficult or problematic situation.
Contoh: We're in a jam with this whole situation.
Catatan: 'Jam' suggests being stuck or trapped, while 'situation' is a broader term.


Indicates a difficult or unfortunate situation.
Contoh: She found herself in a plight after the project fell through.
Catatan: 'Plight' conveys a sense of distress or trouble, whereas 'situation' is more general.

Rough patch

Describes a period of difficulty or trouble in a situation.
Contoh: They're going through a rough patch in their relationship right now.
Catatan: While 'rough patch' focuses on a specific period of hardship, 'situation' is a broader term.


Refers to a difficult situation or dilemma.
Contoh: We're in a bind with this last-minute change of plans.
Catatan: 'Bind' suggests being constrained or restricted, whereas 'situation' is more neutral.


Indicates a situation requiring a choice between options, both of which are undesirable.
Contoh: I'm facing a dilemma regarding which job offer to accept.
Catatan: 'Dilemma' emphasizes the need to make a difficult decision, while 'situation' is a broader term.


Describes being in a difficult or challenging situation.
Contoh: We're in a fix with the budget for this project.
Catatan: 'Fix' implies being in a problematic situation that needs to be resolved, while 'situation' is more general.

Situation - Contoh

The situation is getting worse every day.
Situasi semakin memburuk setiap hari.
We need to do a situation analysis before making any decisions.
Kita perlu melakukan analisis situasi sebelum mengambil keputusan.
Can you give me a situation report on the project?
Bisakah kamu memberikan laporan situasi tentang proyek tersebut?

Tata bahasa Situation

Situation - Kata benda (Noun) / Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: situation
Kata benda, jamak (Noun, plural): situations, situation
Kata benda, tunggal atau massa (Noun, singular or mass): situation
Suku Kata, Pemisahan Kata, dan Penekanan
situation mengandung 4 suku kata: sit • u • a • tion
Transkripsi fonetik: ˌsi-chə-ˈwā-shən
sit u a tion , ˌsi chə ˈwā shən (Suku kata merah adalah yang diberi tekanan)

Situation - Kepentingan dan frekuensi penggunaan

Indeks frekuensi dan pentingnya kata menunjukkan seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul dalam bahasa tertentu. Semakin kecil angkanya, semakin sering kata tersebut digunakan. Kata yang paling sering digunakan biasanya berkisar dari 1 hingga 4000.
situation: 500 - 600 (Sangat Umum).
Indeks penting ini membantu Anda fokus pada kata-kata yang paling berguna selama proses belajar bahasa Anda.
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy, belajar bahasa yang efisien
Vocafy membantu kamu menemukan, mengatur, dan mempelajari kata-kata dan frasa baru dengan mudah. Bangun koleksi kosakata yang dipersonalisasi, dan berlatih kapan saja, di mana saja.