Inglese - Italiano
Estremamente Comune
500 - 600
500 - 600
L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000. Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.

orso, sopportare, sopportare, portare

Significati di Bear in italiano

La parola "bear" in inglese ha diversi significati e usi pratici. Può essere un sostantivo o un verbo, e la sua applicazione varia a seconda del contesto.

Uso come sostantivo:

  1. Animale: "Bear" si riferisce a un grande mammifero carnivoro, come l'orso. Esempio: "We saw a bear in the forest." (Abbiamo visto un orso nella foresta.)
  2. Figurativo: Può anche essere usato in espressioni figurative, come in "bear market," che indica un mercato finanziario in calo.

Uso come verbo:

  1. Portare: Significa portare o sostenere. Esempio: "She bears the weight of her responsibilities." (Lei sopporta il peso delle sue responsabilità.)
  2. Sopportare: Utilizzato per indicare la capacità di tollerare o sopportare qualcosa. Esempio: "I can't bear the noise." (Non posso sopportare il rumore.)
  3. Generare: Può anche significare dare alla luce. Esempio: "She will bear a child next year." (Lei darà alla luce un bambino l'anno prossimo.)

Frasi comuni ed espressioni:

  • "Bear in mind": significa tenere a mente. Esempio: "Bear in mind that the deadline is approaching." (Tieni a mente che la scadenza si avvicina.)
  • "Bear with me": usato quando si chiede pazienza. Esempio: "Please bear with me while I find the information." (Per favore, abbi pazienza mentre cerco l'informazione.)

Contesto d'uso:
"Bear" è utilizzato in contesti sia formali che informali, a seconda della frase. Le espressioni come "bear in mind" possono apparire in scritti formali, mentre "I can't bear this" è più colloquiale.

Errori comuni:
Un errore frequente è confondere "bear" con "bare". "Bear" si riferisce a portare o sopportare, mentre "bare" significa scoprire o rendere nudo.

Parole correlate:

  • Sinonimi: "endure" (sopportare), "carry" (portare).
  • Antonimi: "abandon" (abbandonare), "release" (rilasciare).

La parola "bear" si pronuncia /bɛər/. È importante notare la pronuncia della "ea", che può confondere i parlanti non nativi.

La parola "bear" deriva dall'inglese antico "bera," che significa "orso." Come verbo, ha origini nel significato di "portare" o "sostenere."

Significati di Bear in italiano


The bear is a strong animal.
L'orso è un animale forte.
We saw a bear in the forest.
Abbiamo visto un orso nella foresta.
Uso: formaleContesto: Talking about animals or in a natural setting
Nota: The Italian word 'orso' specifically refers to the animal bear.


I can't bear the thought of losing you.
Non posso sopportare l'idea di perderti.
She can't bear to see him suffer.
Non sopporta di vederlo soffrire.
Uso: formale/informaleContesto: Expressing tolerance or endurance
Nota: This meaning of 'bear' is used to convey enduring or tolerating a difficult situation or emotion.


I can't bear this heat anymore.
Non sopporto più questo caldo.
He can't bear the loud music.
Non sopporta la musica ad alto volume.
Uso: informaleContesto: Expressing an inability to tolerate something
Nota: This meaning of 'bear' implies difficulty in enduring a specific situation or condition.


She bore the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Portava il peso del mondo sulle spalle.
The ship bore the brunt of the storm.
La nave ha sopportato il grosso della tempesta.
Uso: formaleContesto: Referring to carrying or supporting a burden
Nota: In this context, 'bear' is used to convey carrying or enduring a heavy load or responsibility.

Sinonimi di Bear


To endure means to bear with patience or tolerance, especially in the face of adversity.
Esempio: She had to endure the pain of losing her loved one.
Nota: While 'bear' can also mean to endure, 'endure' specifically emphasizes the idea of facing hardship or difficulty with resilience.


To tolerate means to accept or endure something unpleasant or difficult.
Esempio: I can't tolerate the noise coming from the construction site.
Nota: Tolerate implies a level of acceptance or allowance of something undesirable, whereas 'bear' can be more general in its meaning of carrying or supporting.


To carry means to support the weight or burden of something and move it from one place to another.
Esempio: He had to carry the heavy load up the stairs.
Nota: While 'bear' can also mean to carry, 'carry' specifically focuses on physically transporting something from one place to another.


To sustain means to bear the weight of something or to support it without breaking or failing.
Esempio: The old bridge could no longer sustain the weight of heavy vehicles.
Nota: Sustain emphasizes the idea of supporting or upholding something, often in a physical sense, while 'bear' can have a broader meaning of enduring or carrying.

Espressioni e frasi comuni di Bear

Grin and bear it

To accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining.
Esempio: Even though the situation was difficult, she decided to grin and bear it.
Nota: The phrase 'grin and bear it' uses 'bear' metaphorically to mean enduring or tolerating something unpleasant.

Bear with me

Asking for someone's patience or understanding while you deal with something.
Esempio: I'm still setting up the presentation, please bear with me for a few more minutes.
Nota: In this phrase, 'bear' means to endure or tolerate the delay or inconvenience caused by the speaker.

Bear fruit

To yield positive results or outcomes after a period of effort or investment.
Esempio: After months of hard work, their efforts finally bore fruit with a successful product launch.
Nota: Here, 'bear' is used to indicate the productive outcome or result of a process.

Bear in mind

To remember or consider something as a factor in one's thoughts or plans.
Esempio: When making your decision, bear in mind the potential consequences.
Nota: 'Bear in mind' means to keep something in one's thoughts or considerations.

Bear the brunt

To endure the worst part or the main impact of something negative.
Esempio: During the storm, the coastal town bore the brunt of the damage.
Nota: In this phrase, 'bear' is used to indicate bearing or withstanding the force or impact of something.

Like a bear with a sore head

To describe someone who is extremely irritable, bad-tempered, or grumpy.
Esempio: Don't bother him today, he's been grumpy all morning, like a bear with a sore head.
Nota: This idiom uses 'bear' in a simile to convey the likeness of someone's mood or behavior to that of an angry or irritated bear.

Bear witness

To provide evidence or testimony about something that has been witnessed.
Esempio: The survivor was asked to bear witness to the events that took place.
Nota: Here, 'bear' means to testify or attest to something that has been seen or experienced.

Bear the cost

To accept responsibility for paying the expenses or consequences of something.
Esempio: As a business owner, you must be prepared to bear the cost of any damages caused by your employees.
Nota: In this context, 'bear' implies taking on the financial burden or responsibility for covering the costs.

Bear up

To endure difficulties or cope with a challenging situation with resilience.
Esempio: Despite the challenges, she managed to bear up and stay strong throughout the difficult times.
Nota: 'Bear up' suggests staying strong and resilient in the face of adversity or hardship, akin to 'bearing the weight' of a situation.

Espressioni quotidiane (slang) di Bear


This is the basic meaning of the word 'bear', which refers to enduring or carrying a burden or difficulty.
Esempio: I can't bear the thought of losing you.
Nota: This term is used in a literal sense without any slang connotation.

Bear market

In finance, a bear market refers to a prolonged period of falling stock prices, typically characterized by investor pessimism.
Esempio: During a bear market, investors tend to be cautious and sell off stocks.
Nota: This term is a specific financial term related to stock market trends.

Teddy bear

A teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear, often for children, that provides a sense of companionship and comfort.
Esempio: She keeps a teddy bear on her bed for comfort.
Nota: This term refers to a specific type of soft toy and is not inherently connected to the animal bear.

Bear hug

A bear hug is an enthusiastic and tight embrace, often involving wrapping one's arms completely around another person.
Esempio: He greeted me with a warm bear hug.
Nota: While a bear hug involves physical contact like a bear does, the term itself is a playful and affectionate way of describing a hug.


Bearable means that something can be endured or tolerated, even if it is difficult or unpleasant.
Esempio: The pain is bearable with medication.
Nota: This term is derived from 'bear', indicating the ability to cope with a challenging situation.

Bear with a sore head

This phrase describes someone who is extremely irritable or in a bad mood, likening them to a bear in discomfort.
Esempio: He woke up grumpy and was as bad-tempered as a bear with a sore head.
Nota: The phrase is a vivid comparison to emphasize someone's irritability, rather than referring to an actual bear with a sore head.

Bear - Esempi

The bear is hibernating in its den.
L'orso sta ibernando nella sua tana.
Winnie the Pooh is a famous bear character.
Winnie the Pooh è un famoso personaggio orso.
Polar bears are adapted to living in cold environments.
Gli orsi polari sono adattati a vivere in ambienti freddi.

Grammatica di Bear

Bear - Verbo (Verb) / Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form)
Lemma: bear
Sostantivo, plurale (Noun, plural): bears, bear
Sostantivo, singolare o massa (Noun, singular or mass): bear
Verbo, tempo passato (Verb, past tense): bore
Verbo, participio passato (Verb, past participle): born, borne
Verbo, gerundio o participio presente (Verb, gerund or present participle): bearing
Verbo, terza persona singolare presente (Verb, 3rd person singular present): bears
Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form): bear
Verbo, presente non alla terza persona singolare (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): bear
Sillabe, Separação e Accento
bear contiene 1 sillabe: bear
Trascrizione fonetica: ˈber
bear , ˈber (La sillaba rossa è accentata)

Bear - Importanza e frequenza di utilizzo

L'indice di frequenza e importanza delle parole indica quanto spesso una parola appare in una data lingua. Più piccolo è il numero, più frequentemente la parola viene usata. Le parole più frequentemente usate vanno tipicamente da 1 a 4000.
bear: 500 - 600 (Estremamente Comune).
Questo indice di importanza ti aiuta a concentrarti sulle parole più utili durante il processo di apprendimento della lingua.
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy, apprendimento linguistico efficiente
Vocafy ti aiuta a scoprire, organizzare e imparare nuove parole e frasi con facilità. Crea collezioni di vocabolario personalizzate e pratica in qualsiasi momento, ovunque.